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Test & Récompenses

30 Récompenses
Review asustor NAS

pcmarket, Hong Kong



"Using the AS6204T to backup, share and view photos from travels, weddings and of babies is very simple. "

Do you need a NAS? asustor NAS

PC Centric, UK


Do you need a NAS?

"Using a NAS comes with a lot of benefits. It is a perfect for one box solution that can help you do everything. If you have lots of data and would like to keep it secure, a NAS is great option for you. "

Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017 asustor NAS

European Hardware Association, Europe


Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017

"AS6204T was nominated for the European Hardware Awards 2017. The European Hardware Association comprises 9 of the largest independent technology news and reviews sites from across Europe, with a combined audience in excess of 22 million. No other honour in this industry spans so many countries, edit ... "

Review asustor NAS

WAVEPC, Poland



"I have to admit that the AS6204T with quite impressive specifications did not disappoint me. Easy to install and intuitive software allow you to easily use NAS as a data backup, private cloud, or as a multimedia hub. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland


Recommended Award

"Functional server for work groups and demanding users. The ability to install add-ons allows for almost unlimited increases in functionality. "

Review  asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands



"The Asustor AS6204T is an excellent NAS on the market which has access to sufficient possibilities. The NAS is ideal for use for different applications, so there are plenty of media functionality present. Thanks to the Intel Braswell Celeron processor, the NAS is fast and powerful. "

Strongly recommended asustor NAS

Gamedot, Poland


Strongly recommended

"ASUSTOR's software is very simple, fast and functional. "

Recommended asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland



"The AS6204T offers very high performance with rich functionality. It is therefore dedicated to demanding users and businesses, where the server will be used at the same time by dozens of people. Both performance and functionality of this model leave nothing to be desired. The device capabilities can ... "

It-Connect Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


It-Connect Gold Award

"Ce NAS ASUSTOR AS6204T est vraiment performant et complet, que ce soit au niveau de la connectique mais aussi d'ADM. L’écran LCD apporte une touche supplémentaire et bienvenue, ce qui peut permettre notamment de se différencier par rapport à la concurrence. "

Polyvalent et performant  (4/5)  asustor NAS

Comptoir du Hardware, France


Polyvalent et performant (4/5)

"Polyvalent, plutôt abordable pour un NAS performant et chargé en connectiques, c'est ce que l'on garde à l'esprit lorsque l'on pense à l'AS6204T. Asustor met le paquet sur les options avec entre autres l'écran de pilotage, plein d'USB, de l'HDMI 1.4b, les deux RJ45 pour ne citer que ça. L'int ... "

Video: Unboxing et présentation de l'AS6204T  asustor NAS

JusteGeek, France


Video: Unboxing et présentation de l'AS6204T

"AS6204T : Présentation du NAS 4 baies "haut de gamme" d'ASUSTOR "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"With a good mix of multimedia and security features, plus support for the latest 10TB hard drives, the ASUSTOR AS6204T would make a powerful and feature-rich addition to either the home or office environment. "

High Performance NAS asustor NAS

PC Professionale, Italy


High Performance NAS

"The AS6204T has a very good build quality, advanced performance and many evolved functions. "

Versatile Four-Bay NAS asustor NAS

iPon, Hungary


Versatile Four-Bay NAS

"A big positive was the quiet cooling provided for the hardware components. The expandable system memory also deserves a bonus point, it is true, a 2 x 2 GB of DDR3L DRAM in most cases will be more than enough, so further enlargement is not really be necessary. We are very satisfied overall with the ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

PurePC, Poland



"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is perfectly suited to not only be a simple NAS server, but also a powerful media center. There were no obstacles to use the features of this standout product, which efficiently handle a variety of data storage tasks, including backup. In general, this is a very versatile device, ... "

The NAS You Will Not Regret Buying asustor NAS

Shark, Slovakia


The NAS You Will Not Regret Buying

"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is the ultimate NAS, which combines server storage and a full-fledged entertainment center. The main draw is also the operating system of ADM, which provides great flexibility in the use of equipment, stable operation and extremely user-friendly environment. I must not forget the ... "

Value Award asustor NAS

Madshrimps, US


Value Award

"The AS6204T 4-bay NAS from ASUSTOR, equipped with a low-power Celeron J3160 Braswell CPU and 4GB of RAM can handle without issue the well-optimized ADM OS which transforms it into a machine with multiple functions: backups, different service hosting, virtual machine installation and operation, media ... "

Test asustor NAS

Cachem, France



"L'ASUSTOR AS6204T est un NAS intéressant à bien des égards. Tout d'abord, le design du boitier lui permet d'avoir des disques extractibles à chaud. Ensuite, la RAM est extensible jusqu'à 8 Go ce qui en fait un atout supplémentaire. Ajoutez à cela une connectique riche, ce NAS est certainement ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

TechTeamGB, UK


Silver Award

" Video review  Pro: Nice UI. Good I/O. Good Feature set "

Good performance for Small business asustor NAS



Good performance for Small business

"The AS6204T delivers good storage performance and is well-suited to small businesses that don’t want many bells and whistles "

Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

AVForums, UK


Highly Recommended Award

"Assuming you are looking at the very specific requirement of an all-in-one network storage device rolled up with a media player and/or server, then the ASUSTOR AS6204T makes for an absolutely terrific choice. Setup is extremely straightforward, even for a novice user. We should also mention that th ... "

Review asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, UK



"The ASUSTOR AS6204T has more IO options than most will ever need but the features are there should you chose to use them. This happens more often than not. Once you have a NAS appliance at home its easy to start offloading tasks to the small low-power box sitting in the corner. "

Value Award pour l'AS62024T asustor NAS

Simply Reviews, US


Value Award pour l'AS62024T

"L'AS6204T offre une bonne gamme de fonctionnalités de stockage pour un prix modeste en faisant de ce NAS un choix abordable pour les PME. Son processeur N3150 délivre des performances proches des promesses d'ASUSTOR, les outils de sauvegarde sont légion et la prochaine version logicielle d'ADM va ... "

Review asustor NAS

AnandTech, US



"L'AS6204T est fournit avec un port HDMI 1.4b et un ensemble d'applications de lecture multimédia. Le NAS peut aussi être utilisé comme un media player pour des vidéos 4K avec prise en charger de l'audio multi-canaux à travers l'optique aussi bien que ... "

Award Recommandé  asustor NAS

59Hardware, France


Award Recommandé

"En proposant l’AS6204T, ASUSTOR propose un NAS complet et polyvalent destiné aux petites entreprises. Ce nouveau modèle riche en fonctionnalités mise sur des outils ayant fait leurs preuves depuis déjà quelques générations d’appareils.Le c ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Platinum Award

"Le serveur NAS AS6204T NAS par ASUSTOR est une solution solide pour les gens qui désire modèle puissant et silencieux avec des capacités de lecture 4K et pléthore de fonctionnalités. C'est pourquoi nous lui décernons un Platinum Award.  "

Examen de prise en main asustor NAS

ChannelLife, New Zealand


Examen de prise en main

"Nous avons apprécié le temps passé avec ce périphérique NAS ASUSTOR, facile à configurer, les applications pour mobile sont géniales et avec des centaines d'applications à télécharger il n'y a presque rien qu'il ne puisse pas faire !  "

Une haute recommandation asustor NAS

DigitalReviews, Australia


Une haute recommandation

"Il est idéalement adapté pour l'environnement de la maison, surtout avec l'inclusion de la télécommande en option (ce qui est une première parmi les unités de NAS que nous avons examinése). Dans le même temps, si vous avez une petite ou moyenne entreprise ce modèle particulier est idéal po ... "

L'Award Platinum Best Buy asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


L'Award Platinum Best Buy

"In our review we had the pleasure of being able to test and observe closely a truly remarkable unit, the ASUSTOR AS6204T, created for advanced home users and SMEs. This product bases its foundation on the new Intel Braswell platform with a quad-core SoC Celeron N3150 which proved very powerful and a ... "

Une excellente note suite à l'examen effectué asustor NAS

Clubic, France


Une excellente note suite à l'examen effectué

" L'AS-6204T ne vient pas bouleverser la hiérarchie dans le monde des NAS. Il s'agit en revanche d'un modèle remarquablement complet, doté d'une finition exemplaire, et qui profite d'un suivi logiciel que nous n'avons pas fini de saluer. Pour ne rien g&aci ... "