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相容性 - 不斷電系統 (UPS)

使用不斷電系統可保護您的 NAS 不會因為市電突然中斷而導致服務馬上中斷,或不正常關機而造成的資料損失風險。


Last Update: 2024-05-29
Advise HL-2270dw 顯示
Advise IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro 顯示
APC Back Ups CS650 顯示
APC Back-UPS 650 顯示
APC Back-UPS CS 350 顯示
APC Back-UPS ES 700 顯示
APC Back-UPS RS 1500 顯示
APC BE425M 顯示
APC BE700-GR 顯示
APC BK500EI 顯示
APC BK650-CH 顯示
APC BN1100M2 顯示
APC BN650M1-TW 顯示
APC BR-900G-GR 顯示
APC BR1500Gi 顯示
APC BR550GI 顯示
APC BX1400U-MS 顯示
APC BX1500M 顯示
APC BX700UI 顯示
APC BX950U 顯示
APC SMT1000IC 顯示
APC smt1500 顯示
APC SMT3000RM(Smart-UPS 3000 RM ) 顯示
APC SUA 1000 顯示
APC SUA 1000 RM1U 顯示
APC SUA 1000 RM2U 顯示
APC SUA 1500 顯示
APC SUA 2200 顯示
APC SUA 2200 RM2U 顯示
APC SUA 3000 顯示
APC SUA 3000 RM2U 顯示
APC SUA 750 顯示
APC SUA 750 RM2U 顯示
APC SURT 10000XLT 顯示
APC UPS-800VA 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000RM LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000 LE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000C LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000TCP 3/1 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 10000TP 3/1 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000P/RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000T LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1000T LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1500 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1500R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1500RM LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 1500RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 2000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/1 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BI 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BX 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 2000R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 2000RM LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 2000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 2000T LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000 LE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 30000 3/3 BX 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 30000TP 3/3 BE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 30000TP 3/3 BI 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000R 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000RM LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 3000T LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BI 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BX 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000 LE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000 LE PLUS 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000C LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000P/RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000R LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI 6000T LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VFI10000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 3000R 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD/UK 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 PSW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000E/RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1200 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1200 IEC 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1200/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1400 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1400 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD/UK 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500 PSW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500R 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 1500RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD/UK 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 PSW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2200 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2200 IEC 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 2200/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 3000RT LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 600 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 600 SW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 IEC 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 LCD
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 LCD/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 LCD/UK 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 SE
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 650 SE/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 750 PSW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 750R 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 800 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 800 SW 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 IEC 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 LCD 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 LCD/FR 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 LCD/UK 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 SE 顯示
BlueWalker PowerWalker VI 850 SE/FR 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1000EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1500ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE2200EILCD 顯示
CyberPower BR1000ELCD 顯示
CyberPower BR1200ELCD 顯示
CyberPower BR450ELCD
CyberPower BR650ELCD
CyberPower BR700ELCD 顯示
CyberPower BR850ELCD 顯示
CyberPower BRG1000AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower BRG1350AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower BRG1500AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower BRG850AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower BU650EU 顯示
CyberPower CP1000AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1000PFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1000PFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP1200AVR 顯示
CyberPower CP1200SW JP 顯示
CyberPower CP1285AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1300EPFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1300EPFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP1350AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1350PFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1350PFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP1500AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1500AVRT 顯示
CyberPower CP1500EPFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1500EPFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP1500PFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP1500PFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP350SLG 顯示
CyberPower CP375 JP 顯示
CyberPower CP425G 顯示
CyberPower CP425HG 顯示
CyberPower CP425SLG 顯示
CyberPower CP425SLG/CP425HGa 顯示
CyberPower CP500HG 顯示
CyberPower CP550 JP 顯示
CyberPower CP550HG 顯示
CyberPower CP550SLG 顯示
CyberPower CP550SLG/CP550HGa 顯示
CyberPower CP600LCD 顯示
CyberPower CP625HG 顯示
CyberPower CP625HGa
CyberPower CP650HGa 顯示
CyberPower CP685AVR 顯示
CyberPower CP685AVRG 顯示
CyberPower CP685AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP750LCD/CP750LCDM 顯示
CyberPower CP750SWLT JP 顯示
CyberPower CP800AVR 顯示
CyberPower CP825AVRG 顯示
CyberPower CP825AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP825LCD 顯示
CyberPower CP850AVRLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP850PFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP850PFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP900AVR 顯示
CyberPower CP900EPFCLCD 顯示
CyberPower CP900EPFCLCDa 顯示
CyberPower CP900SW JP 顯示
CyberPower CPJ1200 顯示
CyberPower CPJ500 顯示
CyberPower CST135XLU 顯示
CyberPower CST1400S 顯示
CyberPower DX400E
CyberPower DX600E
CyberPower DX800E
CyberPower EC350G 顯示
CyberPower EC550G 顯示
CyberPower EC650LCD 顯示
CyberPower EC650LCD 顯示
CyberPower EC750G 顯示
CyberPower EC850LCD 顯示
CyberPower ELITE Value 2200E 顯示
CyberPower GX1325U 顯示
CyberPower OL1000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL1000EXL 顯示
CyberPower OL1000RT JP 顯示
CyberPower OL1000RTXL2U
CyberPower OL1500ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL1500EXL 顯示
CyberPower OL1500RT JP 顯示
CyberPower OL1500RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL2000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL2000EXL 顯示
CyberPower OL2200ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL2200RT JP 顯示
CyberPower OL2200RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL3000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL3000EXL 顯示
CyberPower OL3000RT JP 顯示
CyberPower OL3000RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower OL5KERTHD 顯示
CyberPower OL5KRTHD 顯示
CyberPower OL6KERTHD 顯示
CyberPower OL6KRTHD
CyberPower OLS1000A 顯示
CyberPower OLS1000EA 顯示
CyberPower OLS1000ERT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OLS1000RT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OLS1500EA 顯示
CyberPower OLS1500ERT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OLS2000A 顯示
CyberPower OLS2000EA 顯示
CyberPower OLS2000ERT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OLS2000RT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OLS3000A 顯示
CyberPower OLS3000EA 顯示
CyberPower OLS3000ERT2UA
CyberPower OLS3000RT2UA 顯示
CyberPower OM1500ATLCD 顯示
CyberPower OM750ATLCD 顯示
CyberPower OM900ATLCD 顯示
CyberPower OR1000ELCDRM1U 顯示
CyberPower OR1500ELCDRM1U 顯示
CyberPower OR1500LCDRT2U 顯示
CyberPower OR1500PFCRT2U 顯示
CyberPower OR2200LCDRT2U 顯示
CyberPower OR2200PFCRT2U 顯示
CyberPower OR2200PFCRT2Ua 顯示
CyberPower OR600ELCDRM1U 顯示
CyberPower PB1000LCD 顯示
CyberPower PB1200LCD 顯示
CyberPower PB700LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR1000 JP 顯示
CyberPower PR1000ELCD 顯示
CyberPower PR1000ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1000LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR1000LCDRT1U JP 顯示
CyberPower PR1000RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1000RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1500 JP 顯示
CyberPower PR1500ELCD 顯示
CyberPower PR1500ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1500ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1500LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR1500LCDRT2U JP 顯示
CyberPower PR1500RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1500RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR1500RTXL2U JP 顯示
CyberPower PR2000ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2000LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR2000RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2000RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2000SL JP 顯示
CyberPower PR2200ELCD 顯示
CyberPower PR2200ELCDSL 顯示
CyberPower PR2200ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2200ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2200LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR2200LCDSL 顯示
CyberPower PR2200RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR2200RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR3000ELCD 顯示
CyberPower PR3000ELCDSL 顯示
CyberPower PR3000ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR3000ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR3000LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR3000LCDSL 顯示
CyberPower PR3000RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR3000RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR3000SL JP 顯示
CyberPower PR750 JP 顯示
CyberPower PR750ELCD 顯示
CyberPower PR750ERT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR750ERTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower PR750LCD 顯示
CyberPower PR750RT2U 顯示
CyberPower PR750RTXL2U 顯示
CyberPower RT650 顯示
CyberPower RT650EI 顯示
CyberPower SL550U JP 顯示
CyberPower SL700U 顯示
CyberPower SL750U 顯示
CyberPower ST625U 顯示
CyberPower SX650U 顯示
CyberPower UT1000GU 顯示
CyberPower UT1050EG 顯示
CyberPower UT1050EGC 顯示
CyberPower UT1050EIG 顯示
CyberPower UT1100EG 顯示
CyberPower UT1100EG 顯示
CyberPower UT1100EIG 顯示
CyberPower UT1200EG 顯示
CyberPower UT1500E 顯示
CyberPower UT1500EI 顯示
CyberPower UT2200E 顯示
CyberPower UT2200EI 顯示
CyberPower UT400EG 顯示
CyberPower UT550GU 顯示
CyberPower UT650E 顯示
CyberPower UT650EG 顯示
CyberPower UT650EGC 顯示
CyberPower UT650EIG 顯示
CyberPower UT700EG 顯示
CyberPower UT750GU 顯示
CyberPower UT850EG 顯示
CyberPower UT850EI 顯示
CyberPower UT850EIG 顯示
CyberPower Value1000E 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1000EI 顯示
CyberPower Value1000ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1200EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1200ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE1500EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE2200ELCD 顯示
CyberPower Value400E-GP
CyberPower VALUE500EI 顯示
CyberPower Value600E 顯示
CyberPower Value600E-GP
CyberPower VALUE600EI 顯示
CyberPower VALUE600EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE600ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VALUE700EI 顯示
CyberPower Value800E 顯示
CyberPower VALUE800EI 顯示
CyberPower VALUE800EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1000EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1000ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1000ELCD-FR 顯示
CyberPower VP1200EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1200ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1200ELCD-FR 顯示
CyberPower VP1600EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1600ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VP1600ELCD-FR 顯示
CyberPower VP700EILCD 顯示
CyberPower VP700ELCD 顯示
CyberPower VP700ELCD-FR 顯示
Eaton 3S 700 顯示
Eaton 5SC1000 顯示
Eaton 5SC750 Tower UPS 顯示
Eaton 9PX 11k
Eaton 9PX 6K 顯示
Eaton 9PX11K(9PX11KiPM) 顯示
Eaton EL650USBIEC 顯示
Eaton Ellipse 850 顯示
Eaton Ellipse Pro 650 顯示
Eaton Nova AVR 625 顯示
Eaton Protection Station 800 ( 61081 ) 顯示
Eaton PW9130L1000R-XL2U 顯示
Eaton PW9130L1000T-XL 顯示
Eaton PW9130L1500R-XL2U 顯示
Eaton PW9130L1500T-XL 顯示
Eaton PW9130L2000R-XL2U 顯示
Eaton PW9130L2000T-XL 顯示
Eaton PW9130L2500R-XL2U 顯示
Eaton PW9130L3000R-XL2U 顯示
Eaton PW9130L3000T-XL 顯示
Eaton PW9130L7000T 顯示
Eaton PW9130L700R-XL2U 顯示
FT UPS FT-1000B 顯示
FT UPS FT-1500BS 顯示
FT UPS FT-2000BS 顯示
FT UPS FT-500BS 顯示
FT UPS FT-750BS 顯示
Legrand LEG_NIKY_1000
Mecer 2000-VU+ 顯示
Omron BY80S
PowerBox Powerbox X9 顯示
PowerShield PSD1200 顯示
Prolink PRO1201SFCU
Prolink PRO1250SFCU-HID 顯示
Prolink PRO1501SFCU 顯示
Prolink PRO2000SFCU 顯示
Prolink PRO700SFCU 顯示
Prolink PRO801-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO801-ERL 顯示
Prolink PRO801-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO801-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO8015-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO8015-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO802-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO802-ERL 顯示
Prolink PRO802-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO802-ES
Prolink PRO803-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO803-ERL 顯示
Prolink PRO803-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO803-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO851SFCU 顯示
Prolink PRO901-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO901-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO901WS 1KVA Online UPS
Prolink PRO902-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO902-ES
Prolink PRO902WS 2KVA Online UPS
Prolink PRO903-ERS 顯示
Prolink PRO903-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO903WS 3KVA Online UPS
Prolink PRO906-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO906-ES 顯示
Prolink PRO910-EL 顯示
Prolink PRO910-ES 顯示
Tecnoware FGCEXALCD902 顯示
Tecnoware UPS EXA PLUS 1000 顯示
Tripp Lite AVRX750U 顯示
  • 型號: HL-2270dw
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Advise
  • 型號: IPPON Back Basic 650 Euro
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: Back Ups CS650
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: Back-UPS 650
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: Back-UPS CS 350
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BACK-UPS CS 500
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: Back-UPS ES 700
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: Back-UPS RS 1500
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BACK-UPS XS 1300VA LCD
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BE425M
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BE500TW
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: BE550G
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: BE700-GR
  • 備註: Tested by users
  • APC
  • 型號: BK500EI
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BK650-CH
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BN1100M2
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BN650M1-TW
  • 備註: UPS 650VA/360W. Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • APC
  • 型號: BR-900G-GR
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BR1000G
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: BR1500G
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: BR1500Gi
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BR550GI
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BR700G
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: BX1400U-MS
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BX1500M
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: BX700UI
  • 備註: Tested by user
  • APC
  • 型號: BX950U
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: ES550G
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: SMT1000IC
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: SMT1000RMI2UC
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: smt1500
  • 備註: Tested by users
  • APC
  • 型號: SMT3000RM(Smart-UPS 3000 RM )
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 1000
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 1000 RM1U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 1000 RM2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 1500
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 1500 RM2U
  • 備註:
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 2200
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 2200 RM2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 3000
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 3000 RM2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 750
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SUA 750 RM2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SURT 10000XLT
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SURT 3000XLTV
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SURT 5000XLT
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SURT 8000XLT
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: SURT A3000XLT
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • APC
  • 型號: UPS-800VA
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • APC
  • 型號: XIAOFANG 1S
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • 型號: F6C550-AVR
  • 備註: Tested by users
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000RM LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000 LE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 10000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 10000C LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 10000R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 10000TCP 3/1
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 10000TP 3/1
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000P/RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000T LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1000T LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1500 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1500R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1500RM LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 1500RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 2000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/1
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 20000TP 3/3 BX
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 2000R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 2000RM LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 2000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 2000T LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000 LE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 30000 3/3 BX
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 30000TP 3/3 BE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 30000TP 3/3 BI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000R
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000RM LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 3000T LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 40000TP 3/3 BX
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000 LE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000 LE PLUS
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000C LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000P/RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000R LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI 6000T LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VFI10000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 3000R
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000 LCD/UK
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000 PSW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000E/RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1200
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1200 IEC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1200/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1400
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1400 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500 LCD/UK
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500 PSW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500R
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 1500RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000 LCD/UK
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000 PSW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2200
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2200 IEC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 2200/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 3000RT LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 600 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 600 SW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 IEC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 LCD
  • 備註:
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 LCD/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 LCD/UK
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 SE
  • 備註:
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 650 SE/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 750 PSW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 750R
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 800 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 800 SW
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 IEC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 LCD/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 LCD/UK
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 SE
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • BlueWalker
  • 型號: PowerWalker VI 850 SE/FR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1000EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1500ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE2200EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR1000ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR1200ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR450ELCD
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR650ELCD
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR700ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BR850ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BRG1000AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BRG1350AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BRG1500AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BRG850AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: BU650EU
  • 備註: Other models in this BU series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1000AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1000PFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1000PFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1200AVR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1200SW JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1285AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1300EPFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1300EPFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1350AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1350PFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1350PFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500AVRT
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500EPFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500EPFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500PFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP1500PFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP350SLG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP375 JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Backup BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CP550 JP. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP425G
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP425HG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP425SLG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP425SLG/CP425HGa
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP500HG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP550 JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP550HG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP550SLG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP550SLG/CP550HGa
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP600LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP625HG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP625HGa
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP650HGa
  • 備註: Other models in this Standby series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP685AVR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP685AVRG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP685AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP750LCD/CP750LCDM
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP750SWLT JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Backup CR series have already been verified as compatible as CPJ1200. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. CP750SWLT JP has Sinewave and AVR.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP800AVR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP825AVRG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP825AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP825LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP850AVRLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP850PFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP850PFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP900AVR
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP900EPFCLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP900EPFCLCDa
  • 備註: Other models in this PFC Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CP900SW JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CPJ1200
  • 備註: Other models in this Backup CR series have already been verified as compatible as CPJ1200. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CPJ500
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CST135XLU
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: CST1400S
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: DX400E
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: DX600E
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: DX800E
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC350G
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC550G
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC650LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC650LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC750G
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: EC850LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: ELITE Value 2200E
  • 備註: Other models in this ELITE Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: GX1325U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1000EXL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1000RT JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1000RTXL2U
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1500ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1500EXL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1500RT JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL1500RTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL2000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL2000EXL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL2200ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL2200RT JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL2200RTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL3000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL3000EXL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL3000RT JP
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL3000RTXL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL1000RTXL2U.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL5KERTHD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL6KRTHD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL5KRTHD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL6KRTHD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL6KERTHD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OL6KRTHD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OL6KRTHD
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1000A
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1000EA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1000ERT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1000RT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1500EA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS1500ERT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS2000A
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS2000EA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS2000ERT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS2000RT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS3000A
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS3000EA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS3000ERT2UA
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OLS3000RT2UA
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as OLS3000ERT2UA.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OM1500ATLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this OM series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OM750ATLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this OM series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OM900ATLCD
  • 備註: Other models in this OM series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR1000ELCDRM1U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR1500ELCDRM1U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR1500LCDRT2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR1500PFCRT2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR2200LCDRT2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR2200PFCRT2U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR2200PFCRT2Ua
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: OR600ELCDRM1U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PB1000LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this PB series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PB1200LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this PB series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PB700LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this PB series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000 JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR3000SL JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR1000 JP has Sinewave and Smart App.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000LCDRT1U JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR1500RTXL2U JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR1000LCDRT1U JP has Sinewave and Smart App.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1000RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500 JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR3000SL JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR1500 JP has Sinewave and Smart App.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500LCDRT2U JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR1500RTXL2U JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR1500LCDRT2U JP has Sinewave and Smart App.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR1500RTXL2U JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR1500RTXL2U JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR1500RTXL2U JP has Sinewave and Smart App.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2000SL JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR3000SL JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR2000SL JP has Sinewave and Smart App
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200ELCDSL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200LCDSL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR2200RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000ELCDSL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000LCDSL
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR3000SL JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR3000SL JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR3000SL JP has Sinewave and Smart App
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750 JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Smart App Sinewave series have already been verified as compatible as PR3000SL JP. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. PR750 JP has Sinewave and Smart App
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750ERT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750ERTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750LCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750RT2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: PR750RTXL2U
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as PR750LCD.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: RT650
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: RT650EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: SL550U JP
  • 備註: Other models in this Backup BR series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: SL700U
  • 備註: Other models in this Standby series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: SL750U
  • 備註: Other models in this Standby series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: ST625U
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: SX650U
  • 備註: Other models in this Battery Backup series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1000GU
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1050EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. Compatiple UPS models with USB port are only available in some areas.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1050EGC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1050EIG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1100EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1100EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. Compatiple UPS models with USB port are only available in some areas.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1100EIG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1200EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1500E
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT1500EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT2200E
  • 備註: Other models in this UT series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT2200EI
  • 備註: Other models in this UT series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT400EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT550GU
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT650E
  • 備註: Other models in this UT series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT650EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. Compatiple UPS models with USB port are only available in some areas.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT650EGC
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT650EIG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. Compatiple UPS models with USB port are only available in some areas.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT700EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT750GU
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT850EG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT850EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: UT850EIG
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value1000E
  • 備註: Other models in this Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1000EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value1000ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1200EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1200ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE1500EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE2200ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value400E-GP
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE500EI
  • 備註: Other models in this Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value600E
  • 備註: Other models in this Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value600E-GP
  • 備註:
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE600EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE600EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE600ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE700EI
  • 備註: Other models in this Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: Value800E
  • 備註: Other models in this Value series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE800EI
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VALUE800EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500. It supports ADM version 3.2.2 or version after that.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1000EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1000ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1000ELCD-FR
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1200EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1200ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1200ELCD-FR
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1600EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1600ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP1600ELCD-FR
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP700EILCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP700ELCD
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • CyberPower
  • 型號: VP700ELCD-FR
  • 備註: Other models in this Value Pro series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well as CPJ500.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 3S 700
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 5SC1000
  • 備註: Other models in this 5SC series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 5SC750 Tower UPS
  • 備註: Supported by ADM 2.1.0.R2L3
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 9PX 11k
  • 備註:
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 9PX 6K
  • 備註: Supported by ADM 2.1.0.R2L3
  • Eaton
  • 型號: 9PX11K(9PX11KiPM)
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: EL650USBIEC
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: Ellipse 850
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: Ellipse Pro 650
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: Nova AVR 625
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: Protection Station 800 ( 61081 )
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L1000R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L1000T-XL
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L1500R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L1500T-XL
  • 備註: Supported by ADM 2.1.0.R2L3
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L2000R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L2000T-XL
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L2500R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L3000R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L3000T-XL
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L7000T
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • Eaton
  • 型號: PW9130L700R-XL2U
  • 備註: Other models in this PW9130L series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-1000B
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-1000BS
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-1500BS
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-2000BS
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-500BS
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-750BS
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-B10H
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-BS10H
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-BS15H
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-BS20H
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: FT-BS30H
  • 備註:
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: IPMC
  • 備註: ADM3.0 supports connecting to SNMP UPS devices.
  • FT UPS
  • 型號: IPMC PRO
  • 備註: This is network card.
  • Legrand
  • 型號: LEG_NIKY_1000
  • 備註:
  • Mecer
  • 型號: 2000-VU+
  • 備註: Tested by users
  • Omron
  • 型號: BY80S
  • 備註:
  • PowerBox
  • 型號: Powerbox X9
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • 型號: MAC-1000
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • 型號: RPT-1025
  • 備註: Other models in this series have already been verified as compatible. Based on the manufacturer's recommendations, this model will be considered compatible as well.
  • 型號: RPT-800AP
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • PowerShield
  • 型號: PSD1200
  • 備註: Tested by user
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO1201SFCU
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO1250SFCU-HID
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO1501SFCU
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO2000SFCU
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO700SFCU
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO801-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO801-ERL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO801-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO801-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO8015-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO8015-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO802-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO802-ERL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO802-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO802-ES
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO803-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO803-ERL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO803-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO803-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO851SFCU
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO901-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO901-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO901WS 1KVA Online UPS
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO902-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO902-ES
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO902WS 2KVA Online UPS
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO903-ERS
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO903-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO903WS 3KVA Online UPS
  • 備註:
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO906-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO906-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO910-EL
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Prolink
  • 型號: PRO910-ES
  • 備註: Based on the manufacturer's testing and recommendations.
  • Tecnoware
  • 型號: FGCEXALCD902
  • 備註: Verified by user.  Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Tecnoware
  • 型號: UPS EXA PLUS 1000
  • 備註: Verified by user. Might not be 100% compatible.
  • Tripp Lite
  • 型號: AVRX750U
  • 備註: Reported by user on AS-6XX models