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NAS 104

Introduction to Sleep Mode

Learn how to use Sleep Mode with your ASUSTOR NAS.



Upon completion of this course you should be able to:

  1. Have a basic understanding of System Sleep Mode and disk hibernation.
  2. Place your NAS into Sleep Mode and wake it from Sleep Mode.


Course Prerequisites:


Students are expected to have a working knowledge of:



1. About Sleep Mode

1.1 What is Sleep Mode?

1.2 Sleep Mode Settings

2. Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode

2.1 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ADM

2.2 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ASUSTOR Control Center

2.3 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ASUSTOR Portal

2.4 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via AiMaster

2.5 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via the Power Button

3. Waking your NAS from Sleep Mode

3.1 Using the ASUSTOR Remote to Wake your NAS

3.2 Using AiMaster to wake your NAS

3.3 Using the power button to wake your NAS

3.4 Using AEC to wake your NAS

1. About Sleep Mode

1.1 What is Sleep Mode?

ASUSTOR is the first company in the world to create a NAS that features System Sleep Mode (S3). When your NAS devices are not in use, you can put them into Sleep Mode in order to significantly reduce power consumption. When you need to access your NAS again, you will be able to wake it from Sleep Mode in 10 seconds or less.

In addition to Sleep Mode, ASUSTOR's NAS also provides disk hibernation for hard disks that are not in use. During disk hibernation, the system will remain powered on while the hard disks hibernate to save power. Power consumption for each NAS model during normal operation, disk hibernation and Sleep Mode are summarized in the tables below. You can see that putting your NAS into Sleep Mode will allow it to consume significantly less power.

To learn more about power consumption for your ASUSTOR NAS when sleeping, please refer to your NAS’s specifications page.

If sleep mode does not appear within ADM on your NAS, this means your NAS or the specific configuration of your NAS does not support sleep mode.

1.2 Sleep Mode Settings

Numerous ASUSTOR NAS devices support Sleep Mode. If no data is accessed within a specified time, ADM will automatically enter sleep mode S3, also known as Suspend to RAM. The default time is Never and the drop-down menu offers options of 30, 60, 90, and 120 minutes. It is also possible to set the NAS to only allow automatic sleep at certain scheduled times. This means that outside of the specified times, your NAS will not go to sleep.

2. Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode

2.1 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ADM

You can select [Sleep] from the menu in the upper right-hand corner of the ADM interface to place your NAS into Sleep Mode.

2.2 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ASUSTOR Control Center

To use ASUSTOR Control Center to place your NAS into Sleep Mode, select your NAS from the list, click on the [Action] button and then select [Sleep].

2.3 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via ASUSTOR Portal

Click the [Sleep] icon from the power control menu in ASUSTOR Portal to place your NAS into Sleep Mode.

2.4 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via AiMaster

In order to use AiMaster to sleep your NAS, first log into your NAS with AiMaster. Next, select the [More] icon at top right-hand side and then select [Sleep] from the menu.

2.5 Placing your NAS into Sleep Mode via the Power Button


You will first need to configure the power button. Log into ADM and select [Settings] → [Hardware] → [Power]. Under the “Settings” section select [Enter sleep mode] from the drop-down menu for “When the power button is held down for 1.5 seconds:”. Click on [Apply] once you are done.


Hold down the power button (found on the front side of your NAS) for 1.5 seconds to place your NAS into Sleep Mode.

3. Waking your NAS from Sleep Mode

3.1 Using the ASUSTOR Remote to Wake your NAS

If your NAS has an infrared receiver, you will be able to use the ASUSTOR Remote to wake it from Sleep Mode.

Point the remote at the infrared receiver on your NAS and then push the power button on the remote to wake your NAS from Sleep Mode.

3.2 Using Mobile app like AiMaster to Wake your NAS

Before using AiMaster to wake your NAS from Sleep Mode, please ensure that:

  • You have logged into your NAS using AiMaster and have added it to the server list
  • Your NAS and AiMaster are on the same local network

You can use Mobile apps, including but not limited to AiMaster, AiMusic, AiVideos and AiData to turn the NAS on or off remotely.

Find your NAS in AiMaster’s NAS server list. Select the [Wake] button found to the right of the name of your NAS and then select [OK] to confirm that you want to wake your NAS.

3.3 Using the Power Button to Wake your NAS

Push the power button (found on the front of your NAS) to wake your NAS from Sleep Mode.

3.4 Using AEC to wake your NAS

You can use the ASUSTOR’s AEC utility to wake your NAS, as long as your NAS model supports Wake On WAN (e.g., AS6302T or AS6404T models). Wake On WAN allows you to wake your NAS remotely from outside your LAN.

To wake your NAS using AEC, click on the wake button from the top of the interface or to the right of a listed NAS connection. After the NAS has been powered on, it will require a bit of time to restart ADM and all of its services. You will have to wait for a short period before being able to open the ADM Web interface from AEC.

Click here to read more about Wake on LAN (WOL) and Wake on LAN (WOW) support.

FAQ: What are the limitations of Wake on WAN (WOW)?

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