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NAS 273

Using Nextcloud for collaboration on an ASUSTOR NAS

Installing and using Nextcloud with OnlyOffice for collaboration on ASUSTOR NAS



Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Installing and using Nextcloud with OnlyOffice for collaboration on ASUSTOR NAS.


Course Prerequisites:


Students are expected to have a working knowledge of:



1. Introduction

2. Installing Nextcloud

3. Installing OnlyOffice Docs

3.1 Setting up Group Collaboration in Nextcloud

1. Introduction

Increase productivity with an ASUSTOR NAS and OnlyOffice Docs. An ASUSTOR NAS with Nextcloud and OnlyOffice Docs becomes an extensive productivity suite designed to make editing files, including, but not limited to documents, spreadsheets and presentations even easier than ever. OnlyOffice Docs, a groupware app, also enables multiple users to edit supported files simultaneously, allowing people to easily collaborate on projects.


  • System requirements: An ASUSTOR NAS supporting ADM 4.1 or above.
  • OnlyOffice Docs System requirements: AS31, 32, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, Lockerstor, Lockerstor Gen2, Lockerstor Pro, Flashstor.

2. Installing Nextcloud

  • Using your Web browser, log in to ADM using an administrator account.
  • Select [App Central] [ASUSTOR Apps].
  • Click on [Nextcloud] and press [Install].

After installing, a database and an admin account must be set up.

It’s strongly recommended to use MariaDB in Nextcloud for collaboration. Before setting up the database in Nextcloud, please install MariaDB and phpMyadmin from App Central first.

  • Select [App Central] [ASUSTOR Apps].
  • Click on [MariaDB] and press [Install].
  • Click on [phpMyAdmin] and press [Install].

After installing MariaDB, please change the default port number and password to enhance MariaDB security.

  • Locate the [MariaDB] icon in the ADM desktop and click on it.

  • Change the default port number.
  • Select [Enable MariaDB remote access].

  • Click Change Password.

  • Input the current password and click OK.

    The default password is 'admin'.

  • Locate the [phpMyAdmin] icon in the ADM desktop and click on it.
  • Username is 'root' and the password is the same as your recently changed MariaDB password.

  • Click Databases.
  • Enter a new database name and click Create. Example: nextcloud_docker.

  • Click User accounts.
  • Click Add user account.

  • Enter a new username. It is recommended to use the same name as the database name.
  • Enter a new password and ensure that both checkboxes under Database for user accounts are enabled.
  • Click Go to complete the configuration.

  • Locate the [Nextcloud] icon in the ADM desktop and click on it.
  • Create an admin account.

  • Select MySQL/MariaDB to configure the database.
  • Enter the database name, username and password that you created in phpMyAdmin.
  • For the database host, enter your NAS IP as well as a colon, followed by the port number of MariaDB.
  • Click Install.

  • After the database is installed, you can install recommended apps and log into Nextcloud.

  • Open ADM File explorer.
  • Download /Docker/Nextcloud/data/config/config.php to your computer and then open a text editor to edit it.

  • Add [ 'allow_local_remote_servers' => true, ] to the content and then archive.
  • Upload the edited config.php to the NAS folder [/share/Docker/Nextcloud/data/config/] to overwrite the original file.

3. Installing OnlyOffice Docs

Note: OnlyOffice Docs System requirements: AS31, 32, 52, 53, 54, 61, 62, 63, 64, Lockerstor, Lockerstor Gen2, Lockerstor Pro, Flashstor.

  • Select [App Central] [ASUSTOR Apps].
  • Click on [OnlyOffice Docs] and press [Install].

  • Log into Nextcloud with the admin account.
  • Click the account icon on the top right corner and click Apps.
  • Find ONLYOFFICE under Office & text and click Download and enable.

  • Click the account icon on the top right corner and click Administration settings.
  • Select ONLYOFFICE.
  • Input your NAS IP address followed by a colon (:) and type in the port number, 31080 as the ONLYOFFICE Docs address.
  • Input the assigned secret key. Please find the secret key from the app description of OnlyOffice Docs in the App Central.
  • Click Save.

  • After the OnlyOffice Docs server is successfully saved, more settings can be configured here.

  • Now, you can create or edit document files on Nextcloud with OnlyOffice Docs. Files can also be uploaded to Nextcloud for editing or collaboration.

3.1 Setting up Group Collaboration in Nextcloud

OnlyOffice Docs also enables multiple users to edit supported files simultaneously, allowing people to easily collaborate on projects.

Users can be added to the same group for convenient file sharing and collaborative editing.

  • Click the account icon on the top right corner and click Users.
  • Click + to create a new group. Example: Doc_Collaboration.

  • Click + New user. Example: Asustorpm.
  • Input all required information, and select "Doc_Collaboration" in Groups.
  • Click Add new user.

To simultaneously edit the same file, sharing has to be enabled.

  • Click File Documents.
  • Click .

  • Input Doc_Collaboration in Sharing.

  • Select Allow editing.
  • Click Save share.

  • Now, all files under the Documents folder can be edited by the users belonging to the Doc_Collaboration group.

Other users should now be able to log in NextCloud from another PC or web browser and the shared files or folders can be selected for collaborative editing.

Note: PDF files can be viewed but not edited.

  • Log into Nextcloud with Admin to edit a document file.

  • Log into Nextcloud with another user to edit the same document file.

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