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Om den här appen

DopplerTask asustor NAS App


  • Hemsida
  • Skicka synpunkter
  • Utvecklaren: DopplerTask
  • Ansvarig : Patrick
  • Version : 0.14.6.r01
  • Kategori : Utility
  • Storlek : 5.17KB
  • supportmodell: AS70, AS50, AS51, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS67, AS54, AS68, FS67
  • Senaste uppdateringen : 2022-08-22


DopplerTask is a revolutionary open-source software that allows you to easily automate tasks. Whether it’s a bunch of bash scripts or just starting your car remotely, you can automate it. Build, run, reuse and share automations with anyone around the globe.

Vad är nytt i den här versionen ?

Version: 0.14.6.r01

- Initial release with Docker version 0.14.6.

DopplerTask asustor NAS App