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NAS 263

Creating and Using Maps with Surveillance Center

Surveillance Center maps management



Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Understand how to create and use maps with Surveillance Center.


Course Prerequisites:

NAS 161: Introduction to Surveillance Center

Students are expected to have a working knowledge of:

Surveillance Center


1. Creating Maps

1.1 Preparation

1.2 Uploading a map file

1.3 Configuring camera location and angle

1.4 Creating map links

2. Using Maps

2.1 Basic operation

2.2 Event notification

1. Creating Maps

1.1 Preparation

Before creating a map, please make sure that you have completed the following:

  • Surveillance Center has been installed and is enabled.
  • Completed installation of IP cameras.
  • Prepared an image file that you will use as your map.

1.2 Uploading a map file


  • Open Surveillance Center using the administrators account.
  • Select [Settings] [Maps].
  • Now you should be able to see the map editor. The 3 function buttons in the upper left-hand corner have the following functions: Add new map, edit selected map, and remove selected map.


  • Click on the [Add] button.
  • Enter a name for the Map and then select the image file that you wish to use for the map.

1.3 Configuring camera location and angle

Under editing mode, you can use "drag and drop" to place cameras into any position on the map. If you wish to remove a camera, simply drag it back to the devices list. Please note that each individual camera can only be assigned to a single map at a time.

  • You can change the angle of the camera icon on the map by clicking on it.

1.4 Creating map links

When you have multiple maps, you can create map links on your maps. This allows you to quickly and conveniently switch to an associated map.


  • Select that map that you want to edit and then click on the [Edit].
  • At this time, you can use "drag and drop" to place other maps from the maps list onto any position in the map that you are editing. If you wish to remove a map link, simply drag the map icon back to the maps list.
  • After creating a map link, you can click on the map icon (map link) to quickly move to that map.

2. Using Maps

After creating a map, all users will be able to the use the map function from the live view interface.

2.1 Basic operation

  • In the function menu located on the right-hand side of the interface, you can access the map function by clicking on map function button.

  • You are free to move the map window to any location on your screen. If your computer has a double monitor setup, you can also move the map window to your other monitor in order to view both the live view interface and your maps simultaneously.
  • You can use the maps list in the upper left-hand corner to change between maps. Also, you can use the devices list in the lower left-hand corner to switch to the map that a specific camera is located on.
  • If you wish to view the live view of any camera, simply double-click on the camera icon in the map.

2.2 Event notification

When event or motion detection occurs on a camera, the corresponding map will flash bright yellow in the maps list and the corresponding camera icon on the map will flash bright red, helping you to quickly identify the location.

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