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App Central



JDownloader2 asustor NAS App


  • 官方網站
  • 用戶回饋
  • 開發者: JDownloader team
  • 維護者: Father_mande
  • 版本: 2.0-1.6
  • 分類: 下載工具
  • 檔案大小: 3.54MB
  • 支援機型: AS6, AS70, AS50, AS51, AS2, AS3, AS10, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS40, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS11, AS33, AS67, AS54, AS11TL, AS33v2, AS68, FS67
  • 最後更新時間: 2021-08-26


JDownloader is a free, open-source download management tool with a huge community of developers that makes downloading as easy and fast as it should be. Users can start, stop or pause downloads, set bandwith limitations, auto-extract archives and much more. It's an easy-to-extend framework that can save hours of your valuable time every day!

ATTENTION : Please follow the initial procedure needed for REAL install


READ section : [How-to MUST BE READ FIRST] DO THIS only after a fresh install (not needed after update)


Support ADM 3.x AND ADM 4.x
... new jdl2 command to do anythings
... APKG is disabled up to you finish install (using jdl2)

... suppress option -norestart that complexify in normal usage the internal update process (bug is : manual restart required)
... this version will go Disable state automatically, please reference the forum URL in description to manually initial it and enable it.

MANDATORY for a FRESH install under A.D.M. 3.0
... support using ANOTHER JRE (even official JRE stay a perquisite)
... scripts change to comply A.D.M. 3.0 change in APKG management

Solve problem (due to Asustor APKG management) preventing disabling the APKG
in App. Central

JDownloader2 asustor NAS App