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Q: How do I back up my Linux computer to my NAS?


If you want to back up a computer with Linux installed to your NAS, please refer to the steps below to enable rsync server on your Linux computer and create a backup job. In this example, we used Ubuntu 12.04.

1. Modify /etc/init.d/rsync as shown in the graphic below.

2. Modify /etc/default/rsync as shown in the graphic below.

3. Create a /etc/rsyncd.conf file and enter your back up information.

4. Create a /etc/rsyncd.secrets file and enter your account and password.

5. Use the command below to change permissions and restart rsync:

#chmod 600 rsyncd.secrets

#/etc/init.d/rsync restart

6. Log in to ADM and then select [Backup and Restore] -> [Remote Sync] to create a backup job.

For the server type select [Rsync-compatible server].
For the transfer mode please choose [Rsync-compatible server -> Your NAS].

Click [Next] once you are done.

7. Enter your server information and then click [Next]. (In this example, the Ubuntu 12.04 IP address is

8. Select a source folder you want to back up and then click [Next].

9. Select the destination folder that you want to back up to and click [Next]. In this example, we have chosen the “Public” folder.

10. Specify a backup schedule and click [Next]. In this example, we selected [Scheduled backup].

11. Enter a name for the backup job into the [Save job as:] field and click [Next].

Note: Here you will also see additional checkboxes for a variety of backup options.

Archive mode (incremental backup): After enabling this feature, subsequent backup jobs will only copy the data that has changed since your last backup job at the block level. For example, if you have made some small changes to a 10 MB file, incremental backup will only copy the portions that you have made changes to. This can significantly reduce bandwidth usage and increase speed.
Compress data during the transfer: During backup you can compress the data that is being transferred thereby lowering bandwidth usage.
Keep file metadata: When you enable this option, certain file properties (permissions, extensions, attributes, owner, groups, etc.) will be sent along with the file to the destination.

Support sparse files replication: You will only need to enable this option when the data that you wish to back up contains sparse files. Normally, you will not have to enable this option.

12.  Look over a final summary of your settings. Once you’re done, confirm these settings by clicking [Finish].

13. You should now be able to see the job that you just created.

If you want to install a script file on your Linux computer, please follow the steps below to create backup job.

1. Select [Service] -> [Rsync Server] to add a backup module.

2. Use the command "rsync -av /home/amanda/Desktop/test/ rsync://amanda@" to back up your files to your NAS.

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