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SABnzbdplus asustor NAS App



SABnzbd是用Python编写的一个开放原始码新闻阅读器。SABnzbd尽可能使用自动化以达到简化Usenet 上的事物。


V 20230921: Fix venv import to use virtualenv. Fix issues with _cffi_backend failing to import.

V 20230608: Fix install of sabctools via pip for latest version.

V 20230501: Force build of sabctools via pip.

V 20220408: Update git paths to https:// (depreciate git://). Update icons. Prevent update beyond 3.5.0 on 32 bit systems.

V 20220211: Default to Master SABnzbd branch. Force Upgrade of ENTWARE on install.

V 20220207: Fix issues with sabyenc versions. Force to always compile latest.

V 20201009: Fix startup issues where /opt doesn't have enough space on i386.

V 20200928: Change start script to return 0 on start if service running.

V 20200925: Fixed issue with sabyenc3 version.

V 20200909: Moved to Python3 support using Entware and venv.

V 20180105: Updated sabyenc to 3.3.2

V 20170815: Added default encoding and sabyenc.

V 20160415: Included sabnzbd source as start point to avoid time-out on install.

V 20160320: Switch to git repository.

V 20151007: Added ARM Support.

V 20150928: Fix Beta Upgrade issues.

V 20140701: Symlink python2.7 to python2.
Fix constant download of ffprobe.

V 20140510: Added ffmpeg and ffprobe.

V 20140421: Now runs as admin in administrators group.

V 20140410: Updated unrar to 5.10. Added fix for AppCentral Permissions.

V 20140320: Use start-stop-daemon to verify correct pid and process. Fixes failure to restart after hard shut-down of NAS.

V 20131204: Added chown of download direcotry on uninstall.
Now runs as admin using start-stop-daemon

V 20130818: Fixed OpenSSL module for 3 series.

V 20130816: Fixed folder permissions
Created repository for 32 bit.

V 20130703: Updated to ADK V2.0
Requires ADM 2.0+
Compatible with 6 series and 3 series.

V 20130127: Yet another port change. from 8080 to 8088 this time, as 8080 was already in use.

Initial release. Please report any problems experienced.

SABnzbdplus asustor NAS App