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App Central



webERP asustor NAS App


  • 官方网站
  • 用户回馈
  • 开发者: weberp.org
  • 维护者: Patrick
  • 版本: 4.15.1.r1
  • 分类: 办公室应用
  • 档案大小: 31.1MB
  • 可用系列: AS6, AS70, AS50, AS51, AS2, AS3, AS10, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS40, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS11, AS33, AS67, AS54, AS11TL, AS33v2, AS68, FS67
  • 最后更新时间: 2020-01-17


** WebERP is not compatible with PHP 8 and above, please keep using PHP 7.3 or 7.4.

webERP is a complete web based accounting and business management system that requires only a web-browser and pdf reader to use. It has a wide range of features suitable for many businesses particularly distributed businesses in wholesale, distribution and manufacturing.



- Update to latest version v4.15.1.

webERP asustor NAS App