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NAS 272

Using Your NAS as a Syslog Server

Enable your NAS as a Syslog Server to centrally manage the logs from all network devices



Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Use your NAS as a Syslog server to centrally collect and manage all logs from syslog-compliant network devices.


Course Prerequisites:

Students are expected to have a working knowledge of:


1. Configurazione del server Syslog

2. syslog client configuration

3. syslog server management

3.1 Overview

3.2 Log

3.3 Archive

3.4 Notification

1. Configurazione del server Syslog

In the following example, we will configure the ASUSTOR NAS Syslog server.


  • Before you start, log into ADM from a web browser, then search for and install [Syslog Server] from [App Central].


  • Once the installation is complete, click the [Syslog Server] icon in ADM to access it.


  • Select [Settings] from the left panel, check [Enable Syslog Server] and choose [Enable TCP] or [Enable UDP], then click [Apply].


  1. All syslog-compatible clients can send logs via UDP, but not all syslog clients support TCP transmission. Therefore, after specifying the receiving protocol (TCP/UDP) on Syslog Server, make sure that all syslog clients can use the same protocol to send logs.
  2. The default port number for the Syslog protocol is 514. If you change the port number on Syslog Server, use the same port on the client side.
  3. ASUSTOR Syslog Server supports encrypted TCP transmission over SSL. If you enable SSL for TCP reception on Syslog Server, click the [Export] button below to save the SSL certificate on your local computer and import it to all Syslog clients.
  4. If there are multiple Syslog Servers on the same local network, do not configure them in a loop. For example, devices A, B, C support Syslog Server and Syslog Client simultaneously. If the syslog route is defined as AčBčCčA , it is a loop. Messages will be repeatedly sent in a loop, which may cause the entire LAN to fail.


  • Go to the [Filter] tab and click the [Add] button to create filters. Syslog Server will only receive and save logs that meet the specified criteria.

  • Subject: The following parameters are provided in accordance with RFC 3164:
Value Description
auth authorization messages
authpriv Non-system authorization messages
cron planning demon
daemon systemic demons
ftp demon FTP
kern kernel news
lpr line printer subsystem
mail postal system
news network messaging subsystem
security safety news
syslog messages generated internally by syslogd
user user-level messages
uucp UUCP subsystem
local0 local use 0 (local0)
local1 local use 1 (local1)
local2 local use 2 (local2)
local3 local use 3 (local3)
local4 local use 4 (local4)
local5 local use 5 (local5)
local6 local use 6 (local6)
local7 local use 7 (local7)

  • Relevance: the following parameters are provided in accordance with RFC 3164:
Value Description
Emerg The system is not usable
Alert Action should be taken immediately
Crit Critical conditions
Err Error conditions
Warning Warning conditions
Notice Normal but significant condition
Info News releases
Debug Debugging messages

2. Syslog client configuration

In the following example, we will configure the ASUSTOR NAS as a syslog client. As for syslog client settings for other network devices, refer to their user manuals.


  • Click [System Information] in ADM, select the [Log] tab and click the [Syslog] button.


  • Select [Enable Syslog Client], and then enter the Syslog server's IP address, protocol type and port number. Select the type and level of log you want to send to the Syslog server, and then click [OK].

Note: If there are multiple Syslog Servers on the same local network, do not configure them in a loop.

3. Syslog server management

3.1 Overview

There are 3 types of graphical interfaces that allow managers to quickly view the number and distribution of logs.

3.2 Log

Here you can see all the logs received.

  • Export: Here you can select the export file format (HTML or CSV).
  • Latest log: Use this button to switch between recent and archived logs.
  • Clear: Use this button to clear all recent logs.
  • Advanced Search: Here you can define search conditions (keyword, device, level, object, period, program name) to display specific logs.

3.3 Archive

  • Save in: Here you can define the folder where the archived logs will be saved.
  • Log name and format: here you can define naming rules for automatically archived logs.
  • Automatic archiving rules: Here you can define criteria (log size, log number, log time) for the system to automatically archive logs.

3.4 Notification

Here you can define rules to receive email notifications when certain logs are received or when certain events occur.

Note: Before enabling this feature, go to [Settings] → [Notification] in ADM and first complete the email sender configurations in the [Send] tab.

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