Take advantage of a thirty day free trial* of Plex Pass for ASUSTOR. Anyone who downloads Plex Media Server from App Central can apply for an upgrade to a premium account for more Plex functionality.
Plex Pass thirty day free trial coupon code: Asustor-Plex30
here to take advantage of the Plex Pass thirty day trial*.
*One pass per customer. No substitutions. Credit card required for Plex Pass. Please read and agree to Plex terms and conditions before signing up to Plex services. ASUSTOR does not offer any warranty for Plex software and does not take any responsibility for customer use of Plex software and services. Thirty day free trial has no cash value. Offer subject to change without warning. Plex and ASUSTOR reserve the right to rescind this offer at any time for any reason necessary. Offer void where prohibited. Must be age of majority in your jurisdiction to participate.
Plex Media Server allows you to stream media to a wide range of devices.
Introducing Plex Media Server
For more information about changes to Plex, see our release-notes online: