당사는 당사 웹페이지를 개선하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 당사의 쿠키 정책 을 읽으십시오.

뉴스 및 리뷰

925 어워드
[Excellent Award]<br>ASUSTOR ASW209X, 스페인어 리뷰 asustor NAS

HWP , Spain


[Excellent Award]
ASUSTOR ASW209X, 스페인어 리뷰

" 크리에이티브 스튜디오나 소규모 사무실과 같이 빠른 속도와 조용한 작동이 필요한 환경에 적합합니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br>아수스토어 락커스토어 4 3세대 (AS6804T) NAS 리뷰 asustor NAS

HW Busters, EN


[Recommended Award]
아수스토어 락커스토어 4 3세대 (AS6804T) NAS 리뷰

"AS6804T는 임베디드 Ryzen 프로세서의 원시 성능과 뛰어난 전력 효율성을 제공하여 모든 NAS에 매우 견고한 옵션입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br>Asustor Flashstor 12 Pro Gen2 FS6812X asustor NAS

El Chapuzas Informatico, Spain


[Gold Award]
Asustor Flashstor 12 Pro Gen2 FS6812X

"12개의 M.2 베이와 듀얼 10GbE 인터페이스를 갖춘 탁월한 NAS "

올해 최고의 M.2 SSD NAS asustor NAS

NASCompares , UK


올해 최고의 M.2 SSD NAS

"Flashstor 1세대 - 목록에서 가장 강력한 NAS "

[Editors' Choice Award]<br/>아수스토어 락커스토어 4 3세대 (AS6804T) 리뷰 asustor NAS



[Editors' Choice Award] 아수스토어 락커스토어 4 3세대 (AS6804T) 리뷰

" 테스트한 최고의 4베이 NAS 장치 중 하나인 Asustor AS6804T "

[Excellent Award]<br/>Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T asustor NAS

HWP, Spain


[Excellent Award] Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T

"까다로운 사용자를 위한 미래 지향적인 디자인과 극한의 성능을 갖춘 NVMe 스토리지 혁신 "

[BEST OF THE YEAR 2024 Award]<br/>Asustor AS5402T asustor NAS



[BEST OF THE YEAR 2024 Award] Asustor AS5402T

"AS5402T는 “2024년 최고의 제품” 중 하나로 선정되었습니다! "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T v2 NAS 리뷰  asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T v2 NAS 리뷰

"AS3304T v2는 엔트리 레벨 홈랩버를 위한 4베이 어플라이언스에서 우수한 성능을 제공합니다! "

[Recommended Award]<br/>가정용 ASUSTOR NAS asustor NAS

BUG, Croatia


[Recommended Award] 가정용 ASUSTOR NAS

"리뷰 PC 주변기기 네트워크 장비 NAS ASUS ASUSTOR 아수스토어 드라이브스토어 2 프로 2세대 (AS3302T v2) "

[Recommended Award]<br/>경제적이고 매우 빠른 NAS, Asustor AS3304T v2 asustor NAS

BitsNChips, Italy


[Recommended Award] 경제적이고 매우 빠른 NAS, Asustor AS3304T v2

"고성능과 뛰어난 데이터 처리 기능을 제공하는 네트워크 스토리지 장치인 Asustor AS3304T NAS "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR 플래시스토어 12 프로 FS6712X 올플래시 NAS 리뷰 asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR 플래시스토어 12 프로 FS6712X 올플래시 NAS 리뷰

"독특한 외관과 인상적인 올플래시 성능을 제공하는 플래시스토리지 12 Pro FS6712X 올플래시 NAS "

[Gold Award]<br/>ASUSTOR AS5404T asustor NAS

Cowcotland, France


[Gold Award] ASUSTOR AS5404T

"강력한 성능을 위한 4개의 디스크와 4개의 M.2 "

[Gold Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 Lite AS1102TL - 리뷰 asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


[Gold Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 Lite AS1102TL - 리뷰

"Asustor는 새로운 Drivestor 2 Lite를 통해 보급형/가정용 NAS 부문에서 입지를 다지기로 결정했습니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>테스트: ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro 2세대 AS3304T v2, 좋은 모델? asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


[Gold Award] 테스트: ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro 2세대 AS3304T v2, 좋은 모델?

"이 아수스토어 드라이브스토어 4 프로 2세대 NAS는 ADM이 제공하는 모든 기능뿐만 아니라 효율성 면에서도 매우 훌륭한 HC 골드 메달을 받을 만합니다. "

[Budget Award]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T) asustor NAS

HWBusters, EN


[Budget Award] Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T)

"듀얼 2.5Gbit 및 3개의 USB 3.2 Gen 2 포트가 뛰어난 연결성을 제공합니다. "

[Very Good Award]<br/>초고속의 안전한 스토리지! 아수스토어 플래시스토어 12 프로 알아보기 asustor NAS

Lavanguardia, Spain


[Very Good Award] 초고속의 안전한 스토리지! 아수스토어 플래시스토어 12 프로 알아보기

"아수스토어 플래시스토어 12 프로가 제공하는 모든 기능 알아보기 "

[Editors' Choice Award]<br/>Asustor AS5402T 검토 asustor NAS



[Editors' Choice Award] Asustor AS5402T 검토

"콘텐츠 크리에이터와 가정용 파워 유저를 위한 고속 구성 요소로 가득 찬 설계 "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR DRIVESTOR 2 Pro 2세대 (AS3302T v2) 리뷰 asustor NAS

NasMaster, US

[Gold Award]<br/>테스트: ASUSTOR 플래시스토어 6 FS6706T, 특별한 M.2 SSD NAS asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


[Gold Award] 테스트: ASUSTOR 플래시스토어 6 FS6706T, 특별한 M.2 SSD NAS

"ASUSTOR Flashstor 6 FS6706T NAS는 ADM이 제공하는 모든 기능뿐만 아니라 효율성과 매우 성공적인 디자인으로 인해 매우 멋진 HC 금메달을 받을 자격이 있습니다. "

[Good Performance-ratio-award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro 2세대 AS3304T v2 - 테스트 및 리뷰 경제적인 4베이 NAS asustor NAS

DDWorld, Czech


[Good Performance-ratio-award] Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro 2세대 AS3304T v2 - 테스트 및 리뷰 경제적인 4베이 NAS

"Drivestor 4 Pro 2세대는 확실히 흥미로운 가격 대비 성능을 제공합니다. "

[5-Star Award]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen2 AS5402 asustor NAS

iCreate, France


[5-Star Award] Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen2 AS5402

"SSD와 2.5GbE로 뛰어난 성능을 발휘합니다. "

[Silver Award]<br/>검토: Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro Gen2 (AS3304Tv2) NAS asustor NAS

Guru3D, EN


[Silver Award] 검토: Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro Gen2 (AS3304Tv2) NAS

"최고의 성능과 기능으로 디지털 콘텐츠가 가득한 현대 가정에 적합 설득력 있고 풍부한 기능을 갖춘 4베이 NAS 장치 "

[Most Improved Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro Gen2 AS3302T v2 asustor NAS



[Most Improved Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro Gen2 AS3302T v2

"안전한 프라이빗 클라우드 또는 데이터 백업 허브를 만들고자 하는 가정 사용자 및 소규모 기업을 대상으로 합니다. "

[Editor's Choice]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen 2 asustor NAS

Mac Life, US


[Editor's Choice] Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen 2

" 궁극의 타임캡슐 대체품 *이제 디지털 전용 잡지가 된 MacLife: www.magazinesdirect.com/mcl/B2DMAG "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 Gen2 AS5402T 리뷰 asustor NAS

Android Central, EN


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 Gen2 AS5402T 리뷰

"이 2.5GbE NAS는 훌륭한 Plex 서버입니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Xpanstor 4 AS5004U, 스페인어 검토 asustor NAS



[Recommended Award] Asustor Xpanstor 4 AS5004U, 스페인어 검토

"ASUSTOR NAS에 생명을 불어넣는 백업 복사본, 4개의 베이로 저장 용량을 늘리거나 보안을 강화하세요. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>아수스토어 드라이브스토어 2 라이트 NAS 리뷰 | AS1102TL asustor NAS

blogHTPC, Spain


[Recommended Award] 아수스토어 드라이브스토어 2 라이트 NAS 리뷰 | AS1102TL

"드라이스토어 2 라이트는 의심할 여지 없이 동 가격대 내에서 구매할 수 있는 최고의 옵션 중 하나입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>Asustor AS5402T 및 AS5004U Xpanstor 4 - 검토 asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


[Gold Award] Asustor AS5402T 및 AS5004U Xpanstor 4 - 검토

"Asustor AS5402T NAS 및 Asustor AS5004U Xpanstor 4 DAS는 탁월한 사용자 경험임이 입증되었습니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>SOHO 사용자를 위한 Asustor AS5404T asustor NAS

BitsNChips, Italy


[Recommended Award] SOHO 사용자를 위한 Asustor AS5404T

"전반적으로 우리는 Asustor의 우수한 제품만을 추천할 수 있습니다. "

[Editors' Choice]<br/>ASUSTOR NIMBUSTOR 2 Gen2 AS5402T 리뷰: 매니아급 NAS asustor NAS

NasMaster, US


[Editors' Choice] ASUSTOR NIMBUSTOR 2 Gen2 AS5402T 리뷰: 매니아급 NAS

"고급 사용자를 위한 최고의 2베이 NAS "

[Great Award]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 2(2세대) AS5402T, NEWESC의 리뷰 asustor NAS



[Great Award] Asustor Nimbustor 2(2세대) AS5402T, NEWESC의 리뷰

"쿼드코어 CPU, M2 포트를 포함한 대용량 저장 용량 등 우리가 분석해야 할 많은 기능을 갖춘 작지만 강력한 모델 "

[Tipp Award]<br/>Asustor AS5404T asustor NAS

CHIP Magazin, Hungary


[Tipp Award] Asustor AS5404T

"멀티태스킹 하이브리드 NAS "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen2 AS5404T - 강력한 홈 NAS 테스트 및 검토 asustor NAS

DDWorld, Czech


[Recommended Award] Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen2 AS5404T - 강력한 홈 NAS 테스트 및 검토

"ASUSTOR AS5404T는 테스트에서 매우 좋은 성능을 보였습니다. 뛰어난 장비를 갖춘 고품질 NAS입니다. "

[Best for SSDs]<br/>2023년 최고의 NAS asustor NAS

XDA-Developers, Canada


[Best for SSDs] 2023년 최고의 NAS

"Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T - 초고속 속도와 향상된 안정성을 즐겨보세요 "

[Gold Award]<br/>REVIEW: ASUSTOR NIMBUSTOR 2 Gen2 AS5402T asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain



"효율적인 8GB RAM 확장 가능, 4X NVME 및 강력한 ADM 운영 체제 "

[Editors' Choice Award]<br/>Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen2 AS5402T review: 최고의 소형 NAS asustor NAS

PCWorld, US

[Best Synology Alternative]<br/>2023년 최고의 NAS 드라이브 asustor NAS

Tech Advisor, UK


[Best Synology Alternative] 2023년 최고의 NAS 드라이브

"Asustor Nimbustor 2 Gen2 (AS5402T)  "

[Recommended Purchase Award]<br/>ASUSTOR FlashStor 6 리뷰; 최초의

MacGeneration, France


[Recommended Purchase Award] ASUSTOR FlashStor 6 리뷰; 최초의 "풀 SSD" NAS

""구매 권장" 수상 소형 SSD 기반 NAS의 경우 다소 눈에 띄지 않는 제품과 매우 우수한 일반 성능 "

[Recommended Award & Gold Award]<br/>

ProfesionalReview, Spain


[Recommended Award & Gold Award] "Asustor Nimbustor Gen2 AS5402T

"멀티미디어 콘텐츠 및 가정용으로 완벽한 NAS입니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR FLASHSTOR 6 (FS6706T) review asustor NAS

NasMaster, UK


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR FLASHSTOR 6 (FS6706T) review

"ASUSTOR FLASHSTOR 6(FS6706T)는 M.2 NVMe SSD를 완벽하게 지원하여 고성능 수준을 구현하는 NAS 브랜드의 인상적인 키트입니다. "

[Storage-Sweetness Award]<br/>검토: Asustor AS5404T NAS(4x HDD / 4x NVMe) asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


[Storage-Sweetness Award] 검토: Asustor AS5404T NAS(4x HDD / 4x NVMe)

"이 장치는 기업 수준의 가격을 부과하지 않고 우수한 성능을 제공하려고 합니다. "

[Best Performance Award]<br/>10Gbps 속도의 풀플래시 NVMe SSD! ASUSTOR FS6712X 제품 테스트 asustor NAS

PCM, Hong Kong


[Best Performance Award] 10Gbps 속도의 풀플래시 NVMe SSD! ASUSTOR FS6712X 제품 테스트

"풀 플래시(Flash) 설계 및 최대 12개의 NVMe SSD + 10Gbps LAN 케이블 지원: 비디오 또는 콘텐츠 편집을 위해 고속 네트워크 및 여러 사람의 공동 작업이 필요한 제작자에게 적합합니다. "

[Like Award]<br/>Asustor Flashstor 6 NAS 테스트 - 타협 없는 멀티미디어 관리 asustor NAS

TechWorld, Hungary


[Like Award] Asustor Flashstor 6 NAS 테스트 - 타협 없는 멀티미디어 관리

"전반적으로 Asustor Flashstor 6 NAS는 가정 사용자와 소규모 사무실 환경 모두의 요구 사항을 충족하는 높은 수준의 안정적인 데이터 스토리지 솔루션입니다. "

[Most Improved Award]<br/>Asustor AS5402T Review asustor NAS

Xtremesystems, US


[Most Improved Award] Asustor AS5402T Review

"Asustor AS5402T Nimbustor 2 Gen2는 고성능 2베이 NAS로 멀티 베이 NAS 서버와 눈을 마주할 수 있습니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor FS6706T: 6-Bay M.2 SSD NAS asustor NAS

BitsandChips, Italy


[Recommended Award] Asustor FS6706T: 6-Bay M.2 SSD NAS

"빠르고 조용하며 컴팩트한 시스템을 원하는 모든 사람에게 이 Asustor NAS를 권장합니다. "

최고의 SSD - Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T asustor NAS

AndroidPolice, US


최고의 SSD - Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T

"빠른 M.2 NAS SSD만 사용하고 싶은 분 "

[Innovation Award]<br/>[테스트] 아수스토어 플래시스토어 12 프로 FS6712X, 풀 SSD NAS asustor NAS

PauseHardware, France


[Innovation Award] [테스트] 아수스토어 플래시스토어 12 프로 FS6712X, 풀 SSD NAS

"이 NAS Asustor 플래시스토어 12 프로 FS6712X는 매우 작고 독창적인 포맷으로 강력한 성능을 제공합니다. "

[Storage Sweetness Award]<br/>ASUSTOR 12-bay all-M.2 NVMe SSD NAS 리뷰 asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


[Storage Sweetness Award] ASUSTOR 12-bay all-M.2 NVMe SSD NAS 리뷰

"Flashstor 12 Pro(FS6712X)는 NVMe SSD용 PCIe 3.0 M.2 슬롯 12개, 빠른 10GbE 연결과 같은 인상적인 기능을 제공하는 강력하고 독특한 거래입니다. "

[Recommended Award & Gold Award]<br/>스페인어로 된 Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T 검토(전체 분석) asustor NAS

ProfesionalReview, Spain


[Recommended Award & Gold Award] 스페인어로 된 Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T 검토(전체 분석)

"Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T는 중단이나 대기 없이 모든 4K 콘텐츠를 재생할 수 있는 빠르고 컴팩트한 다용도 클라우드 스토리지 시스템을 원하는 경우 찾고 있던 NAS입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T, SSD 드라이브 6개용 고성능 NAS asustor NAS

El Chapuzas Informatico, Spain


[Gold Award] Asustor Flashstor 6 FS6706T, SSD 드라이브 6개용 고성능 NAS

"기계식 스토리지를 버리고 SSD를 완전히 선호하는 매니아를 위한 강력한 NAS "

[5-star Award]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T asustor NAS

iCreate, France


[5-star Award] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T

"뛰어난 범용 미드레인지 네트워크 스토리지 시스템 "

[5-Star Editor's Choice Award]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen 2 AS6702T asustor NAS

Mac Life, US


[5-Star Editor's Choice Award] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen 2 AS6702T

" 네트워크 스토리지 등 - 5스타 Editor's Choice Award 수상 MacLife는 이제 디지털 전용 잡지입니다. www.magazinesdirect.com/mcl/B2DMAG "

[Highly Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T asustor NAS

Tech for Techs, UK


[Highly Recommended Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T

"가정용 최고의 NAS 스토리지 솔루션 "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR DRIVESTOR 2 AS1102T asustor NAS

CHIP Magazin, Hungary


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR DRIVESTOR 2 AS1102T

"친숙한 보급형 NAS "

[Recommended Award]<br/>2-Bay 챔피언의 후계자 asustor NAS

CHIP, Hungary


[Recommended Award] 2-Bay 챔피언의 후계자

"Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2는 많은 뛰어난 기능과 사용자 친화적인 OS를 갖춘 NAS입니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 검토 | AS1102T 첫 NAS가 되시겠습니까? asustor NAS

blogHTPC, Spain


[Recommended Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 검토 | AS1102T 첫 NAS가 되시겠습니까?

"200달러 미만의 듀얼 베이 NAS의 첫 번째 선택으로 Asustor Drivestor 2를 선택하는 데 의심의 여지가 없습니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2-AS6702T - 강력하고 유연한 가정용 NAS를 위한 테스트 및 검토 asustor NAS

DDWorld, Czech

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor AS6704T, 종의 진화는 당신을 실망시키지 않을 것입니다 asustor NAS

BitsandChips, Italy


[Recommended Award] Asustor AS6704T, 종의 진화는 당신을 실망시키지 않을 것입니다

"모든 사용량을 처리할 수 있는 고급 4베이 NAS를 원하는 모든 사람에게 Asustor AS6704T를 권장합니다 "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T 2-Bay NAS 리뷰 asustor NAS

TechPowerUp, US


[Recommended Award] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T 2-Bay NAS 리뷰

"Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T는 훨씬 더 높은 가격으로 눈에 띄는 다중 베이 NAS 서버를 만날 수 있는 고성능 2베이 NAS입니다. "

Asustor AS6702T asustor NAS

XtremeSystems, US


Asustor AS6702T

"Asustor AS6702T Lockerstor 2는 하드웨어와 소프트웨어 간의 탁월한 50/50 균형을 나타냅니다. "

[Platinum Award]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 스페인어 검토(전체 분석) asustor NAS

ProfesionalReview, Spain


[Platinum Award] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 스페인어 검토(전체 분석)

"Asustor는 현재 시장에서 가장 강력한 2베이 NAS 중 하나를 보유하고 있습니다. "

[Innovation Award]<br/>Test : NAS Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T asustor NAS

PauseHardware, France


[Innovation Award] Test : NAS Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 AS6702T

"개인, 콘텐츠 제작자, 사진가 또는 비디오그래퍼, 심지어 중소기업을 위한 이상적인 도구 "

[storage-sweetness]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 4 Gen2(AS6704T) NAS 검토 asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


[storage-sweetness] Asustor Lockerstor 4 Gen2(AS6704T) NAS 검토

"AS6704T는 의심할 여지 없이 올해 내가 가장 좋아하는 NAS 장치 중 하나입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: ASUSTOR LOCKERSTOR 2 GEN2 AS6702T NAS asustor NAS

ActualidadHardware, Spain



"LOCKERSTOR 2 GEN2 AS6702T는 메모리 및 NVMe 하드 드라이브 측면에서 우수한 성능과 뛰어난 확장 옵션을 제공하는 훌륭한 NAS입니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 Gen2(AS6704T) NAS 검토 asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 Gen2(AS6704T) NAS 검토

"Lockerstor 4 Gen2는 듀얼 2.5GBe로 완성된 환상적인 하드웨어 플랫폼을 너무 초라하지 않은 가격으로 제공합니다! "

The Best NAS (Network Attached Storage) Devices for 2022 asustor NAS



The Best NAS (Network Attached Storage) Devices for 2022

"Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T) - 중소기업을 위한 최고의 2베이 NAS 장치 "

7가지 최고의 NAS: 최고의 네트워크 연결 스토리지 장치 asustor NAS



7가지 최고의 NAS: 최고의 네트워크 연결 스토리지 장치

"ASUSTOR Lockerstor 6 Gen 2 - 잘 알려진 이름의 최고의 스토리지 어레이 "

[Editor Choice]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen 2 AS6702T 리뷰 asustor NAS

TechAdvisor, UK


[Editor Choice] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen 2 AS6702T 리뷰

"가정 및 기업 사용자 모두를 위한 고성능 솔루션입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 및 D-link를 사용하면 비디오 감시가 쉬워집니다. asustor NAS

Xtremehardware, Italy


[Gold Award] ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 및 D-link를 사용하면 비디오 감시가 쉬워집니다.

"큰 돈을 들이지 않고도 자신감과 보안을 가지고 NAS의 세계에 입문할 수 있는 훌륭한 제품임은 분명합니다. "

[Gold Medal]<br/>테스트 : 우수한 NAS, ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 Gen2 AS6704T ! asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


[Gold Medal] 테스트 : 우수한 NAS, ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 Gen2 AS6704T !

"ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 Gen2 NAS는 ADM이 제공하는 모든 기능과 효율성 측면에서 매우 훌륭한 HC 금메달을 받을 자격이 있습니다. "

테스트: 비교 시 최고의 2.5GbE NAS - 2개의 베이가 있는 네트워크 스토리지 asustor NAS

PC-WELT, Germany


테스트: 비교 시 최고의 2.5GbE NAS - 2개의 베이가 있는 네트워크 스토리지

"혁신적인 기술에 대한 PC-WELT 상: Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T) "

[Editor Choice]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T) 리뷰 asustor NAS



[Editor Choice] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T) 리뷰

"평결: 새로운 2베이 NAS 왕 "

[Innovative Technology]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 (AS6702T) 테스트 : 최고의 장비를 갖춘 네트워크 스토리지 asustor NAS

PC-WELT, Germany


[Innovative Technology] Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2 (AS6702T) 테스트 : 최고의 장비를 갖춘 네트워크 스토리지

"Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T)는 멀티 기가비트 LAN 및 최고급 장비 덕분에 테스트에서 깊은 인상을 남겼습니다. "

[Platinum Award]<br/>리뷰: Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T) asustor NAS

El Chapuzas Informatico, Spain


[Platinum Award] 리뷰: Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T)

"Asustor Lockerstor 2 Gen2(AS6702T)는 초소형 형식으로 강력한 성능과 다용성을 제공합니다. "

[Worth Buying]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T) 4베이 NAS 검토 asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


[Worth Buying] Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T) 4베이 NAS 검토

"2.5GbE 네트워킹이 추가된 우수한 보급형 플랫폼 "

[Achievement Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T asustor NAS

xtremesystems, US


[Achievement Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T

"Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T는 가정이나 소규모 사무실을 위한 견고한 NAS 인클로저입니다. "

[Editor's Choice Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2(AS5202T) 2베이 NAS 리뷰 asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


[Editor's Choice Award] ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2(AS5202T) 2베이 NAS 리뷰

"ASUSTOR의 AS5202T는 최고의 2베이 NAS일 수 있으며 우리가 테스트한 것 중 가장 주목할만한 것 중 하나입니다. "

Gen2로 업그레이드 되어 돌아왔다 asustor NAS



Gen2로 업그레이드 되어 돌아왔다

"기존 시리즈에서 더 업그레이드된 스펙으로 등장 "

나스도 수명이 있을까? asustor NAS

컬러테크연구소, Korea


나스도 수명이 있을까?

"가격대비 빠른 성능으로 진행하는 연구와 데이터 공유에 편리함을 "

첫 나스는 이걸로 하세요…! asustor NAS

원포인트, Korea


첫 나스는 이걸로 하세요…!

"모든 것의 용량이 커진 현대사회에, 여러분의 데이터는 안녕하신가요? 나스를 처음 사용하는 유저도, 간단하고 편하게 사용하세요 "

[Excellence Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 asustor NAS

PC Guia, Portugal


[Excellence Award] Asustor Drivestor 2

"Drivestor 2는 유능하고 빠른 기계입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: ASUSTOR SWITCH'NSTOR ASW205T asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain



"우리는 항상 제공되는 성능에 정말 만족했다고 말할 수 있습니다. "

[Best NAS drive 2022]<br/>가정 및 기업을 위한 최고의 NAS 어플라이언스 asustor NAS

ExpertReviews, UK


[Best NAS drive 2022] 가정 및 기업을 위한 최고의 NAS 어플라이언스

"Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T: 가족 및 재택 사무실에 가장 적합 "

핸드폰 백업에 활용하기 좋은 NAS asustor NAS

짜루, Korea


핸드폰 백업에 활용하기 좋은 NAS

"초기 비용이 크지만 클라우드보다 용량 대비 비용이 저렴하고 다양한 용도로 사용할 수 있는 매력 포인트 "

NAS를 사용하는 이유 asustor NAS

영재컴퓨터 스튜디오, Korea


NAS를 사용하는 이유

"요즘 스마트폰으로 클라우드에 저장된 개인용 데이터를 다운받거나 업로드할 수 있는 세상인데요, 그럼에도 불구하고 NAS를 사용하는 사람이나 기업들이 많아져 왜 사용하는지 알아보았습니다.  "

[Best NAS Device]<br/>데이터를 저장하는 최고의 NAS 장치 5개 asustor NAS

Outofbit, Italy


[Best NAS Device] 데이터를 저장하는 최고의 NAS 장치 5개

"Drivestor 2 AS1102T는 해당 부문에서 결코 뒤지지 않는 가격과 여전히 주목할 만한 기술 사양 및 품질을 결합할 수 있는 선택을 나타냅니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro 3304T NAS 리뷰: 고속 네트워킹과 수많은 앱을 갖춘 다목적 홈 NAS asustor NAS

ExpertReviews, UK


[Recommended Award] Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro 3304T NAS 리뷰: 고속 네트워킹과 수많은 앱을 갖춘 다목적 홈 NAS

"대용량 스토리지를 원하든 그 이상을 원하든 이 4베이 NAS 어플라이언스는 모든 선택 사항을 충족합니다. "

[우수상]<br/>아수스터 드라이브스터 2 asustor NAS

PC Guia, Portugal


[우수상] 아수스터 드라이브스터 2

"Excellence Award를 수상한 저렴한 NAS "

[Editors Choice]<br/>많은 장점을 가진 SOHO 파일 서버 asustor NAS

Biz Tech, Greece


[Editors Choice] 많은 장점을 가진 SOHO 파일 서버

"Asustor NAS 장치는 미디어 센터, 감시 또는 기존 파일 관리를 위한 탁월한 옵션을 제공합니다. "

ASUSTOR 가정용 NAS asustor NAS

모이모이의 IT 이야기, Korea



"아이폰 사진 옮기기와 컴퓨터 백업 클라우드 활용 "

SSD 설치 백업 외부 사용 방법 asustor NAS

망상K, Korea


SSD 설치 백업 외부 사용 방법

"가정용 혹은 소호용으로 NAS 구축하려는 분들에게 매력을 느낄 만한 제품 "

듀얼 2.5 GbE, 핫스왑 드라이브 베이의 고급형 NAS asustor NAS



듀얼 2.5 GbE, 핫스왑 드라이브 베이의 고급형 NAS

"고성능 저장장치를 조금 더 충실히 활용할 수 있도록 대비한 ASUSTOR NAS "

작업실에 가장 필요한건 그래, 이거였어 asustor NAS

Day by Jenny최제니, Korea


작업실에 가장 필요한건 그래, 이거였어

"음악 녹음을 하며 작업실에 가장 필요했던 데이터 정리를 asustor NAS와 함께 쉽고 빠르고 간단하게 "

정말 쉬운 입문형 NAS!! asustor NAS

지니어스PARK, Korea


정말 쉬운 입문형 NAS!!

"영상편집, 그래픽작업 넘쳐나는 자료!! NAS는 어렵지 않아요!! "

NAS 모범 사례 asustor NAS

NetworkingPlus, UK


NAS 모범 사례

"AS5304T - 가정 사용자뿐만 아니라 기업을 위한 인기 있는 선택 "

[The Best NAS Drives]<br/>네트워크에서 Time Machine 백업을 위한 최고의 NAS 드라이브 asustor NAS

iCreate, France


[The Best NAS Drives] 네트워크에서 Time Machine 백업을 위한 최고의 NAS 드라이브

"Asustor Drivestor 2 / Pro AS3302T - 타의 추종을 불허하는 가격에 탁월한 전체 성능 "

iCloud 사용자가 NAS를 쳐다본 이유 asustor NAS



iCloud 사용자가 NAS를 쳐다본 이유

"저렴한 가격에 손쉬운 설치 "

최고의 NAS 2022: 가정, Plex, 직장 및 예산 asustor NAS

NasMaster, UK


최고의 NAS 2022: 가정, Plex, 직장 및 예산

"ASUSTOR AS5304T : 준우승 "

[Editor's Choice]<br/>네트워크에서 Time Machine 백업을 위한 최고의 NAS 드라이브 asustor NAS

Mac Life, US


[Editor's Choice] 네트워크에서 Time Machine 백업을 위한 최고의 NAS 드라이브

"Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T - 타의 추종을 불허하는 가격에 탁월한 만능 성능 - www.magazinesdirect.com/mcl/B2DMAG "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: Asustor Switch'nstor(ASW205T), 5포트 2.5GbE 스위치. asustor NAS

El Chapuzasinformatico, Spain


[Gold Award] 리뷰: Asustor Switch'nstor(ASW205T), 5포트 2.5GbE 스위치.

"Asustor Switch'nstor(ASW205T)를 사용하면 최대 5개의 상호 연결된 장치를 사용하여 가정 또는 소규모 기업을 위한 2.5GbE 네트워크로 도약할 수 있습니다. "

iCloud 사용자가 NAS를 쳐다본 이유 asustor NAS

퀘이사존, Korea


iCloud 사용자가 NAS를 쳐다본 이유

"저렴한 가격에 손쉬운 설치 "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: ASUSTOR DRIVESTOR 4 PRO AS3304T NAS asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain



"ASUSTOR DRIVESTOR 4 PRO AS3304T는 매력적인 디자인과 우수한 성능을 갖춘 NAS입니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>Asustor AS6604T Lockerstor 4 - 기대 이상 asustor NAS

Xtremehardware, Italy


[Gold Award] Asustor AS6604T Lockerstor 4 - 기대 이상

"Drivestor 4 Pro는 약 560MB/s의 속도로 400MB 파일을 쓰고 약 570MB/s의 속도로 읽을 수 있도록 매우 잘 수행되었습니다. "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T), 강력하고 저렴한 NAS asustor NAS

El Chapuzas Informatico, Spain


[Gold Award] 리뷰: Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T), 강력하고 저렴한 NAS

"NAS Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T)에 금상을 수여합니다. "

[Best Value Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 리뷰: 데이터를 위한 탁월한 보급형 NAS asustor NAS

MakeUseOf, UK


[Best Value Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 리뷰: 데이터를 위한 탁월한 보급형 NAS

"AS1102T는 개인 사용 또는 공동 작업을 위한 더 빠르고 액세스하기 쉬운 파일 환경을 위한 많은 가치가 있습니다. "

[Best NAS 2022]<br/>가정, Plex, 직장 및 예산 asustor NAS

NasMaster, US


[Best NAS 2022] 가정, Plex, 직장 및 예산

"ASUSTOR LOCKERSTOR 2 Gen2(AS6702T): 전체 NAS 중 최고 "

[Recommended Award]<br/>분석 Asustor DRIVESTOR 4 PRO AS3304T asustor NAS

BlogHTPC, Spain


[Recommended Award] 분석 Asustor DRIVESTOR 4 PRO AS3304T

"Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro는 가격 대비 최고의 가치를 제공하는 4개의 베이가 있는 보급형 NAS 중 하나입니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>ASUSTOR ADM 4.0 리뷰: 새로운 다크 모드, 향상된 검색 및 전반적으로 더 나은 NAS OS asustor NAS

WindowsCentral, UK


[Recommended Award] ASUSTOR ADM 4.0 리뷰: 새로운 다크 모드, 향상된 검색 및 전반적으로 더 나은 NAS OS

"ASUSTOR의 NAS OS가 업데이트되어 그 어느 때보 다 심각합니다. "

[Test Winner]<br/>Asustor Lockerstor 2 AS6602T asustor NAS

CHIP Magazine, Czech


[Test Winner] Asustor Lockerstor 2 AS6602T

"고성능과 다양한 기능을 갖춘 Asustor Lockerstor 2 AS6602T는 2개의 하드 드라이브 슬롯이 있는 최고의 네트워크 스토리지 장치입니다. "

[Best Value 2021]<br/>AS1102T - 멀티미디어를 위한 훌륭한 도구 asustor NAS

PCM, Hong Kong


[Best Value 2021] AS1102T - 멀티미디어를 위한 훌륭한 도구

"AS1102T는 FTP 및 멀티미디어 기능을 갖춘 저렴한 2베이 NAS입니다. "

[Good Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro(AS3302T) 테스트 asustor NAS

PC-Magazin , Germany


[Good Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro(AS3302T) 테스트

"AS3302T는 1GbE NAS보다 약 2배 빠른 속도로 전송하는 저렴하고 경제적인 2.5GbE NAS입니다. "

[Good Award]<br/>Drivestor 2 PRO 테스트 asustor NAS

PC-Magazin , Germany


[Good Award] Drivestor 2 PRO 테스트

"Drivestor 2 PRO는 테스트에서 'Good' 등급을 받았으며, 복잡하지 않은 설정과 우수한 성능으로 인정받았습니다. "

[Best NAS in 2021]<br/>NAS 서버: 2021년 최고의 NAS 구매 가이드 및 비교 asustor NAS

Monserveurnas, France


[Best NAS in 2021] NAS 서버: 2021년 최고의 NAS 구매 가이드 및 비교

"Asustor AS1102T: 백업을 위한 최고의 품질/가격 비율 "

[Gold Award]<br/>리뷰: Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro(AS3304T) asustor NAS

ElChapuzas, Spain


[Gold Award] 리뷰: Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro(AS3304T)

"El Chapuzas Informático, Drivestor 4 Pro(AS3304T)에 금상 수상 "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Driverstor 4 Pro AS3304T: 고급 소비자용 4베이 NAS asustor NAS

Bitsandchips, Italy


[Recommended Award] Asustor Driverstor 4 Pro AS3304T: 고급 소비자용 4베이 NAS

"소비자 시장에 특화된 우수한 하이엔드 제품이라고 할 수 있습니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 4 (AS1104T) - отличный домашний NAS для пользователей, которым нужно что-то надежное, удобное и доступное с минимальной производительностью. asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


[Recommended Award] Asustor Drivestor 4 (AS1104T) - отличный домашний NAS для пользователей, которым нужно что-то надежное, удобное и доступное с минимальной производительностью.

"Asustor Drivestor 4(AS1104T)는 안정적이고 사용하기 쉬우며 약간의 성능을 갖춘 저렴한 제품이 필요한 사용자를 위한 훌륭한 가정용 NAS입니다. "

[Best NAS 2021] <br/> PCMag의



[Best NAS 2021] PCMag의 "2021년 최고의 기술 제품"에 Drivestor 2 AS1102T 포함

"이 2베이 NAS는 프리미엄 기능의 뛰어난 조합을 제공하고 네트워킹 초보자도 쉽게 설치할 수 있으며 예산을 초과하지 않는 가격으로 모든 작업을 수행합니다. "

[Best NAS drives 2021] asustor NAS

Tech Advisor, UK


[Best NAS drives 2021]

"Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T - 2.5GbE LAN에 가장 적합 "

[Recmmended Award]<br/>테스트에서 Asustor AS6602T NAS: QNAP 및 Synology에 대해 2개의 M.2 및 2개의 2.5GbE 사용 asustor NAS

ComputerBase, Germany


[Recmmended Award] 테스트에서 Asustor AS6602T NAS: QNAP 및 Synology에 대해 2개의 M.2 및 2개의 2.5GbE 사용

"전반적으로 NAS는 두 경쟁업체보다 우수하고 완벽한 패키지를 제공합니다. "

[Best storage devices]<br/>테스트 개요의 NAS: 최고의 저장 장치입니다. asustor NAS

Haus, Germany


[Best storage devices] 테스트 개요의 NAS: 최고의 저장 장치입니다.

"Asustor Lockerstor 2는 특히 빠른 쓰기 및 읽기 속도로 다른 NAS와 차별화됩니다. "

[Platinum Award]<br/>Asustor LOCKERSTOR 2 검토 asustor NAS

Profesionalreview, Spain


[Platinum Award] Asustor LOCKERSTOR 2 검토

"Professional Review 팀은 플래티넘 메달과 추천 제품을 수여합니다. "

[Recommended Award]<br/>Asustor AS1104T 4베이 NAS asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


[Recommended Award] Asustor AS1104T 4베이 NAS

"가격 대비 좋은 제안이며 "추천" 상을 수여하는 이유입니다. "

[Excellence Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T 리뷰 asustor NAS

PC Guia, Portugal


[Excellence Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T 리뷰

"Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro는 홈 네트워크에서 NAS 사용을 시작하려는 모든 사람에게 좋은 출발점입니다. "

[Excellence Award] <br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T - 경제적이고 기능적 asustor NAS

Exame Informática, Portugal


[Excellence Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T - 경제적이고 기능적

"가격은 제시된 기능과 성능을 고려할 때 사실이라고 하기에는 너무 좋습니다. "

최고의 NAS 2021: 최고의 네트워크 연결 저장 장치 asustor NAS



최고의 NAS 2021: 최고의 네트워크 연결 저장 장치

"Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T는 ZDNet에서 2021년 최고의 NAS 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. "

[The best entry-level NAS] asustor NAS

AllesBesteGmbH, Germany


[The best entry-level NAS]

"Drivestor 2 Pro - 2.5GbE LAN, 뛰어난 기능 및 특징을 갖춘 현재 가장 비용 효율적인 멀티 기가비트 NAS "

[Editor's Choice Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T 검토 asustor NAS



[Editor's Choice Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 AS1102T 검토

"가장 경제적인 2베이 NAS "

[Recommendation Award]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T 리뷰 asustor NAS

AllesBeste, Germany


[Recommendation Award] Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T 리뷰

"2.5GbE LAN, 뛰어난 기능 및 특징을 갖춘 현재 가장 비용 효율적인 멀티 기가비트 NAS "

[Best network hard drives]<br/>NAS 서버 테스트: 최고의 네트워크 하드 드라이브 asustor NAS

Chip, Germany


[Best network hard drives] NAS 서버 테스트: 최고의 네트워크 하드 드라이브

"Asustor Lockerstor 2는 광범위한 기능을 갖춘 DDR4 RAM 덕분에 뛰어난 전송 속도와 향상된 에너지 효율성을 결합합니다. "

Best NAS devices of 2021 in India<br/>가정용 최고의 NAS(Network Attached Storage) asustor NAS

Smartprix, India


Best NAS devices of 2021 in India 가정용 최고의 NAS(Network Attached Storage)

"Asustor Lockerstor 4 AS6604T - 트랜스코딩 없이 플러그 앤 플레이가 가능한 HDMI 2.0a 포트가 있는 최고의 Plex 미디어 서버 NAS 중 하나입니다. "

[HC GOLG MEDAL]<br/>테스트: Asustor Drivestor 4 NAS, ARM 프로세서가 있는 베이 4개 asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


[HC GOLG MEDAL] 테스트: Asustor Drivestor 4 NAS, ARM 프로세서가 있는 베이 4개

"마지막으로 저렴하고 효율적인 이 Asustor Drivestor 4(일명 AS1104T NAS)는 매우 훌륭한 HC 금메달을 받을 자격이 있습니다. "

[Recommendation Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 테스트 asustor NAS

Hardware Inside, Germany


[Recommendation Award] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 테스트

"ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 AS6602T는 처리 및 성능 면에서 모두 탁월합니다. "

[SILVER AWARD] <br/>Asustor AS3304T - 모든 사람이 사용할 수 있는 NAS! asustor NAS

Xtremehardware, Italy


[SILVER AWARD] Asustor AS3304T - 모든 사람이 사용할 수 있는 NAS!

"AS3304T는 4베이 장치의 가격이 379유로에 불과하기 때문에 지금까지 테스트한 가장 흥미로운 NAS 장치 중 하나입니다. "

[BEST VALUE AWARD]<br/>ASUSTOR Drivestor 4(AS1104T) NAS 검토 asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US



"Drivestor 4는 2.5GBe 연결을 포함하는 견고한 하드웨어 플랫폼이 지원하는 ASUSTOR NAS 에코시스템에 환상적인 진입을 제공합니다. "

[GREAT VALUE AWARD]<br/>Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T 4베이 NAS 검토 asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


[GREAT VALUE AWARD] Asustor Drivestor 4 Pro AS3304T 4베이 NAS 검토

"이것은 예산 중심의 NAS입니다. 증가된 저장 공간을 위해 적절한 성능의 NAS를 원하는 사용자를 주로 해결합니다. "

Asustor Lockerstor 2(AS6602T) 테스트 asustor NAS

CHIP, Germany


Asustor Lockerstor 2(AS6602T) 테스트

"뛰어난 성능과 가치를 지닌 다목적 2베이 NAS "

[RECOMMENDED AWARD]<br/>ASUSTOR AS1104T 리뷰: 가정용 파일 저장을 위한 뛰어난 예산 친화적인 NAS asustor NAS

WindowsCentral, US


[RECOMMENDED AWARD] ASUSTOR AS1104T 리뷰: 가정용 파일 저장을 위한 뛰어난 예산 친화적인 NAS

"AS1104T는 가정이나 사무실에서 파일 저장을 위한 훌륭한 NAS 인클로저입니다. "

[Editor's Choice Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro(AS3304T) NAS 검토 asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


[Editor's Choice Award] ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro(AS3304T) NAS 검토

"ASUSTOR는 4베이로 2.5Gbe를 제공하는 잘 구축된 보급형 플랫폼을 보유하고 있습니다. 이는 오늘날 NAS 시장에 진입하는 소비자들에게 유리합니다. "

[Hardware Gold Award]<br/>ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 AS6604T NAS asustor NAS

ReHWolution, Italy


[Hardware Gold Award] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 AS6604T NAS

" 오늘 ASUSTOR AS6604T에 하드웨어 금상을 수여합니다. "

[ATTRACTIVE PRICE AWARD]<br/>검토: Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T - 멀티 기가비트 이더넷을 갖춘 저렴한 NAS asustor NAS

PCWelt, Germany


[ATTRACTIVE PRICE AWARD] 검토: Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro AS3302T - 멀티 기가비트 이더넷을 갖춘 저렴한 NAS

"Asustor Drivestor 2 Pro NAS 시스템을 사용하면 멀티 기가비트 이더넷으로 전환할 가치가 있습니다. "

[RECOMMENDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro NAS (AS3304T/2.5 GigE) asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


[RECOMMENDED AWARD] ASUSTOR Drivestor 4 Pro NAS (AS3304T/2.5 GigE)

"독창적인 소프트웨어 제품군을 갖춘 권장 NAS입니다. "

[GOLD AWARD] <br/> 테스트 : Asustor Lockerstor2 – AS6602T asustor NAS

HwT.dk, Denmark


[GOLD AWARD] 테스트 : Asustor Lockerstor2 – AS6602T

"AS6602T는 모든면에서 우수한 성능을 제공했습니다. 테스트에서 우리는 그것이 내 네트워크 용량의 최고에 도달하는 능력을 가지고 있음을 확인했습니다. "

[ANBEFALER AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 [테스트] : 최대 전력으로 네트워크에서 파일 전송 asustor NAS

AOD, Denmark


[ANBEFALER AWARD] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 [테스트] : 최대 전력으로 네트워크에서 파일 전송

"ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4는 중소기업 또는 까다로운 개인 사용자를위한 인상적인 성능, 최신 기술 및 풍부한 도구를 제공합니다. "

[RECOMMANDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR LOCKERSTOR 2 (AS6602T) : 아무것도없는 중형 NAS asustor NAS

Bitsandchips, Italy



"수많은 기능과 2 개의 2.5G 이더넷 포트 덕분에 SoHo / Prosumer를위한 진정으로 탁월한 NAS입니다. "

 대만 팬분이 ASUSTOR 담당자라구요? (NAS, 나스) asustor NAS

Walala TV, Korea


대만 팬분이 ASUSTOR 담당자라구요? (NAS, 나스)

"ASUSTOR AS6508T + Ironwolf 리뷰 "

Best NAS Drives 2021 asustor NAS

Tech Advisor, UK


Best NAS Drives 2021

"최고의 4 베이 Synology 대안 "

[RECOMMENDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 AS6604T 검토 asustor NAS

Tech Advisor, UK



"AS6604T는 고품질 솔루션과 비용 대비 뛰어난 가치를 결합합니다. "

[HIGHLY RECOMMENDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 (AS6604T) 4 베이 NAS 검토 asustor NAS

TechPowerUp, US



"Lockerstor 4 / AS6604T에는 2.5Gbit 이더넷 포트, 2 개의 NVMe 드라이브 지원, 완전한 성능의 CPU, 최대 8GB RAM을 차지하는 기능 등 모든 최신 기능이 포함되어 있습니다. "

[STORAGE SWEETNESS AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 AS6604T NAS (2x 2.5 GigE) asustor NAS

Guru3D, US



"Lockerstor 4-지금까지 테스트 한 것 중 가장 강력하고 기능이 풍부한 NAS 장치입니다. "

[DEVELOPERS' CHOICE AWARD] <br/> 저렴한 가격의 하이 엔드 네트워크 연결 스토리지 장비 asustor NAS

HostingAdvice, US


[DEVELOPERS' CHOICE AWARD] 저렴한 가격의 하이 엔드 네트워크 연결 스토리지 장비

"ASUSTOR의 혁신적인 스토리지 서버는 기술 수준에 관계없이 사용자 친화적으로 설계되어 진화하는 소비자 요구를 충족합니다. "

[GOLD AWARD] <br/> 전문가 용으로 설계된 ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 AS6602T asustor NAS

XTremeHardware, Italy


[GOLD AWARD] 전문가 용으로 설계된 ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 AS6602T

"오늘 우리는 NAS를 비디오 제작자, 사진 작가 또는 대용량 파일 작업이 필요한 전문가로 테스트 할 것입니다. "

[RECOMENDADO AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 AS5202T 검토 asustor NAS

Blog HTPC, Spain



"ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2는 최고의 가치와 듀얼 멀티 기가비트 네트워크 연결을 제공합니다. "

EDITORS' CHOICE AWARD<br/>ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 검토 asustor NAS




"뛰어난 성능, 풍부한 앱 및 견고한 기능 세트는 2- 베이 NAS 장치에 대한 최신 편집자 선정 상을 수상했습니다. "

[EDITOR'S CHOICE AWARD]<br/>ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 리뷰 asustor NAS

Insomnia, Greece



"ASUSTOR AS5202T / Nimbustor 2는 높은 전송 속도와 다양한 다목적 애플리케이션을 제공하는 홈 네트워크 내에서 작동하도록 설계되었습니다. "

AS6604T를 사용하면 PC없이 항상 액세스 할 수 있습니까? asustor NAS

러빗아토 / LuvITATO, Korea

아수스토어 U2.5G 동글에 대해 알아보자. asustor NAS

쌈밥TV, Korea


아수스토어 U2.5G 동글에 대해 알아보자.

"아수스토어 U2.5G 동글 소개 및 실제 데이터 전송 테스트. "

AS5202T 언박싱 asustor NAS

쌈밥TV, Korea


AS5202T 언박싱

"아수스토어 AS5202T 언박싱 및 하드디스크 장착. "

[OUTSTANDING SPEED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 AS6602T 테스트-2.5GbE로 인해 더 빠른 네트워크 스토리지 asustor NAS

PC-WELT, Germany


[OUTSTANDING SPEED AWARD] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 2 AS6602T 테스트-2.5GbE로 인해 더 빠른 네트워크 스토리지

"멀티 기가비트 LAN 포트와 더 많은 기능 덕분에 AS6602T의 최고 기술은 테스트 결과에 따라 가격 대비 가치가 있습니다. "

[RECOMMENDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 리뷰 : 뛰어난 사양으로이 NAS를 거의 완벽하게 만듭니다. asustor NAS

Windows Central, US


[RECOMMENDED AWARD] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 리뷰 : 뛰어난 사양으로이 NAS를 거의 완벽하게 만듭니다.

"ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4는 가격 대비 매우 강력한 NAS 인클로저입니다. "

[EDITOR'S CHOICE AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR AS6602T Lockerstor 2 NAS 검토 asustor NAS

TweakTown, US



"ASUSTOR의 AS6602T Lockerstor 2 NAS는 2.5Gbe 네트워킹 및 m.2 NVMe 지원을 제공하므로 확실히 확인해 볼 가치가 있습니다. "

원컴방송 되는 나스가 있다? asustor NAS

뻘짓연구소, Korea


원컴방송 되는 나스가 있다?

"2개월 동안 사용하면서 느낀 소감 및 주요 기능 소개 "

[GOLD AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 AS6508T 검토 asustor NAS

XTremeHardware, Italy


[GOLD AWARD] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 AS6508T 검토

"HDD 용 8 개의 공간과 NVME 용 2 개의 슬롯으로 우리가 생각할 수있는 모든 유형의 구성에 빠져들 수 있습니다. "

[POLECAMY AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Nimbustor 4 / AS5304T 테스트 asustor NAS

whatnext, Poland


[POLECAMY AWARD] ASUSTOR Nimbustor 4 / AS5304T 테스트

"ASUSTOR Nimbustor 4 / AS5304T는 제가 추천 할 수있는 최고의 NAS 서버 중 하나입니다. "

[GOLD AWARD] <br\> 리뷰 : ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 (NAS 4 베이 + 2x M.2) asustor NAS

El Chapuzas Informatico, Spain


[GOLD AWARD] 리뷰 : ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4 (NAS 4 베이 + 2x M.2)

"El Chapuzas Informático는 ASUSTOR Lockerstor 4에 금상을 수여했습니다. "

NAS 테스트의 ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 (AS5202T) : 매우 빠른 네트워크 스토리지 asustor NAS

PC-WELT, Germany


NAS 테스트의 ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 (AS5202T) : 매우 빠른 네트워크 스토리지

"ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2는 PC-WELT 상 "혁신 기술"을 수상했습니다.  "

ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 AS6508T 리뷰 : 신속한 고객 asustor NAS



ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 AS6508T 리뷰 : 신속한 고객

"뛰어난 성능, 강력한 비즈니스 급 앱 세트 및 많은 고속 네트워크 포트를 갖춘 유연한 NAS.  "

ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 (AS5202T) NAS 리뷰 : 미디어 스토리지 및 스트리밍 asustor NAS

TechHive, US


ASUSTOR Nimbustor 2 (AS5202T) NAS 리뷰 : 미디어 스토리지 및 스트리밍

"Nimbustor 2 (AS5202T)는 제가 테스트 한 최고의 가정용 NAS 상자입니다.  "

아수스토어 AS5202T 언박싱! asustor NAS

뻘짓연구소, Korea


아수스토어 AS5202T 언박싱!

"아수스의 나스 브랜드 아수스토어 소개와 AS5202T 언박싱 영상. 이번 편에서는 기본적은 설정 방법과 제품 소개 진행.  "

ASUSTOR Lockerstor 10 Pro AS7110T NAS 검토 asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


ASUSTOR Lockerstor 10 Pro AS7110T NAS 검토

"AS7110T 스토리지 성능은 내가 본 최고 중 하나입니다.  "

[RECOMMENDED AWARD] <br/> ASUSTOR Lockerstor 10 Pro AS7110T 리뷰 : 진지한 비즈니스를위한 진지한 NAS asustor NAS

Windows Central, US


[RECOMMENDED AWARD] ASUSTOR Lockerstor 10 Pro AS7110T 리뷰 : 진지한 비즈니스를위한 진지한 NAS

"ASUSTOR의 Lockerstor 10 Pro는 강력한 NAS입니다. 바쁜 사무실에서 많은 어려움없이 파일과 서비스를 관리하는 데 필요한 모든 것을 갖추고 있습니다. "

ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 Eight-Bay NAS Review asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


ASUSTOR Lockerstor 8 Eight-Bay NAS Review

"ASUSTOR looks to change everything with the Lockerstor 8 NAS. Here's our full review. "

Asustor Nimbustor 4 (AS5304T) Review asustor NAS

Reviewify, UK


Asustor Nimbustor 4 (AS5304T) Review

"This two-bay NAS delivers fast performance and is equipped with top-shelf hardware. It’s also slick-looking and offers dual tool-free, hot-swap drive bays, 5GbE with link ... "

Best Value Award asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


Best Value Award

"At its current price, the ASUSTOR AS-U2.5G is a fantastic option for upgrading your PC and NAS with 2.5Gbe.  "

Editors' Choice asustor NAS



Editors' Choice

"The Asustor AS5304T is an excellent choice for users seeking a versatile network-attached storage device that can stream 4K video, serve music, store large blocks of data ... "

The Best NAS (Network Attached Storage) Devices for 2019/ 2020 asustor NAS



The Best NAS (Network Attached Storage) Devices for 2019/ 2020

"The Asustor AS5304T is a powerful four-bay NAS device equipped with top-notch hardware and a generous catalog of apps. "

Recommended Award  asustor NAS

Hexus , UK


Recommended Award

"More forward-looking than most and delivers a well-rounded feature set that few competitors are currently able to match. "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"ASUSTOR has once again manufactured a high-performance NAS. Unlike other 1GbE predecessors, 2.5GbE connectivity is a lot faster "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW legend, Italy


Best Buy Award

"Given the attractive price and its first-rate technical characteristics, we can without delay say that this model is definitely a best-buy in its category. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


Gold Award

"Nimbustor 4 is not only powerful on CPU and RAM. It also has excellent network connection with 2 RJ-45 2.5GBit LAN ports which also allows the two ports to be "aggregated ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


Gold Award

" it is currently one of the best performing consumer NAS on the market. 2x 2.5 GbE ports making brings network speed. In terms of safety, performance and efficiency, we c ... "

AS5202T is Worth Buying asustor NAS

Kitguru , UK


AS5202T is Worth Buying

"The 2-bay AS5202T NAS is one of the first members of a new product line from Asustor called Nimbustor, The new model line sees a world’s first, with the introduction of 2 ... "

The Best NAS Devices for 2019/ 2020 asustor NAS



The Best NAS Devices for 2019/ 2020

"Solid file-transfer performance. Up to 5GbE speeds with link aggregation. Tool-less chassis. 4k video decoding. Good selection of apps. "

Editors' Choice asustor NAS



Editors' Choice

"If you're looking for a two-bay network-attached storage device for your home that offers beefy hardware specs and speedy performance, the Asustor Nimbustor 2 AS5202T is ... "

Performance Award asustor NAS

Simply.reviews, UK


Performance Award

"A key selling point of the AS5304T is its dual 2.5GbE network ports and while the appliance is good value. The performance we saw over these higher-speed ports will justi ... "

Recommend Award asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


Recommend Award

"Asustor's product is a very good NAS server that you can buy successfully. Especially at this price it is a really good deal "

Golden Award asustor NAS

Nikktech , US


Golden Award

"the AS3102T V2 does offer a good bang for your buck and that combined with the very rich app database ASUSTOR offers and of course their very good product support (3-year ... "

Bang For Buck Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Bang For Buck Award

"We’ve finally reached a point in time which I’ve been looking forward to in a long time: affordable multi-gigabit networking. Recently, ASUSTOR released the AS4004T which ... "

Editorial Tip asustor NAS

Computer Totaal, Netherlands


Editorial Tip

"A modern nas goes further than just network storage and is a combination of hardware and software. The operating system determines what you can do with your nas. From-tha ... "

ASUSTOR Nimbustor 4 (AS5304T) Review asustor NAS

Tweaktown, US


ASUSTOR Nimbustor 4 (AS5304T) Review

"Gigabit ethernet has long outlived its welcome in SOHO NAS platforms but for the longest time consumer infrastructure has been lacking the supports for anything more. Wit ... "

Summary / Recommendation asustor NAS

Whatnext, Poland


Summary / Recommendation

"Asustor AS1004T v2 costs about PLN 1100. At this price it is a completely recommendable construction. The NAS looks correct and will work well as part of the company's eq ... "

Mainstreaming 10GbE in to your home asustor NAS

Modders, US


Mainstreaming 10GbE in to your home

"AS4004T is a four-bay Network Attached Storage device that is 10Gbps ready and backward compatible with 1Gbps networks. This NAS is powered by Marvel Armada 7K Dual-Core ... "

Storage Sweetness Award  asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Storage Sweetness Award

"We test the 4-bay model, loaded with features and a plethora of software that will allow anything from a simple FTP server, to VM aware solutions as well as heaps of medi ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HardwareCooking, France


Gold Award

"For those looking for a NAS for backup, shared storage and easy to use, this NAS AS1002T v2 is a good option. Moreover the number of applications proposed by ASUSTOR is r ... "

Review asustor NAS

Fonearena, India



"On the whole, the interface is neat, responsive and provides smooth user experience as well. And the best part here is that you can run multiple apps at the same time and ... "

Asustor AS4004T, 10Gbit Ethernet and many features asustor NAS

Hardware Upgrade, Italy


Asustor AS4004T, 10Gbit Ethernet and many features

"Storing a large amount of data is no longer just a business issue; some users passionate about shooting, photos and more feel more than ever the need for a large and safe ... "

Asustor AS3102T v2 file server review asustor NAS

Blogotech, Poland


Asustor AS3102T v2 file server review

"As you can see, between AS3102T and AS3102Tv2 there are not too many differences. They are limited in principle to the addition of new ports - LAN and USB. There are also ... "

Asustor AS4002T file server review asustor NAS

Blogotech, Poland


Asustor AS4002T file server review

"AS4002T offers a lot and certainly not one of its owners will be happy with it.   I would like to dedicate it to small and medium-sized businesses rather than h ... "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"Overall, we were pleased with the performance and features of the AS4004T and although that’s enough for us to give it our Golden Award unless you plan on moving to 10GbE ... "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW legend, Italy


Best Buy Award

"Maximum flexibility for everyone! the NAS Servers are able to guarantee high performance able to fully meet the storage needs in the home / office. "

Editor’s Choice award asustor NAS

Techgage, US


Editor’s Choice award

"There’s a lot to consider when buying a NAS, and that journey begins with identifying what your needs are.  If it’s fast network addressable storage at a fair price, ... "

Preis-leistung Thumb Up Award asustor NAS

HardwareLUXX, Germany


Preis-leistung Thumb Up Award

"Solid and affordable 2-bay NAS with the unique selling point of a 10GBase-T interface. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland


Recommended Award

"AS3102T v2 is really well built, looks great and at the same time is characterized by high work culture, as well as quite good performance.  "

Quality Award asustor NAS

iThardware, Poland


Quality Award

"ASUSTOR AS3204T V2 is an advanced multimedia harvester, a worthy successor of the AS3204T we tested 1.5 years ago, It is a very solid equipment for someone who wants to h ... "

Excellence Award asustor NAS

PC Tek Reviews, India


Excellence Award

"To sum up, my experience with ASUSTOR AS6302T was surprisingly positive. Best storage device for home users and people running their own business with a relatively limite ... "

Quality Award asustor NAS

iThardware, Poland


Quality Award

"ASUSTOR AS1004T V2 is one of the simplest four-disk network servers available on the market, the quality of the whole is very good. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Computers and More, India


Gold Award

"ASUSTOR AS4004T NAS Box - Low on Budget, High on Performance. ASUSTOR has done a brilliant job with the AS4004T, making it an all rounder offering rich features and to th ... "

Value Award   asustor NAS

Simply.reviews, US


Value Award

"Asustor’s 4-bay AS4004T is remarkably good value as it offers an integral 10GBaseT port at a price no other vendor can match. Its basic Marvell CPU means overall 10GbE pe ... "

새로운 스냅샷으로 NAS 데이터 보호 강화 ASUSTOR ADM 3.3 asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


새로운 스냅샷으로 NAS 데이터 보호 강화 ASUSTOR ADM 3.3

"주요 NAS 제조사 중 하나인 ASUSTOR(이하 아수스토어)는 창립 초기부터 NAS의 소프트웨어 기능을 중시하고 운영체제인 ADM (ASUSTOR Data Master, 아수스토어 데이터 마스터)을 매 분기 업데이트하여 발전시키고 있는데 최근에는 ADM 3.3 Beta(이하 베타) 버전을 선보였다. 이 ... "

전문가를 위한 프리미엄 NAS ASUSTOR AS6202T / AS6204T asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


전문가를 위한 프리미엄 NAS ASUSTOR AS6202T / AS6204T

"이번 기사에서는 아수스토어 AS6200 시리즈 가운데 고급형 제품을 선호하는 개인 사용자나 소규모 기업에게 적합한 'AS6202T'와 'AS6204T'를 살펴보도록 하겠다.  "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR build a perfect solution for users looking for a low-cost storage system without the expense of bells and whistles not everyone requires. "

ASUSTOR AS6404T 4-Bay NAS Review: Much More Than A NAS asustor NAS

MySmartPrice, India


ASUSTOR AS6404T 4-Bay NAS Review: Much More Than A NAS

"Overall, the ASUSTOR AS6404T is an impressive NAS. It has great build quality, an amazing set of features, fast performance and a huge collection of compatible apps and s ... "

Test ASUSTOR AS4002T - Network drive for everyone asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


Test ASUSTOR AS4002T - Network drive for everyone

"ASUSTOR AS4002T is a small network drive designed for home use, but also successfully fulfills its task in the office. It will serve not only as an archive of files, FTP ... "

AS4002T review asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


AS4002T review

"The AS4002T NAS looks great and presents great performance. If you can use the 10 GbE connector, you will still gain in performance. The server has a very good system and ... "

Video review asustor NAS

Indian Gamer, India


Video review


Excellent Choice Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, Netherlands


Excellent Choice Award

"ASUSTOR AS4002T costs you an average of 279 euros, which makes it the cheapest participant in the tests after the WD My Cloud EX2 Ultra. You will receive a well-performin ... "

ASUSTOR AS4004T: Fast and powerful NAS for home and business asustor NAS

Alza, Czech


ASUSTOR AS4004T: Fast and powerful NAS for home and business

"ASUSTOR has developed an interesting model series AS40, which we can recommend to medium-sized businesses, especially in the case of 4-wheel AS4000T. The smaller 2-disk v ... "

친숙한 브랜드 세 가지로 알아보는, NAS 경쟁력 원천 asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


친숙한 브랜드 세 가지로 알아보는, NAS 경쟁력 원천

"그로 인해 온라인으로 접속해 데이터를 저장하는 클라우드 스토리지 서비스가 발달하였으나 주기적으로 이용료를 내야 하고 온라인 서비스 특성상 접속자가 증가하여 접속이 느려지거나 점검 시 이용하지 못하는 제약이 있어서 불편하다.   그렇다면 자기만의 클라우드 스토리지가 있다면 좋을 텐데 NA ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"This NAS is cut for data flow management: whether it is for the transfer of large files, greedy network flows, such as video surveillance or simple as a file storage spac ... "

Test of ASUSTOR AS4004T - a versatile gifted NAS asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


Test of ASUSTOR AS4004T - a versatile gifted NAS

"ASUSTOR AS4004T is a successful construction, both in terms of technical specification, performance and available services. "

Recommended and design award asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


Recommended and design award

"ASUSTOR AS4004T is a very functional device. It has rich software that allows a lot of different possibilities. "

Review asustor NAS

The Streaming Blog, Australia



"Overall, if you’re someone searching for a file storage that provides you with excellence, efficiency, and entertainment as well, then we highly recommend the AS1002T V2 ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Recommended Award

"The AS6302T is a very competitive feature rich platform for those wanting home or small office storage. "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Platinum Award

"The new ASUSTOR AS1004 v2 is a small 4-bay NAS, with excellent performance and a clean and discreet appearance. Suitable for both home and small office environments, this ... "

사용자 리뷰 asustor NAS

Blogger, Korea


사용자 리뷰

"NAS라는 제품은 파일을 저장하는 기능도 있지만 나스 안에 있는 콘텐츠를 확실하게 소비할 수 있는 부가 앱이나 유용한 앱이 얼마나 편리하게 되어 있는지가 매우 중요합니다. 아수스토어 AS1002T의 ADM은 이런 부분을 확실히 고려한 제품이었으며, 멀티미디어나 백업 기능을 효과적으로 쓰고 싶은 분들이라면 ... "

사용자 리뷰 asustor NAS

Blogger, Korea


사용자 리뷰

"아수스토어 AS6204T는 다양한 기능을 갖춘 고성능 NAS로 전용 운영체제인 ADM에 다양한 앱을 설치해서 기능을 확장할 수 있으며, 활용도가 높은 스마트폰 앱을 제공하여 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 플래그십 NAS입니다. 해당 제품은 파워유저나 SOHO에서 사용할 NAS를 찾는 분들에게 최적의 모델 ! "


Tecnocino, Italy



"Faced with the results we have collected, we would like to suggest the purchase of ASUSTOR AS1004T v2. On the performance side we have found a further increase in perform ... "

간편함과 실용성 겸비한 2 베이 NAS, ASUSTOR AS1002T v2 asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


간편함과 실용성 겸비한 2 베이 NAS, ASUSTOR AS1002T v2

"IT 기기는 성능과 기능도 중요하지만 편리하게 사용할 수 있어야 더 가치 있다. 그 점에서 아수스토어 AS1002T v2는 높은 점수를 줄 수 있는 제품이다. 드라이버 없이 HDD를 장착 가능한 조립 편의성과 ADM에서 제공하는 NAS 관련 각종 기능, 추가로 설치할 수 있는 앱 등 여러 가지 요소가 이 ... "

ASUSTOR AS3202T NAS review: Get one home asustor NAS

The Asian Age, India

사용자 리뷰 asustor NAS

Blogger, Korea


사용자 리뷰

"백업 및 스토리지 운영은 기본! 홈 미디어 센터로 강력한 기능 제공 아수스토어 AS3102T: 4K 미디어 재생 지원 듀얼코어 고성능 NAS "

사용자 리뷰 asustor NAS

Blogger, Korea


사용자 리뷰

"아수스토어 NAS AS1002T를 처음 사용하는 우리들을 위한 안내서: 리뷰를 가장한 초급자용 설명서. 이제는 회사뿐만 아니라 집안에서도 온 가족이 PC뿐만 아니라 스마트 기기로 서로 이어져있고 클라우드 시스템의 대중화로 인해 언제 어디서든 나의 데이터를 안전하게 전송 보관하고 때로는 불러오는 일이 일상 ... "

Video review asustor NAS

WavePC, Poland


Video review

"Presenting installation and ADM UI of AS6302T   "

NAS Test for Home Use  asustor NAS

TestHub, Poland

ASUSTOR AS3202T NAS review: Get one home asustor NAS

Deccann Chronicle, India


ASUSTOR AS3202T NAS review: Get one home

"The NAS is robust, easy to install, feature rich and requires almost zero maintenance. Simply plug in compatible and sufficient storage drives, configure it once and you ... "

Home two-bay NAS server AS3102T v2 asustor NAS

Počítač pro každého, Czech


Home two-bay NAS server AS3102T v2

"The server is energy-efficient and offers plenty useful features with a good price-performance ratio. We like complete Czech control and easy installation of discs. "

Video review asustor NAS

Tek Syndicate, US


Video review

"ASUSTOR: AS4004T NAS Overview: User Friendly Software & Good Hardware "

AS6302T in daily use – the new NAS model from ASUSTOR asustor NAS

PCelite, Poland


AS6302T in daily use – the new NAS model from ASUSTOR

"AS6302T is a multimedia workhorse with really big capabilities. This type of device is perfect for small business/home use, where limited storage capacity is not a proble ... "

Silver Award of TestPilot asustor NAS

Sweclockers, Sweden


Silver Award of TestPilot

"Even though we ignore 10 Gigabit test, the ASUSTOR AS4004T is a good NAS. It comes with almost everything I expect from a modern NAS device and at a good price of ar ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

Vonguru, France


Silver Award

"Simple and fast storage with ASUSTOR AS1002T v2 "

Must Have Award asustor NAS

Modders Inc, US


Must Have Award

"Redefining Home Storage: Be smart and back that stuff up. For a budget/entry level NAS the ASUSTOR AS1002T v2 is a good choice. "

Product intro: ASUSTOR AS4004T, your personal home data cloud asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


Product intro: ASUSTOR AS4004T, your personal home data cloud

"It combines speed, low cost, high economy and extra features. It makes it easy to create a large digital field for your information. It can also be transformed into a com ... "

Review: ASUSTOR AS4004T A Fast and Affordable 10GbE 4-Bay NAS asustor NAS

Server The Home, US


Review: ASUSTOR AS4004T A Fast and Affordable 10GbE 4-Bay NAS

"The ASUSTOR AS4004T is a NAS on a mission: provide the lowest cost 10GbE 4-bay network attached storage on the market, and make it easy to use and integrate into SMB offi ... "

Video review: recommended NAS asustor NAS

Tech Yes City, Australia


Video review: recommended NAS

"Here is something that in the NAS world represents such good value for money, that I really couldn't fault the AS4000T for anything... The implementation of the UI, the f ... "

AS4002T Review asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada


AS4002T Review

"The ASUSTOR AS4002T is a very reasonably priced NAS that comes with a speedy 10GbE network adapter. "

ASUSTOR AS4004T 4 Bay 10GbE NAS Reviewed asustor NAS

SmallNetBuilder, US


ASUSTOR AS4004T 4 Bay 10GbE NAS Reviewed

"If you're looking for a top performing 4-bay NAS, the ASUSTOR offers the best performance as compared to other Gigabit NASes.  "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

Сергей Вильянов, Russia


Best Buy Award

"A review of the affordable four-disk NAS Asustor AS4004T: 10-gigabit silence. This is a new NAS, that has the optimal (and even advanced in places) functionality and comb ... "

꾸준한 업데이트로 NAS 편의성 향상, ASUSTOR ADM 3.2 asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


꾸준한 업데이트로 NAS 편의성 향상, ASUSTOR ADM 3.2

"앞서 살펴보았듯이 ADM 3.2에는 사용자가 NAS를 간편하고 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 기능이 많이 있는데 아수스토어는 분기마다 업데이트를 하고 있으므로 다음 버전은 더 진보할 것이라고 기대할 수 있다. "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

Komputer, Czech


Best Buy Award

"The cheapest 10 Gb/s NAS for demanding household or a small business. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

PC & Tech Authority, Australia


Recommended Award

"The ASUSTOR AS4002T excels as a no frills storage solution. If you’re looking for fast affordable networked storage, this is as good as it gets. It doesn’t have the bells ... "

Test ASUSTOR AS6404T - Home server on call asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


Test ASUSTOR AS6404T - Home server on call

"This purchase will speak primarily to the imagination of people running their own business, such as an online store, an accounting office, a photo workshop or an interact ... "

Recommendation Award asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


Recommendation Award

"The AS6404T is an excellent server that has great capabilities. Its operation is trouble-free - applying to mobile apps, network connectivity and its connection via HDMI. ... "

ADM으로 편의성 높은 10G NAS, ASUSTOR AS4004T asustor NAS

Bodnara, Korea


ADM으로 편의성 높은 10G NAS, ASUSTOR AS4004T

"대용량 데이터를 취급하는 전문가나 소규모 기업에서 데이터 백업 및 공유용으로 사용하기에 적당한 NAS를 찾고 있는 사람이라면 아수스토어 AS4004T에 한번 시선을 고정하고 찬찬히 살펴보기를 권한다. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Recommended Award

"In the end, we feel the AS4004T could have used a faster processor, but it is fast enough to impress us. At these introduction prices and combined with excellent power ef ... "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"Whenever we get to test a product which effectively succeeds another there are two things we look for, how it compares to other similar models in general and how it compa ... "

시리즈뉴스/기사 업무용·개인 온라인 저장 스토리지, 에이수스 asustor AS6204T 4베이 나스 asustor NAS

Brainbox, Korea


시리즈뉴스/기사 업무용·개인 온라인 저장 스토리지, 에이수스 asustor AS6204T 4베이 나스

"오늘은 간단하게 에이수스에서 출시한 에이수스토어 나스인 AS6204T 를 간단하게 살펴봤다.  나스의 경우 사실 일반인들이 아직까지 접근할 수 없는 복잡한 기능을 갖고 있는 제품임에는 분명하지만 최근 여러 나스 제조 업체들이 소비자 친화적인 OS 탑재하고 다양한 앱 등을 내 놓으면서 일반인들이 ... "

ASUSTOR AS6302T Review - A Neat NAS for Everyday Use. asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


ASUSTOR AS6302T Review - A Neat NAS for Everyday Use.

"AS6302T is a product targeted for the home and small business, While it isn't a speed demon, its overall performance can surprise with the relatively low amount of resour ... "

ASUSTOR AS6404T Review - Home Server on Call asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland


ASUSTOR AS6404T Review - Home Server on Call

"This purchase will speak primarily to the imagination of people running their own business. Efficient access to information shared by many computers at the same time, not ... "

Top 5 NAS for home and small businesses. asustor NAS

Benchmark, Poland


Top 5 NAS for home and small businesses.

"An inexpensive four bay NAS to create a large data storage solution with good protection against failure - eg RAID 5.  "

NAS - is it really useful in every home? AS3204T - a multimedia harvester asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland


NAS - is it really useful in every home? AS3204T - a multimedia harvester

"At first glance, it may seem like a large amount, but let's remind that this is a really well made equipment, with support for up to four hard drives and a lot of useful ... "

Best Quality Award asustor NAS

PC Format, Poland


Best Quality Award

"Result from Comparison Test (07/2018) "

4 bay NAS for home special tasks asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


4 bay NAS for home special tasks

"I'm beginning to regret that I have not previously discovered ASUSTOR products and went to Synology. For me, what currently presents the ADM interface is at the same leve ... "

Editor's Choice and Best Performance Award asustor NAS

PCelite, Poland


Editor's Choice and Best Performance Award

"AS6102T is more than just an ordinary NAS, it is a multimedia entertainment center supporting 4K materials and surround sound. This equipment, which after connecting the ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Recommended Award

"With the AS7004T-i5, ASUSTOR leaves nothing on the table deploying quite possibly the best prosumer four bay appliance we have seen. "

ASUSTOR AS6302T - More than just a NAS asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


ASUSTOR AS6302T - More than just a NAS

"ASUSTOR's AS6302T offers key features that should be included in each file server for use at home or a small enterprise. The ASUSTOR AS6302T costs 1700zł. While it isn't ... "

Recommendation Award asustor NAS

ithardware, Poland


Recommendation Award

"Multi-tasking NAS Review for Home and Small Business: The AS6302T model is more attractive than the AS3204T (because it allows for memory expansion and provides a slightl ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

PCWorld, Poland


Editor's Choice Award

"Built in metal, hot-swap.  Operating the device is intuitive and convenient. it deserves all praise.  "

Video Review asustor NAS

WavePC, Poland


Video Review

"How can you use the NAS at home "

5 stars, Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

NetTune, Italy


5 stars, Highly Recommended Award

"This NAS will not make us regret buying one. We highly recommended this whether you are a home user or small business that wants something more than nofrills. This NAS wi ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


Recommended Award

"It's suitable in both professional and home settings. Thanks to the large application base, the possibilities are endless. It can be used as an album for photos, a multim ... "

Roundup TEST: The 2 bay NAS Winner asustor NAS

PCWorld, Poland


Roundup TEST: The 2 bay NAS Winner

"The most advanced 2 bay NAS server. Operation of the device is intuitive and convenient. Everything about this NAS deserves great praise. "

TEST: How to use the NAS at home asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland


TEST: How to use the NAS at home

"A small, energy-efficient and powerful network storage server. Although this solution is designed for homes and small offices, the manufacturer has not forgotten about pr ... "

Review asustor NAS

BlogoTech, Poland



"ASUSTOR has once again shown that it can offer a device with a wide variety of applications. Thanks to its functionality and good network performance, it can successfully ... "

ASUSTOR NAS: Back up your valuable information quickly and easily. asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


ASUSTOR NAS: Back up your valuable information quickly and easily.

"ASUSTOR and their NAS devices offer a wide range of backup options, allowing the user to use them extremely easily. At ASUSTOR's demo website, you can view a demonstratio ... "

KICKS ASS Award asustor NAS

The Streaming Blog, Australia



"A very powerful, efficient, and durable NAS that is easy to setup, the ASUSTOR AS6404T is well-suited for both office and home use; and with how excellent it performs, we ... "

My multimedia entertainment center asustor NAS

Dobreprogramy, Poland


My multimedia entertainment center

"To sum up: I am very happy with its operation. It fulfills its functions in 100% and I think it is worth investing in it. "

Review asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France



"How to expand an ASUSTOR NAS? The AS6004U is an expansion unit, similar to a NAS, that allows you to add storage bays to your NAS without having to change your NAS model. ... "

Review asustor NAS

Computer, Czech



"This model performs the role of several devices in one, among other things, it also features an HDMI output for powerful video playback at 4K resolution. It also offers t ... "

Review asustor NAS

FZN, France



"The AS7004T is a racing beast and it will delight consumers of multimedia content, certainly, but also enthusiasts of virtualization. "

Video Review asustor NAS

Carlos Correia, Portugal


Video Review

"How do you make your backups? AS6302T unboxing "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

Kitguru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"A powerful, well featured NAS that is easy to set up, ASUSTOR’s AS6404T is equally suited for home or office use. The  latest 3.0 version of ASUSTOR’s ADM (ASUSTOR D ... "

Review asustor NAS

Tecnogeekies2, Spain



"Accessing all your information stored at home from any site has never been so easy. "

Best Performance Award asustor NAS

PCM, Hong Kong


Best Performance Award

"Summary: ASUSTOR's AS6404T has been significantly upgraded compared with the last generation of NAS. Adding HDMI 2.0 and more, ASUSTOR strives to give the best home enter ... "

Review asustor NAS

WavePC, Poland



"Robust performance, HDMI output.  For more advanced users, this unit offers more functionality options. "

Efficiency Award asustor NAS

ITPC, Poland


Efficiency Award

"ASUSTOR AS6302T is a very complex device. It is not just an ordinary data warehouse, but a full home multimedia center and surveillance system.  Pros: Appearance, pr ... "

Highest quality, Design and Recommendation Award asustor NAS

WhatNext, Poland


Highest quality, Design and Recommendation Award

"ASUSTOR NAS is a charming, functional 4-disk box that combines the capabilities of both a home multimedia center and an advanced network server. During testing, I did not ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"Finally, the strong hardware configuration of this NAS and the flexibility offered by the ADM operating system meets almost every need. whether it is to have a media cent ... "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"Build quality, powerful hardware with very good performance. "

Review asustor NAS

4PDA, Russia



"ASUSTOR AS1002T is a simple and friendly network storage device with a clear interface, provides various forms of protection and provides easy access from desktop and mob ... "

Review asustor NAS

Gadget, Romania



"AS3102T's advantages include but are not limited to; being extremely easy to install and configure even for users with no experience or advanced knowledge, enabling exten ... "

Make your own private cloud, at home! asustor NAS

Go4IT, Romania


Make your own private cloud, at home!

"For small and medium-sized businesses or individual users who do not trust cloud services offered by major vendors or are content creators, the AS6404T by ASUSTOR is the ... "

Great Product Award asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Great Product Award

""ASUSTOR AS6302T is an awesome 2-bay NAS with power under the hood." “With optical audio output and HDMI 2.0 for future-proofing the server for 4K material and seemingly ... "

Video Review asustor NAS

WavePC, Poland


Video Review

"The device was very good, it is relatively quiet, but it also depends a lot on the installed disks. NAS is also energy-efficient. As for the interface, I do not have any ... "

Review asustor NAS

3dNews, Russia



"ASUSTOR's AS6404T represents the next round of evolution of the NAS lineup from ASUSTOR. The hardware platform has changed; software components have also received signifi ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland


Recommended Award

"The AS6302T model we tested is primarily a complex multimedia center, with great performance and wide functionality. This equipment will satisfy even the most demanding o ... "

Review - The hero of our tests asustor NAS

swiatobrazu.pl , Poland


Review - The hero of our tests

"ASUSTOR's AS6404T is a very versatile NAS device with extensive capabilities. Not only is it a fast data warehouse offering numerous tools to ensure the security of our i ... "

Review asustor NAS

Lab501, Romania



"ASUSTOR AS3202T stands out amongst the crowd with its powerful quad-core processor, its HDMI output that supports up to a 4K resolution and its competitive price. "

Everything Better for a Personal Cloud  asustor NAS

PlayTech, Romania


Everything Better for a Personal Cloud

"This NAS device is easy to set up by both experienced users and novices. It is recommended for videographers, and is an excellent solution for an advertising agency or au ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

PC WORLD, Poland


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR is a reasonably priced NAS server. The AS6404T is the winner of the test, with results in almost all categories. "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Editor's Choice Award

"Improved hardware, the latest connection types, and a new operating system are just some of the features that make the ASUSTOR AS6302T a great choice. "

Review asustor NAS

PCDIY!, Taiwan



"Data access on the AS6404T is very fast allowing it to become the user's file backup and sharing center. Additionally, it provides complete 4K audio and video playback wi ... "

Value & Recommendation Award asustor NAS

madshrimps, US


Value & Recommendation Award

"The ASUSTOR AS6404T NAS, as the model we have reviewed today can be found online for about 668 Euros, which is a good price considering the tons of features we are gettin ... "

Review asustor NAS

gadzetomania, Poland



"The ASUSTOR AS6302T NAS is suitable for small businesses, professionals, or home users. "

Review asustor NAS

zebulon.fr, France



"Indeed, this NAS has many advantages that are not limited to the power of its Core-i5 processor! The housing, which is rather well designed, provides both a generous capa ... "

Review asustor NAS

iPon, Hungary



"Overall, the product was good both in terms of speed and functionality, and it will be a really good buy.  "

Great Job Award asustor NAS

xtremesystems.org, US


Great Job Award

"The Asustor AS6404T uses the latest Intel processor to good effect and would make a powerful and feature rich addition to both the home and office environments.  "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"The ASUSTOR AS6302T can be summed up in two words: Powerful and versatile. Powerful thanks to its processor and its capacity to handle UHD video streams, versatile thanks ... "

Review asustor NAS

Techno-Science.net, France



"Several media servers are available in App Central, including the popular KODI and PLEX. With the UPnP/DLNA protocol, the media stored on the NAS is available on all comp ... "

Review asustor NAS

cachem, France



"The NAS offers great performance and ADM 3.0 makes it great in all situations. "

APH : Renewal Award asustor NAS

aphnetworks, Canada


APH : Renewal Award

"the ASUSTOR AS6404T is one of the most power efficient NAS we have ever tested here at APH Networks. If you want, the company's new Wake on WAN feature lets you turn the ... "

Rating: 5  asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


Rating: 5

"The AS6404T is the world's first home-based NAS capable of "waking up" over the Internet. "

Silver Award asustor NAS

jotareviews, Portugal


Silver Award

"In short, it's a good NAS for those who need 3 to 4 storage bays at a nice price for the features they bring. "

Gold & Recommend Award asustor NAS

Profesionalreview, Spain


Gold & Recommend Award

"The Professional Review team gives the AS6302T a gold medal and product recommendation. "

Best Features Award asustor NAS

tweaktown, US


Best Features Award

"With the Intel Apollo Lake platform, the ASUSTOR AS6404T carries an incremental performance upgrade for current NAS users and it's a solid place to start for aspiring NAS ... "

Rating: 5 asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


Rating: 5

"The AS6302T is the world's first home-based NAS capable of "waking up" over the Internet. "

Silver Award asustor NAS

vr-zone, Singapore


Silver Award

"The multimedia capabilities of the AS6302T are first rate, with HDMI 2.0 and S/PDIF allowing for easy integration into a Home Theater or HiFi setup. This is a really nice ... "

Editor Choice Award asustor NAS

PCDIY, Taiwan


Editor Choice Award

"Overall, the AS6404T is not only a file backup and sharing center for gamers but can also become their multimedia center and multifunctional machine. Its ultra-high value ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

IThardware, Poland


Recommended Award

"Very high quality; 3 USB 3.0 ports including one type-C; Extensive multimedia capabilities ( HDMI 2.0 , KODI and PLEX support with plugins); Performance for 4K and 1080p6 ... "

Review asustor NAS

pcmag, UK



"If you've been looking for a network-attached storage solution to store, share, and back up your digital media, the Asustor AS6302T is worth exploring. "

Review asustor NAS

pcmarket, Hong Kong



"Using the AS6204T to backup, share and view photos from travels, weddings and of babies is very simple. "

Review asustor NAS

Macitynet, Italy



"Basically it is a very good product at a good price. The LooksGood and SoundsGood Apps are very interesting given the ever-increasing use of streaming video and music . T ... "

Do you need a NAS? asustor NAS

PC Centric, UK


Do you need a NAS?

"Using a NAS comes with a lot of benefits. It is a perfect for one box solution that can help you do everything. If you have lots of data and would like to keep it secure, ... "

Review asustor NAS

NOVA, Taiwan



"The Asustor AS6302T features a high-performance dual-core processor and efficien data access functionality that other brands can't compare with. It also features very com ... "

Review asustor NAS

MicroComputer, China



"The AS6404T gave me a good usage experience. ADM 3.0 features great improvements to the UI and functions. Especially the "Internet PassThrough" feature which eliminates t ... "

H2P Quality Award asustor NAS

H2P, Poland


H2P Quality Award

"A great and compact NAS!  This unit is really solid and nice workmanship, 4 disk space and the ability to configure RAID and many more. It is great as a multimedia d ... "

Review asustor NAS

PCmag, US



"If you've been looking for a network-attached storage solution to store, share, and back up your digital media, the Asustor AS6302T is worth exploring.  "

Good Product Award asustor NAS

benckmark, Poland


Good Product Award

"Twelve hard drives, 120 TB of space, together with MyArchive functionality. It's impressive, but this is not all for the ASUSTOR AS6212RD. The manufacturer provides the u ... "

Review asustor NAS

pcfoster, Poland



"This model offers very good performance and countless features, plus it does not cost a fortune at all.  "

Rating: 5 star asustor NAS

CHIP, Russia


Rating: 5 star

"Equipment: 92.6% Functionality: 99.9% Power consumption: 84.8% Productivity: 97.3% Overall result: 95.7% "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Platinum Award

"5 star rating for the AS6404T for its performance, quality, selling price and overall package! "

4 Stars Award asustor NAS

Comptoir du Hardware, France


4 Stars Award

"We give the AS6404T a significantly good rating due to the adoption of USB Type-C, HDMI 2.0 and especially the Apollo Lake CPU.  "

Review asustor NAS

ITmedia, Japan



"The AS6404T and AS6302T adopt a new generation CPU to fully deliver its functions, performance and expansion. It is a product without blind spots that can be utilized in ... "

Guru3D Recommend asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Guru3D Recommend

"Three thumbs up for the AS6404T, this beast of a NAS can handle anything you throw at it and does it fast, very fast. Combined with excellent power efficiency and a massi ... "

Gold by xtreme hardware Awards asustor NAS

xtremehardware, Italy


Gold by xtreme hardware Awards

"If you are looking for a great dual bay NAS to deliver high-definition entertainment, the Asustor AS3202T is definitely your choice!   "

Review asustor NAS

mobile01, Taiwan



"ASUSTOR launches the new AS6404T that is equipped with Intel quad-core processors, 8GB RAM, USB 3.0 Type-C ports, an HDMI 2.0 port and fibre optic multimedia output port ... "

Review asustor NAS

impress, Japan



"I am impressed with the review of the latest ADM 3.0 firmware and the new model, the AS6302T. If you are looking for a high performance NAS, it will be worthwhile to purc ... "

Review asustor NAS

techbang, Taiwan



"ASUSTOR's AS6302T adopts the latest generation of Apollo Lake CPUs and introduces the ADM 3.0 beta firmware. It also features multimedia playback with Kodi multimedia cen ... "

PC Games Hardware Award asustor NAS

PC Games Hardware Magazine, Germany


PC Games Hardware Award

"The AS3202T has overall the best performance in data transfer, noise and file copy. "

Powerful, Profitable & Beautiful asustor NAS

gamedot, Poland


Powerful, Profitable & Beautiful

"The AS3204T is a great NAS for both business and home use. It boasts great performance, attractive design and great features. Thanks to the HDMI connector, we can play ou ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

ithardware, Poland


Recommended Award

"Great multimedia capabilities (HDMI, KODI and PLEX support with plugins) and performance when playing 4K and 1080p60 movies; Good software that is completely polished; Sy ... "

Review asustor NAS

VIDO, Ukraine



"The ASUSTOR AS6102T features good performance, great functionality and expansion capabilities and we recommend it for most power users. "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"A powerful, and thanks to the ADM software easy to use NAS for business or with its multimedia support and potential for huge storage space, a powerful home media hub. "

Review asustor NAS

tecnocino, Italy



"The ASUSTOR AS1004T is a very interesting and economical NAS that can deliver good performance. If you are looking for a very high value for money , the AS1004T is the d ... "

Review asustor NAS




"The NAS is sold at a suggested retail price of € 289 (supplied without hard drives), making it a good choice. A lot of applications, good performance and regular updates ... "

Best Option Award asustor NAS

Syndrome OC, France


Best Option Award

"ASUSTOR succeeded once again with a high-performance and balanced model. It features all types of connectivity and offers all the features that one can expect on this kin ... "

Review asustor NAS

SFR, France



"The AS3102T is not only an efficient NAS, but also with very convenient functions to organize and manage a collection of film or music. Once connected to the TV in the li ... "

Review asustor NAS

Swiatobrazu, Poland



"It is both a performance device and a very successful device, and it is available at an attractive price. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Hardware Slave, UK


Recommended Award

"NASes are not what they used to be, and the Asustor AS3102T is a good example of how far they have come. There isn’t anything we didn’t like about the Asustor AS3102T, ev ... "

Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017 asustor NAS

European Hardware Association, Europe


Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017

"AS6204T was nominated for the European Hardware Awards 2017. The European Hardware Association comprises 9 of the largest independent technology news and reviews sites fr ... "

Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017 asustor NAS

European Hardware Association, Europe


Nominations for the European Hardware Awards 2017

"AS3202T was nominated for the European Hardware Awards 2017. The European Hardware Association comprises 9 of the largest independent technology news and reviews sites fr ... "

Review asustor NAS

VR-Zone, Singapore



"The ASUSTOR’s ADM operating system is a terrific piece of software. It is intuitively laid out with most settings easy to find or easy to search for. Initialization and m ... "

Review asustor NAS

unwire, Hong Kong



"In the past, NAS was just simple storage with Internet access. ASUSTOR adds a lot of features to make usage of the AS3204T more extensive. ASUSTOR NAS can backup automati ... "

Review asustor NAS

WAVEPC, Poland



"I have to admit that the AS6204T with quite impressive specifications did not disappoint me. Easy to install and intuitive software allow you to easily use NAS as a data ... "

Good Product Award asustor NAS

benckmark, Poland


Good Product Award

"Very good performance and safety. Lots of extra functions and applications. Cloud, virtualization and multimedia support. The Asustor AS6202T is a very good product. "

CHIP Award asustor NAS

CHIP, Czech


CHIP Award

"AS6102T media center can then be a completely separate home multimedia center with ultra-high resolution and surround sound support. "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

Techgage, US


Editor's Choice Award

"Most users can happily get along with a two or four bay NAS, but for those that can’t, the AS6208T is a pretty sweet choice. With its multimedia functionality, its storag ... "

Review asustor NAS

PCWorld, Poland



"Simplicity and comfort. The NAS is good enough to play 1080p videos. The process of configuration is very intuitive and pleasant. "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

PCWorld, Poland


Editor's Choice Award

"The AS6202T is very well-built with various I/O connectors including HDMI and S/PDIF. It's the best NAS for most demanding users. "

Review asustor NAS

PPK, Czech



"This powerful NAS server offers a large selection of ports for connecting to various peripherals, a sturdy construction and can be served as a media hub. It deserves our ... "

Review asustor NAS

CHIP, Russia



"ASUSTOR AS1002T is one of the best networked storage in class. "

Review asustor NAS

PPK, Czech



"There were several basic applications (Storage Manager, File Explorer and Access Control) pre-installed on the NAS, and other applications can be easily added. The variet ... "

Review asustor NAS

PCWorld, Hungary



"The ASUSTOR NAS is compatible with all Apple devices. Apple users will not be disinclined to a similar-looking ASUSTOR ADM interface and operating system. All Mac users w ... "

Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

Gamedot, Poland


Highly Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR's AS3102T is great. It consumes little power, is simple to use, has USB 3.0 ports, a 3-year warranty, a huge amount of useful applications and very approachable d ... "

Great Pick Award asustor NAS

Computer Active, UK


Great Pick Award

"Impressively for the price, its relatively powerful Celeron processor made data transfer as fast as almost any NAS we’ve tested. "

Storage Sweetness Award asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Storage Sweetness Award

"You just can't go wrong with an Asustor NAS. Their products are refined, well-balanced, powerful and energy efficient. Combined with the latest ADM 2.7.x software suite a ... "

Best Design & Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Best Design & Best Buy Award

"The new ASUSTOR AS1004T is a 4-bay network storage server created for the digital home. The NAS is the ideal solution for users who make intensive use of multimedia conte ... "

Top Notch 5 star Award asustor NAS

PC Buyer's Guide, Philippines


Top Notch 5 star Award

"The ASUSTOR (ASUS-STORAGE), made both for video surveillance and business at the same time, fills the need for storage. And the ASUSTOR AS3104T just couldn’t be any bette ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

01net, France


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR's storage server makes it easy to enjoy all of your multimedia files, including 4K videos, on a TV. The AS3102T is a very well designed NAS which is effective and ... "

Great for small business and more asustor NAS

NETBEE, Poland


Great for small business and more

"ASUSTOR's AS1002T is great device for a really small price. If you need a well-made NAS with possibilities for configuration and easy operation, the AS1002T will be the i ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

Bjorn3D, US


Silver Award

"Using Asustor AS3202T as your media hub also works well. AsustorPortal offers a good UI on the TV and with kodi and Plex installed it gives us all we need to be able to w ... "

Review asustor NAS

Domotique Info, France



"I'm really convinced by this NAS, by its silence and by its performance. You can create a full customizable NAS. Everything can be set. Its HDMI output is really a good t ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland


Recommended Award

"Functional server for work groups and demanding users. The ability to install add-ons allows for almost unlimited increases in functionality. "

Ergonomic product Award asustor NAS

PCelite, Poland


Ergonomic product Award

"The box is pretty, well made and is easy to use, a lot of apps are very helpful. "

Recommended and Value Award asustor NAS

PurePC, Poland


Recommended and Value Award

"ASUSTOR AS3102T is simply simple, fairly efficient and functional NAS server designed for the home user. Its elegant appearance, good quality, low noise, low power consu ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland


Recommended Award

"AS1002T operates quietly, takes little energy and provides a very wide range of applications. Performance is very good via Gigabit Ethernet achieved for large files arou ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Hexus, UK


Recommended Award

"Bottom line: in the market for a powerful dual-bay NAS? The ASUSTOR AS6202T ought to be on your list. "

Golden Award asustor NAS

Sky-Future, France


Golden Award

"This NAS is beautiful, powerful and silent. Plus it has a 3 year warranty just like other Asustor NAS products. For its reasonable price you will get a very good multimed ... "

Review asustor NAS

Technotips, France



"ASUSTOR stands out with its AS3102T, a good, versatile NAS for the general public. Aesthetically pleasing and easy to set up, it will be able to differentiate itself from ... "

Gold & Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

Ocaholic, Switzerland


Gold & Editor's Choice Award

"If you are looking for an efficient and extremely versatile NAS, with enough power for basically everything a NAS must do, we highly recommend the ASUSTOR AS7004T.   ... "

Review asustor NAS

TechAdvisor, UK



"A four bay NAS drive at this price makes it worthy of note. The fact that that it’s quiet in operation, works well and has a decent range of apps to support it make it a ... "

Recommended Award (Issue#266, December 2016)  asustor NAS



Recommended Award (Issue#266, December 2016)

"The AS6208T scores highly for value and performance, and delivers a good range of network backup tools. "

Test: ASUSTOR AS6202T and Audio Interface Asus Essence One MKII Muses Edition asustor NAS

Stereo & Video, Russia


Test: ASUSTOR AS6202T and Audio Interface Asus Essence One MKII Muses Edition

"The AS6202T showed itself as a fast, functional NAS, which is, perhaps surprisingly, when actually showing movies and playing music. And it also can do it in conjunction ... "

Editors Choice asustor NAS

Ferralabs, Russia


Editors Choice

"Over its years on the market, ASUSTOR has earned a solid reputation and is considered to be one of the leaders in network storage. With every new generation of NAS device ... "

Review: How to choose a network storage devce - A review of the ASUSTOR AS3204T asustor NAS

Popmech, Russia


Review: How to choose a network storage devce - A review of the ASUSTOR AS3204T

"It makes little sense to buy storage just on the principle "to have it." But if you need it for objective reasons, based on a set of parameters needed, then yes, it’s an ... "

Price/Performance Award (Rating:10/10) asustor NAS

GreenTech, Russia


Price/Performance Award (Rating:10/10)

"ASUSTOR's AS1002T comes at a low price and offers users high speed productivity and a rich variety of functions via expandable Apps. The device works quietly, does not he ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

Tehnovosti, Russia


Editor's Choice

"The device is very functional and, thanks to the integrated application store, has almost unlimited possibilities. ASUSTOR AS1002T works very quietly, heats not much, and ... "

Review asustor NAS

CZC.CZ, Czech



"The ASUSTOR AS1002T can become the ideal companion in a home or small business. Apart from a decent performance and intuitive operation, it offers the greatest added valu ... "

Review asustor NAS

ITwAdministracji, Poland



"AS6204RD is a good product for user that are searching for an efficient and safe NAS server. "

Review: Fast and Functional NAS asustor NAS

CHIP, Russia


Review: Fast and Functional NAS

"This two-bay NAS has a powerful and energy-efficient processor that supports a variety of functions and has developed the software ecosystem that allows it to serve as a ... "

Lucky Buy Award asustor NAS

ITWriter, Russia


Lucky Buy Award

"Regarding additional features, the ASUSTOR AS1002T can be transformed into almost anything, from a web server to a private cloud in the Internet. It's also nice, that ASU ... "

Review  asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands



"The Asustor AS6204T is an excellent NAS on the market which has access to sufficient possibilities. The NAS is ideal for use for different applications, so there are plen ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS



Recommended Award

"The AS6208T is an affordable eight-bay appliance that delivers top NAS and IP SAN performance. It delivers all the essential network storage and backup tools an SMB could ... "

Recommend Award: Successful and strong NAS asustor NAS

AltomDATA, Denmark


Recommend Award: Successful and strong NAS

"A very successful NAS with a fairly strong quad-core processor, a wealth of options including connectivity directly to TV. There are many apps with lots of features. The ... "

Strongly recommended asustor NAS

Gamedot, Poland


Strongly recommended

"ASUSTOR's software is very simple, fast and functional. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


Recommended Award

"The AS6208T is a high-performance NAS that might cost a bomb, but is able to offer a ton of storage space and a great number of other interesting features. Not only can t ... "

Approved Award asustor NAS

Modder-Inc, US


Approved Award

"Style and Affordability.  Overall, I feel the AS3204T performs well enough in a home environment. During and after testing usage I experienced no issues with the AS ... "

A great NAS for everyone asustor NAS

Trashbox, Russia


A great NAS for everyone

"The ASUSTOR AS1002T is not just another NAS. The device can be a real center of your home digital universe. After the small NAS is setup it cannot only distribute videos ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland



"The AS6204T offers very high performance with rich functionality. It is therefore dedicated to demanding users and businesses, where the server will be used at the same t ... "

Approved Award asustor NAS

Letesteur, France


Approved Award

"For a suggested retail price of € 309, this NAS is just EXCELLENT. Largely thanks to ADM, its very intuitive and complete operating system. Not to mention performance wor ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

PCfoster, Poland



"The AS3204T as a home NAS? Definitely yes! The manufacturer provides us with a very extensive, but also intuitive application in Asustor Data Master with which we serve t ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

ITPC.net, Poland



"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is a very good NAS. It meets the functionality of a typical file server, providing very good performance. "

Recommended asustor NAS

Gamedot, Poland



"ASUSTOR's AS1002T is a good NAS for a good price. The results of our tests are satisfying. What is the benefit to users? A safe place for your files anywhere in the world ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is really efficient and complete, whether in terms of connectivity or ADM. The LCD display provides an additional and welcome touch, which can allow i ... "

Versatile and efficient (4/5) asustor NAS

Comptoir du Hardware, France


Versatile and efficient (4/5)

"Versatile and affordable for a rather powerful NAS loaded with connectors. That's what one keeps in mind when one thinks of the AS6204T. Asustor dishes out options with a ... "

 Recommended asustor NAS

Zebulon, France



"AS3204T and AS6208T models brought us great satisfaction in their use.The individual will undoubtedly be satisfied with the services of the AS3204T, either for personal a ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

Zebulon, France



"AS3204T and AS6208T models brought us great satisfaction in their use. The more professional AS6208T was appreciated for its greater storage capacity and comfort of its o ... "

설치 간편·다양한 기능 강점 asustor NAS

DataNet, Korea


설치 간편·다양한 기능 강점

"아수스토어 개인용 NAS ‘AS1002T’, 디지털 홈 구축 첫걸음。특히 아수스토어 ‘AS1002T’는 디지털 홈 구축을 위한 최적의 보급형 NAS로 주목받고 있다. 뛰어난 전송 속도는 기본이고, 초저소음 구동, 고효율 에너지 소비로 인한 저전력, 핸드스크류 설계로 도구가 필요 없는 간편한 설치 등 어느 ... "

고성능 NAS asustor NAS

DongA.com, Korea


고성능 NAS

"특히 전용 운영체제인 ADM이 직관적인 인터페이스를 갖추고 있어 이용이 편하다는 점, HDMI를 통한 자체 영상/음성 출력 기능 덕분에 가정용 멀티미디어 허브용으로도 쓸 만하다는 점이 인상적이다. "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"With a good mix of multimedia and security features, plus support for the latest 10TB hard drives, the ASUSTOR AS6204T would make a powerful and feature-rich addition to ... "

TEST asustor NAS

CHIP Special, Czech



"NAS & Home Network "

Ranking #1 from 10 NASes test asustor NAS

Computer, Czech


Ranking #1 from 10 NASes test

"Pro: High performance and HDMI output for 4K "

가볍게 시작하는 NAS의 첫 걸음 asustor NAS

CNet, Korea


가볍게 시작하는 NAS의 첫 걸음

"빠르고 간단한 설치, 부피를 적게 차지하고 조용하다 "

High Performance NAS asustor NAS

PC Professionale, Italy


High Performance NAS

"The AS6204T has a very good build quality, advanced performance and many evolved functions. "

Best Value  asustor NAS

Simply Reviews, US


Best Value

"ASUSTOR’s ADM software provides plenty of data backup tools and the new surveillance app is a winner. For an 8-bay NAS appliance, the AS6208T is also very good value and ... "

Review asustor NAS

Server The Home, US



"Performance is the highlight of the AS1002T, for NAS boxes in this price range it is very good value. "

Versatile Four-Bay NAS asustor NAS

iPon, Hungary


Versatile Four-Bay NAS

"A big positive was the quiet cooling provided for the hardware components. The expandable system memory also deserves a bonus point, it is true, a 2 x 2 GB of DDR3L DRAM ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

PurePC, Poland



"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is perfectly suited to not only be a simple NAS server, but also a powerful media center. There were no obstacles to use the features of this standout ... "

Review asustor NAS

BlogoTECH, Poland



"Certainly the Asustor AS3102T is a noteworthy NAS. It fulfills all the conditions that I put in front of it at the beginning. Certainly, a plus is that its capacity can b ... "

Review asustor NAS

VideoTesty, Poland



"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is a pretty good product, which we can honestly recommend. It consumes little power, is simple to use, has USB 3.0 ports, a 3-year warranty, a huge am ... "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"Once again ASUSTOR surprises us with the release of a powerful NAS server and top performance, build quality and features. With that out of the way ASUSTOR offers a sligh ... "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

" A very capable four-bay NAS that has the home entertainment environment at its heart. "

Good Product and Super Design Awards asustor NAS

Benchmark, Poland


Good Product and Super Design Awards

"To paraphrase Richard Ochuckiego - "this is a NAS for our time". The Asustor device should meet the demands of home and office users. "

Performance and Functionaility Awards asustor NAS

Donanmin Haber, Turkey


Performance and Functionaility Awards

"The ASUSTOR AS6104T NAS provides monster backup options and media expertise. "

Best in Test (Oct. 2016) asustor NAS

Computer Totaal, Netherlands


Best in Test (Oct. 2016)

"The test shows that you can already buy a very decent NAS for two hundred euros, which you can use to store and share files on the home network but also via the Internet. ... "

Best Buy, Platinum Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Best Buy, Platinum Award

"ASUSTOR NAS is increasingly offering performance units, equipped with the latest hardware that is able to guarantee record performance in both advanced home and the busin ... "

Introduction to MyArchive asustor NAS

Sajdyk.pl, Poland


Introduction to MyArchive

"Taking a closer look at ASUSTOR's MyArchive technology. "

개인용 NAS의 새 강자 등장, ASUSTOR AS1002T NAS asustor NAS

K.Bench, Korea


개인용 NAS의 새 강자 등장, ASUSTOR AS1002T NAS

"중요한 자료 백업 및 미디어 서버 활용을 위한 가정용 NAS를 고려중이라면 아수스토어 AS1002T NAS도 나쁘지 않은 선택이 될 것이다. "

Silver Award asustor NAS

PC Update, France


Silver Award

"The AS3204T features a powerful Celeron processor, a rich OS and applications for HDMI output for a great price of €430. "

Very good overall rating 91.6% asustor NAS

CHIP, Germany


Very good overall rating 91.6%

"With an overall rating of 91.6, the NAS Asustor AS3202T is at a very good level. Looking at the test categories functionality, equipment, and performance, we can certify ... "

Overall rating 4.5/5 stars asustor NAS

PCMag, Greece


Overall rating 4.5/5 stars

"A NAS with a variety of features, great potential capacity and ability to play the role of HTPC. "

Editor's Choice, Value for Money asustor NAS

TheLabs, Greece


Editor's Choice, Value for Money

"The big advantage is definitely the price. It has two USB3.0 ports, capacity can reach 32TB, a user-friendly operating system and promises to keep your data safe. The in ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

Insomnia, Greece



"The AS3102T is a NAS with beautiful design and interesting features. Undoubtedly the cinephile and generally those involved in storage and multimedia playback will find i ... "

Rating 9 out of 10 asustor NAS

CDRinfo, Poland


Rating 9 out of 10

"ASUSTOR AS6208T is an interesting option for users looking for a powerful NAS allows storage of large (as in terms of home / small business) data. Eight drive bays allows ... "

The NAS You Will Not Regret Buying asustor NAS

Shark, Slovakia


The NAS You Will Not Regret Buying

"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is the ultimate NAS, which combines server storage and a full-fledged entertainment center. The main draw is also the operating system of ADM, which p ... "

Review asustor NAS

HardwareLUXX, Germany



"The Asustor AS6104T is a powerful 4-bay NAS, which leaves both of its hardware as well as of its software a very good impression. Pros: high performance and excellent dat ... "

A Gentle Giant of a NAS asustor NAS

Macitynet, Italy


A Gentle Giant of a NAS

"The AS3204T is a powerful, reliable and very versatile NAS. Affordable for the small office and living room with storage space and services galore. "

Value Award asustor NAS

Madshrimps, US


Value Award

"The AS6204T 4-bay NAS from ASUSTOR, equipped with a low-power Celeron J3160 Braswell CPU and 4GB of RAM can handle without issue the well-optimized ADM OS which transform ... "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Sajdyk.pl, Poland


Blogger's Review

"AS6104T: Overview of system migration + iSCSI + iSCSI snapshots "

Video Review asustor NAS

Roberto Jorge, Portugal


Video Review

"The AS3102T is recommended for its silent operation, huge amount of Apps available, scheduled backups on USB mode, great mobile apps and media player functionality. "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"A very capable two-bay NAS with a definite slant towards use as the central hub in a home entertainment environment. "

Bang for Buck Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Bang for Buck Award

"The AS3104T provides excellent storage features as well as VMs, Direct Usage with 4K, and HTPC replacement. Everything you need in a small and efficient box. "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Editor's Choice

"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is a basic NAS that fulfils all a user needs. A solid performance from great hardware powered by a good operating system. "

The Guardian for your digital home asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


The Guardian for your digital home

"The new ASUSTOR AS6102T plays 4K UltraHD Video and has two gigabit Ethernet ports. You can merge two gigabit Ethernet ports into one, increasing the transfer rates of net ... "

Review asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria



"The fastest always wins. The AS6202T is definitely competitive in productivity and speed because of the new Intel Braswell platform in combination with good software. "

Innovation Award asustor NAS

Ghidul DSLR, Romania


Innovation Award

"This system is ideal for photos and videographers who require multimedia streaming, 4K content support, multitasking and back up. Connectivity on this device is excellen ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, US


Editor's Choice

"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is the standout system in the roundup because the company continues to deliver more for less. This NAS delivers the highest performance, supports iSCS ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

Cozumpark, Turkey



"All ASUSTOR hardware features in its products in general remain above competitors, which is a very important detail. RAM, CPU and network connections in quite passable. ... "

Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


Highly Recommended Award

"The quad-core CPU offers a nice performance boost over the dual-core CPU of the AS3102T. It becomes obvious in multimedia applications or when the NAS performs various op ... "

Very good devices asustor NAS

iXBT, Russia


Very good devices

" Review for AS1002T and AS3202T.  In our opinion, the combination of quality, features and cost for a new product are very good. Devices may well speak to the le ... "

Video review, Part III, ADM 2.6.2 Walkaround First Look asustor NAS

AskUncleDave, US


Video review, Part III, ADM 2.6.2 Walkaround First Look

"Welcome to part 3 of my ASUSTOR AS3204T NAS review. Today we look at the ADM (operating system) . These Apps are the Stock Apps than run the NAS. The ASUSTOR is Cord Cutt ... "

Great Job Award asustor NAS

Xtrememsystems, US


Great Job Award

"The best aspect of this product is definitely its high performance-per-dollar ratio, which I believe will make it claim a good portion of the market pie in this category. ... "

Recommends asustor NAS

3Dnews, Russia



"The two-disk model ASUSTOR AS6202T is a bargain. Note also the fact that the new platform Intel Braswell and quad-core processors were able to raise the level of performa ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

Hispazone, Spain


Editor's Choice

"It has large multi-platform support, applications and services for any known platform, and is extremely easy to take advantage of thanks to its automatic access managemen ... "

Review, 4/5 score asustor NAS

PC Pro, UK


Review, 4/5 score

"Blistering speeds, excellent media features and flashing lights mark the AS6202T out from the crowd. "

Review, 4/5 score asustor NAS

PC Pro, UK


Review, 4/5 score

"A Flexible device with the ability to be both a media server and player. "

Video review, Part II, Initial Setup and First Peek asustor NAS

AskUncleDave, US


Video review, Part II, Initial Setup and First Peek

"This video is to show you how to initialize your ASUSTOR NAS using a PC browser and the control center MAC App. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain


Gold Award

"Good performance with powerful ADM OS, Mobile apps for devices to 16TB capaicty. Intel Celeron Quad-core processor 2.24Ghz.  2GB DDR3L.  4K HDMI and USB 3.0. &n ... "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Sajdyk.pl, Poland


Blogger's Review

"ASUSTOR AS6104T definitely "give advice" when it comes to security issues. Starting from RAID: a lot of RAID modes, including my favorite mode of 10 (or 1 + 0). Ability t ... "

Review asustor NAS

Cachem, France



"The ASUSTOR AS6204T is an interesting NAS in many ways. First, the design of the box allows the hard disks to be hot-swappable. Then, the RAM is expandable up to 8GB maki ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

Techgage, US


Editor's Choice Award

"The ASUSTOR AS6104T could replace your Home Theatre PC while providing heaps of storage for the rest of the home.  Regardless, that word sums up the AS6104T perfectl ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

TechTeamGB, UK


Silver Award

" Video review  Pro: Nice UI. Good I/O. Good Feature set "

Silver Award asustor NAS

TechTeamGB, UK


Silver Award

" Video Review.  Pro: Nice UI. Good I/O. Good Feature set. "

Video review, Part I, Hardware upgrade  asustor NAS

AskUncleDave, US


Video review, Part I, Hardware upgrade

"If you're a cable cutter, like me and you don't rely on the cable company for your entertainment then a NAS is a must have tool. You probably download or stream all of yo ... "

Storage Sweetness Award asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Storage Sweetness Award

"ASUSTOR NAS is not just a file-server anymore, it really is a fully fledged centralized file serving server with a plethora of applications and functionality ranging from ... "

Excellent Choice Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, UK


Excellent Choice Award

"We’re very impressed with the performance and potential applications of the ASUSTOR AS3104T NAS, so we decided to award it the Hardware.Info Excellent Choice Award. "

Hot Product, April Issue#427 asustor NAS

APC Magazine, Australia


Hot Product, April Issue#427

"Flagship performance for home and media use, without an excessive price premium. The ADM OS on the AS6202T is solid and easy to use, and there is a range of very good iOS ... "

Review (Rating: 4.5/5) asustor NAS

PPK Special, Czech


Review (Rating: 4.5/5)

"AS3202T is 2-bay NAS server for home and small office whcih offers high performance and energy-saving operation .It can be operated by internet using mobile applications. ... "

The Right NAS for Business Circle asustor NAS

MetroTVNews, Indonesia


The Right NAS for Business Circle

"ASUSTOR AS6104T a NAS with a satisfactory performance and a complete feature for use in offices and business class. "

REDACTIE TIP Award, June 2016​ asustor NAS

Computer Totaal, Netherlands


REDACTIE TIP Award, June 2016​

" ASUSTOR ADM offers a lot of standard functionality and expandability number is huge and very diverse. "

Review asustor NAS

Cachem, France



"The AS3204T is a multifunctional NAS features an elegant design. It easily fits in everyone who seeks a complete product to secure their data and enjoy multimedia player ... "

5 Stars  asustor NAS

Comptoir du Hardware, France


5 Stars

"The SOC embedded is highly efficient and provides sufficient resources for home use with confidence. "

Recommended for all users asustor NAS

WinTotal, Germany


Recommended for all users

" We recommend all users who are looking for a (new) NAS, to have a look on the shelves for ASUSTOR. The mature operating system harmonizes perfectly with the powerful ha ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"This NAS from ASUSTOR will get noticed for its performance and the opportunities it offers. The performance level is very good and the design is elegant. "

Unboxing Review asustor NAS

JusteGeek, France


Unboxing Review

"It is therefore a complete model also driven by a complete operating system. I can not recommend it enough. "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Sajdk.pl, Poland


Blogger's Review

"ASUSTOR's AS6104T can be used as multimedia equipment. It does so with both hardware and appropriate software. Completing this is the remote control, or mobile applicatio ... "

Introduction to ASUSTOR NAS asustor NAS

JusteGeek, France


Introduction to ASUSTOR NAS

"An introduction to ASUSTOR NAS, its functions and selecting an appropriate model. "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Adrien Ferret, France


Blogger's Review

"This NAS is beautiful on the outside. I appreciate its connectivity, including HDMI, although a second network port or a SD card reader would not have been too much. I e ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

59Hardware, France



"We recommend so to all those wanting a true multimedia NAS four bays and on a tight budget. "

The NAS with a good quality/price ratio asustor NAS

Tecnocino, Italy


The NAS with a good quality/price ratio

"The AS3204T NAS is feature-rich , which has positively surprised us especially for the performance and build quality. In fact, if you are looking for a NAS with a good qu ... "

2 bay NAS for the digital home asustor NAS

OverclockZone, Thailand


2 bay NAS for the digital home

"AS1002T is easy to setup for beginners. Performance is enough for entry level home users. With a price that makes it possible to meet the demands for home applications ... "

Review (Rating 4.5/5) asustor NAS

PPK, Czech


Review (Rating 4.5/5)

"AS3102T offers high performance and economical operation and can be remotely via the Internet. "

Good performance for Small business asustor NAS



Good performance for Small business

"The AS6204T delivers good storage performance and is well-suited to small businesses that don’t want many bells and whistles "

Excellent Rating: 8.5 asustor NAS

PC Professionale, Italy


Excellent Rating: 8.5

"The ASUSTOR AS3102T has good hardware quality, high performance and advanced functionality, all at an affordable price. "

Review asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada



"The company's excellent ADM operating system continues to be the highlight of the ownership experience, being one of the best in the industry both in features and executi ... "

Best Value Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Value Award

"ASUSTOR's AS3204T carries solid performance, but what's more surprising is the angle ASUSTOR is taking with pricing. At an MSRP of $399, you may never find a better equip ... "

Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

AVForums, UK


Highly Recommended Award

"Assuming you are looking at the very specific requirement of an all-in-one network storage device rolled up with a media player and/or server, then the ASUSTOR AS6204T ma ... "

Review asustor NAS

C.O.D., US



"Serving up data is what you get a NAS for, all the other stuff you can do, like run Kodi, are nice to have, but ultimately end up going unused for the most part. The folk ... "

Review asustor NAS

CDRinfo, Poland



"ADM is fully multifunctional operating system operated from a web browser. Its operation is intuitive, and the built-in help system makes it easy to manage for users. Add ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

4News, Italy


Gold Award

"The AS3202T from Asustor placed first in our personal list of the best consumer and prosumer NAS. It’s modern, powerful and affordable with a price that will be for sure ... "

Excellent Choice Award   asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, UK


Excellent Choice Award

"Based on the performance, specifications and features, we are impressed the most by the Asustor AS1002T and the Netgear RN202. The latter is of course unfair competition ... "

Recommendation  asustor NAS

Noticias3D, Spain



"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is powerful. The ADM firmware especially, with its complementary applications, provides a great experience. You can use ASUSTOR Portal to manage the N ... "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

KitGuru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"The ASUSTOR AS6104T uses the latest Intel processor to good effect and would make a powerful and feature rich addition to both the home and office environments. "

Blogger Review asustor NAS

Sajdyk.pl, Poland


Blogger Review

"A test for hardware, OS, energy savings and speed Today, NAS is not only a device defined by their name, but much more. In this work I have two similar units, and one of ... "

Review asustor NAS

Mac Generation, France



"With the AS3104T, ASUSTOR intends to offer the public an easy to use and inexpensive NAS, but also powerful enough to perform its role without fail every day, including p ... "

Extreme Performance Award  asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Extreme Performance Award

"Wow, wow, wow. Where do I begin? It is an amazing NAS for prosumers, enthusiasts, and SMBs alike. The NAS is built upon a powerful CPU that supports 4K output, it comes w ... "

Producto Recomendado Award asustor NAS

Redeszone, Spain


Producto Recomendado Award

"This new NAS server, the ASUSTOR AS3102T, has performed excellently in all performance testing. The addition of an HDMI port and its performance has been impeccable. It c ... "

Quick and Easy to Use asustor NAS

MetroTVNews, Indonesia


Quick and Easy to Use

"ASUSTOR AS3102T is an ideal NAS for home users or small offices. The shape is compact and easy to use. "

Review asustor NAS

HardwareBG, Bulgaria



"The AS3102T not only looks good but also offers high performance and reliable operation, and we are pleasantly surprised by the ease of use and rich functionality. Multi ... "

Rating 5 out of 5 asustor NAS

Reviewify, UK


Rating 5 out of 5

"ASUSTOR offers a range of options, ranging from home to office solutions. The AS6102T is aimed at those looking for a brilliant home NAS, but could just as easily be use ... "

Review, Overall rating 4/5  asustor NAS

The Straits Times, Singapore


Review, Overall rating 4/5

"Headline: PCs Capable 2-bay NAS that doubles as a media player. (April 20, 2016)  Capable 2-bay NAS that doubles as a media player.  I would use the NAS to back ... "

Review asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, UK



"The ASUSTOR AS6204T has more IO options than most will ever need but the features are there should you chose to use them. This happens more often than not. Once you have ... "

Unboxing asustor NAS

IslaBit, Spain



"What hardware carries inside the AS1002T? It comes with a dual-core Marvell ARMADA 385 1GHz, with 512MB of RAM, two bays to add two hard drives 3.5 "SATA II / III, two US ... "

Storage Sweetness Award asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Storage Sweetness Award

"Though I am still a little in love with that value AS1002T we recently tested, the AS3204T simply offers more stamina in its processor and memory configuration. That will ... "

Value Award asustor NAS

Simply Reviews, US


Value Award

"The AS6204T is offering a good range of storage features for a very modest price making it an affordable choice for SOHOs. Its N3150 CPU delivers on ASUSTOR’s perfo ... "

Excellent Choice Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, Netherlands


Excellent Choice Award

"The ASUSTOR AS3104T NAS offers pretty good performance for 389 euros thanks to the dual-core Celeron processor and 2 GB of memory on board. The ADM environment is pleasan ... "

Gold Award and Recommendation asustor NAS

Profesional Review, Spain


Gold Award and Recommendation

"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is a NAS for use in homes or small companies that meets all that can be asked: safety, reliability, power and is capable of playing multimedia content ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


Gold Award

"The ASUSTOR AS3104T is powered by the excellent ADM 2.5, which is now a guarantee of quality, power and versatility. "

Amazing Value Award asustor NAS

Vortez, UK


Amazing Value Award

"The AS1002T is stylish two-bay NAS which bears a multitude of features and thanks to its low price-tag, transforming that home network won’t cost the earth! "

The small home guardian for your data asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


The small home guardian for your data

"ASUSTOR AS1002T is a mini NAS server playing a central role in preserving and sharing files. "

The multimeda miniserver asustor NAS

HiComm, Bulgaria


The multimeda miniserver

"Conclusion: If you own more than one home computer, phone, tablet or more and want to organize your media library of movies, photos and files, and want to watch them from ... "

8.5 out of 10 Score asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


8.5 out of 10 Score

"ASUSTOR has fitted the server with a cool design in the best ASUS networking style. The performance is great and setup plus usage of the server are very easy. I also find ... "

High score evaluation asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands


High score evaluation

"The AS3102T is an excellent NAS focused on the multimedia user. Thus, the AS3102T NAS features many multimedia features and a fairly fast Intel processor. "

Best Hardware and Platimum Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Best Hardware and Platimum Best Buy Award

"ADM (ASUSTOR Data Master) with its latest 2.6 release (beta) fixes many bugs, incorporates the latest versions of the Linux kernel and GNU libraries thus making the work ... "

TREFA Award asustor NAS

SvetHardsware, Czech



"ASUSTOR's AS3102T is a modern and powerful NAS which is designed for two hard drives and offers decent performance with its Intel Braswell processor and also direct H ... "

We Got Served Approved asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


We Got Served Approved

"The ASUSTOR AS6202T offers great performance in a solid chassis. If you are looking for a NAS that doubles as a lightweight Virtual Machine, or 4K UHD media player, the A ... "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

Madshrimps, US


Highly recommended

"The 4-bay unit can also output video signal on HDMI and the server can be operated this way without the need of a PC in order to work with other media-center applications ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Gold Award

"With the new aggressive pricing the AS3102T is a very tempting and complete NAS server model for home and small office use and that’s why it gets our Golden Award. "

Excellent in market and potential asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada


Excellent in market and potential

"The ASUSTOR AS3102T is a good looking and good performing consumer NAS that does 4K with one of the best operating systems in the market today. "

Silver Award asustor NAS

ElektronikTest, Denmark


Silver Award

" This is the first ASUSTOR NAS I’ve had my hands on, and all I can say is that, it’s approved! Everything works super smoothly and without any conflicts of any sorts. Th ... "

Review asustor NAS

MissingRemote, UK



"As a NAS, the ASUSTOR AS5002T is competent, well featured, performant, and stable. But, the real value is the incredible flexibility that the platform provides from its r ... "

High recommendation asustor NAS

PPK, Czech


High recommendation

"Issue: 05/2016 A home-use dual-drive NAS server, Asustor's AS3102T offers high performance and economical operation remotely via the Internet. WHY BUY: Server is ener ... "

Hot Product Award asustor NAS

APC Magazine, Australia


Hot Product Award

"AS3102T this two-bay AS could be your new media hub. This dual-bay NAS is a potent combination: versatile, affordable and high-performance. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

ElektronikTest, Denmark


Gold Award

"ASUSTOR's still quite new, but has come into the market at just the right time with their products. This NAS is one of the smallest models, which still seems to provide s ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HwT.dk, Denmark


Gold Award

"AS3102T has a good software package with a good user interface, a multitude of programs and good performance. "

9 out of 10 Score asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


9 out of 10 Score

"The setup and installation of the server and the OS couldn't be easier and therefore I will send ASUSTOR out of the door with a score of 9 out of 10. "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

AVForums, UK


Recommended Award

"AS6102T gets recommended award from AVForums "

Recommended asustor NAS

BlogNT, France



"Small but solid, and perfect for home. The AS3102T is an affordable NAS with a good price-performance ratio, and it uses components of high quality. "

Golden Award asustor NAS

sky-Future, France


Golden Award

"The AS1002T is a nas of entry level that handles very well on multitasking. With its brand-new design we quickly notice the start button is located at the back and the ra ... "

BEST BUY and Platinum Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


BEST BUY and Platinum Award

"The new AS3102T NAS is a 2-bay network storage, created for the digital home. The AS3102T represents an ideal solution for users who make intensive use of multimedia cont ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain


Gold Award

"In the end of the review of ASUSTOR AS1002T we can tell you that we have been pleased with the performance offered by it in our tests. For NASes, we can catalog AS1002T a ... "

Best Performance Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Performance Award

"Overall, the ASUSTOR AS6202T is a solid NAS appliance and quite possibly the quickest two-bay appliance we have tested which makes sense as this unit appears to share the ... "

Excellent entry-level NAS asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands


Excellent entry-level NAS

"The ASUSTOR AS1002T is a very good NAS for the entry-level category. The hardware is fine and the speed is very good. Especially for a sum of 200 euros, the NAS is intere ... "

2015 PCDIY Prosumer's Choice Award for Best NAS Brand asustor NAS

PCDIY, Taiwan


2015 PCDIY Prosumer's Choice Award for Best NAS Brand

"ASUSTOR Receives 2015 PCDIY Prosumer's Choice Award for Best NAS Brand "

Review asustor NAS

PlugnGeek, Canada



"Its interface is very easy to access and operate without specialized knowledge. The fact that it is almost completely silent allows the NAS to fit in as much in a confere ... "

Score 4.5 stars asustor NAS

PC Comparatif, France


Score 4.5 stars

"With the AS3104T, ASUSTOR offers a great NAS with high performance, a lightweight and responsive operating system in ADM, lots of features, ultra quiet operation, and a n ... "

Hot Product Award asustor NAS

APC Magazine, Australia


Hot Product Award

"AS5002T: Meaty two-bay NAS for home or office. Out of the box, the performance is pretty impressive, with the possible exception of its 4K read performance; however, the ... "

Bang for Buck Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Bang for Buck Award

"The ASUSTOR AS1002T is a powerful entry level NAS that comes with a low power consumption, all basic features, a good performance, and a fair price. "

Value Award asustor NAS

Hardware Heaven, UK


Value Award

"Setup is super simple, unscrew the thumb screws on the back slot in the drive(s) and screw them in (no tools required). Close it up, connect and power on. Within a few mi ... "

Broneze Award asustor NAS

Cowcotland, France


Broneze Award

"ASUSTOR always keeps its lead over the competition by offering more possibilities for multimedia connectivity. Similarly, the three-year warranty is quite comforting. Ove ... "

Hands-on review asustor NAS

TechDay, New Zealand


Hands-on review

"It's quiet, easy to use and provides everything you would expect from a NAS drive. This is one to consider if you're planning on setting up a home network server, ... "

Recommandation Award asustor NAS

59Hardware, France


Recommandation Award

"With the AS1004T, ASUSTOR has placed itself directly among the great names of network storage through an economical and quality product. Choosing a Marvell processor prov ... "

Fabulous entry-level NAS asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


Fabulous entry-level NAS

"At $289, the ASUSTOR AS1004 is probably the least expensive four-bay NAS that I’ve reviewed and it offers a significant bang for the buck. Wind back the clock a couple of ... "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


Highly recommended

"A good-looking, budget-centric NAS from Asustor, the AS3102T packs a fresh Intel Braswell CPU that allows it to handle up to 4K content playback and provides it with good ... "


HW Legend, Italy


BEST BUY" and "Platinum" Award

"ASUSTOR's AS1002T is phenomenal! It has class-leading performance without suffering the slightest slowdown during operation, a sure sign of maturity and stability of the ... "

Supreme Value Award asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia


Supreme Value Award

"Overall the ASUSTOR AS3104T can’t be beaten on value and is clearly the best budget multimedia focused NAS on the market right now. Having spent the past few weeks playin ... "

Review asustor NAS

Cachem, France



"The ASUSTOR AS3102T NAS has a really nice design and is easily inserted into a living room or office. Although the frequency of its processor might surprise, it is nevert ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

PC Professionale, Italy



"ASUSTOR offers a very good overall product, both in terms of construction and performance. The hardware used is perfect for multimedia (and here Intel has done a great jo ... "

Review asustor NAS

Comptoir-Hardware, France



"We're done with evaluating the AS1004T from ASUSTOR. This small NAS is pretty nice, very simple to implement and great for general public use. We saw in our tests, th ... "

Value product recommendation asustor NAS

Madshrimps, US


Value product recommendation

"Regarding the system performance, we were quite impressed by the read/write speeds in normal use. The product is running the latest ADM 2.5.1 version, which is really a b ... "

Highest recommendation asustor NAS

Redeszone, Spain


Highest recommendation

"This ASUSTOR AS6202T is currently the fastest and most complete NAS we've tested to date. Taking into account the technical characteristics, the performance achieved ... "

KickAss Award asustor NAS

MaximumPC, US


KickAss Award

"From amongst 6 2-bay NASes, Holiday 2015 issue Ultimately, it's the ASUSTOR AS5002T that gets our vote. It's a powerful NAS, and although ASUSTOR markets it as ... "

Excellent Choice Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, Netherlands


Excellent Choice Award

"With the AS1002T, ASUSTOR releases a very interesting NAS with great potential and an excellent level of performance. It is the first model released by the brand that mov ... "

KICKASS Award asustor NAS

3Dgameman, Canada



"The ASUSTOR AS1002T NAS is designed to be your cloud storage solution with many mobile apps to make connectivity a snap. It's an affordable, compact and very elegant ... "

Review asustor NAS

AnandTech, US



"The AS6204T also comes with a HDMI 1.4b port and bundled media playing apps. The NAS can also be used as a media player for 4K videos with support for multi-channel audio ... "

APH equal.balance Award asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada


APH equal.balance Award

"The ASUSTOR AS1002T is a great looking NAS that delivers class leading performance, with one of the best operating systems in the market today, for only $180 at press tim ... "

Review asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia



"The ASUSTOR AS6202T performed exceptionally well in most of our tests and quickly proved that it can hang with Synology’s latest flagship 2-bay NAS, the DS715. The ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

59Hardware, France



"By offering the AS6204T, Asustor offers a complete and versatile NAS for small businesses. This new feature-rich model relies on tools that have been proven for quite a f ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Platinum Award

"The AS6204T NAS Server by ASUSTOR is a solid solution for people who want a powerful yet silent model with 4K playback capabilities (and then some) and a plethora of feat ... "

Seal of Approval Award asustor NAS

Bjorn3D, US


Seal of Approval Award

"With a retail price right around $580 USD, this NAS does seem to be a bit pricey. But you must consider that outside of the traditional NAS duties, which the AS6202T hand ... "

2015 Editor's Recommendation Award asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, US


2015 Editor's Recommendation Award

"The AS5108T is recommended for its high capacity and high speed data transfers for power users or small business. "

Review asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France



"A new design that brings freshness to ASUSTOR NAS. Installation does not require any tools. It offers a good price to performance ratio and a great 3 year warranty along ... "

Review asustor NAS

Sebastien Toursel, France



"Part 1 Note that with this model, ASUSTOR provides 4 camera licenses free for those who want to do video surveillance, it will be enough for a vast majority of users. Per ... "

Ideal Home NAS asustor NAS

Extra PC, Czech


Ideal Home NAS

"This is a fully sufficient dual-drive solution for domestic purposes. It offers data security and also serves as a media center with your TV. "

High rating review asustor NAS

Clubic, France


High rating review

"ASUSTOR AS-1002T: an entry-level NAS that meets high demandsThe quality of the ASUSTOR software interface and quality design presented a relatively large investment until ... "

Storage Sweetness Award asustor NAS

Guru3D, US


Storage Sweetness Award

"ASUSTOR is on full frontal attack in terms of price and performance, the AS1002T is simply a terrific product that easily outclasses any NAS in this price range. The perf ... "

Hands-on Review  asustor NAS

ChannelLife, New Zealand


Hands-on Review

"We loved our time with this Asustor NAS Drive, it was easy to setup, the mobile device apps are awesome and with hundreds of apps to download to it, there is almost nothi ... "

PC Tip Award asustor NAS

ExtraPC, Czech


PC Tip Award

"AS5104T - NAS, HTPC and server in one package The AS5104T can serve as comprehensive home HD player through the HDMI output, and the installed environment KODI. The Web i ... "

High rating Review asustor NAS

Počítač Pro Každého, Czech


High rating Review

"Issue: 22/2015 A comprehensive solution for storing large volumes of data within your home network or office is a NAS server. Asustor's AS1002T is a NAS that is simp ... "

Highly recommendation asustor NAS

DigitalReviews, Australia


Highly recommendation

"It is ideally suited for the home environment especially with the inclusion of the optional remote control (which is a first in any of the NAS units that we have reviewed ... "

Platinum Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Platinum Best Buy Award

"In our review we had the pleasure of being able to test and observe closely a truly remarkable unit, the ASUSTOR AS6204T, created for advanced home users and SMEs. This p ... "

High rating review asustor NAS

Clubic, France


High rating review

"This is a remarkably complete model, with an exemplary finish, which enjoys a monitoring software. Do not spoil the recorded performance of the highest order and AS-6204T ... "

High score of 9.0 asustor NAS

Komputer for Alle, Denmark


High score of 9.0

"Packed with Features: ASUSTOR's AS5002T is a well designed, rock solid NAS.When diving down a bit in the features, there are so many possibilities that it almost beco ... "

Test asustor NAS

Peltier-Net, France



"Conclusions: In short you will understand, I am a fan of this little jewel of technology! It really is a quality product, silent, powerful and packed with features. In ad ... "

Best Value Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Value Award

"ASUSTOR's AS5004T is a solid NAS solution with a good amount of features for the standard consumer. Adding to that is its strong price point, making it one of the bes ... "

Review asustor NAS

OverclockZone, Thailand



"Multimedia applications allow ASUSTOR's AS5002T to meet users' digital entertainment requirements. The device offers high quality audio and video. Although it onl ... "

Exceptional evaluation asustor NAS

HardwareLUXX, Germany


Exceptional evaluation

"All in all, the ASUSTOR AS7004T is a compelling high-end NAS, which responds with its high performance. It is targeted at primarily power and SOHO users who require high ... "

Desirable data doublers for home or office asustor NAS

The Register, UK


Desirable data doublers for home or office

"what we have here is a well-featured NAS for home use that's powerful enough to cope with the demands of the larger small office. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

GadgetGear, Netherlands


Gold Award

"A rugged housing and expanded capabilities feature in the ASUSTOR AS5004T NAS. The addition of HDMI and a remote control make it ideal for the living room while it can be ... "

Special report asustor NAS

Net Audio, Japan


Special report

"Net Audio DSD Hi-Res Audio TEST ASUSTOR NAS can be connected to a USB DAC without worrying about the capacity of the sound source to listen to DSD11.2 MHz. "

MEGET BRA rating asustor NAS

Tek.no, Norway


MEGET BRA rating

"A very good NAS, but we would rather have gone for its big brother with four disk bays. Good performance / HDMI output / Digital Audio Output / Expandable RAM / Quiet ... "

Tutorial asustor NAS

JusteGeek, France



"IP cameras have become very affordable. If you have a single camera you can simply use its Web interfae to manage it. But as soon as you install more cameras this immedia ... "

Review asustor NAS

OCStation, Thailand



"Advantages The ADM OS has an easy to use Apps that can be installed easily. They are easy to update to the latest version and the built-in FTP client is great. The unit i ... "

High rating review asustor NAS

CDRinfo, Poland


High rating review

"The AS5102T is a great server with huge potential. Its greatest advantage is the huge amount of additional applications available in App Central, which is growing with ea ... "

APC Hot Product asustor NAS

APC Magazine, Australia


APC Hot Product

"4.5 out of 5 stars out of 10 NASes AS5004T: A NAS with the media centric features you need. Verdict: High end features for a surprisingly affordable price tag. "

Gold Cowcot Award asustor NAS

CowcotLand, France


Gold Cowcot Award

"If you like the style of ASUSTOR applications and you are looking for a product that stores data and also provides the possibility of a media player, go for the AS-5004T. ... "

NAS and media player asustor NAS

Computer Totaal, Netherlands


NAS and media player

"There is ample choice of standard application and functionality, combined with the wide range of Apps that include too many for all to be mentioned here. Downloaders and ... "

Platinum Award and Best Buy asustor NAS

HWLegend, Italy


Platinum Award and Best Buy

"ASUSTOR's AS5102T has impressed with its performance in all conditions. The quad-core Intel Celeron processor J1900, with the LAN subsystem, delivered excellent perfo ... "

A strong NAS for home and office asustor NAS

CHIP, Germany


A strong NAS for home and office

"A strong NAS for home and office. Ranked #2 out of 38 2-bay NASes behind the #1 ranked AS5102T. Conclusion: The ASUSTOR AS5002T brings strong performance and very good ha ... "

Great Product Award asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Great Product Award

"ASUSTOR offers a great product as usual, and the AS-5004T is everything you could want at home from a NAS server. If you are looking for a gathering point for all of your ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

ByTheWay, Greece


Editor's Choice

"AS5002T has a great interface and a stable software. It has several and useful applications, supports Web interface and Windows, iOS, and Linux. Also supports application ... "

Highest 5 stars score asustor NAS

Next Hardware, Italy


Highest 5 stars score

"The strength of this NAS is undoubtedly the price. For € 539 we can take it home or use it in the office. It is a device with multifaceted capabilities that continue ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US



"All in all, the AS5102T is a very good product. It offers many features and is the right choice if you are intent on installing more than one IP camera in your home becau ... "

Highest award asustor NAS

ManuReviews, Spain


Highest award

"When quality, good price and excellent performance come together, it creates a great product such as this. We find that the variety of downloadable apps make this product ... "

Performance Award asustor NAS

Madshrimps, Belgium


Performance Award

"AS5102T 2-bay NAS from ASUSTOR is undoubtedly the AS5104T little brother and while it loses the LCD display and two extra bays, most of the other features are included li ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

ElektronikTest, Denmark


Silver Award

"ASUSTOR AS-5104T - A powerful, fast and versatile NAS server. If you are a heavy media streamer, and need to take advantage of regular transcoding (streaming media to sma ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"ADM is always pleasant to use, and continues to grow by incorporating new features listed above (and other improvements). The ASUSTOR AS-202TE has serious assets to bring ... "

High rating review asustor NAS

Fredzone, France


High rating review

"The AS5102T accumulates a lot of good points. It is pleasant to look at, it is extremely fast and it has a rich variety connection ports. But its greatest strength, ultim ... "

Very good NASes  asustor NAS

Sky-Future, France


Very good NASes

"If you want a NAS combining security and safety of a RAID with the capacity for a multimedia station, one of these NAS is for you. If you want a NAS to play movies and se ... "

Outstanding performance asustor NAS

Computing On Demand, US


Outstanding performance

"ASUSTOR has created an affordable (around $700USD) NAS that competes with NAS devices costing nearly twice as much. Having performed near the top in almost all of our ben ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain


Gold Award

"ASUSTOR's AS5002T has some interesting features and great performance. Its powerful ADM operating system takes full advantage of the NAS hardware. It has plenty to of ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Andrews Reviews, UK


Gold Award

"The AS5102T is a brilliant NAS that is more than suitable for a home user or business. The NAS is more than capable and works great as a media centre if you connect it to ... "

Attractive applications and features asustor NAS

InfoKomputer, Indonesia


Attractive applications and features

"The ASUSTOR AS5002T this is not just storage for all of your data, but can also be used as a complete entertainment center.Pros: Fast Performance using SATA 6Gbps, USB3.0 ... "

Recomendado N3D Award asustor NAS

Noticias3D, Spain


Recomendado N3D Award

"The flexibility of these devices provide our home with many possibilities that you get used to quickly. Backup, transfers, accessible from anywhere, apps and more. Everyt ... "

Hands on review asustor NAS

ChannelLife, New Zealand


Hands on review

"The market for Network Attached Storage (NAS) used to be just for geeks to keep their range of videos. But with advances in their capabilities, companies like ASUSTOR are ... "

Gold Medal Award asustor NAS

Profesional Review, Spain


Gold Medal Award

"The AS5002T is the ideal place to store our important data and has the ability to play multimedia content on our TV. Regarding its performance it has an excellent interfa ... "

Tutorial asustor NAS

AS5002T, Spain



"ASUSTOR Portal, KODI and AiRemote A feature of the AS5002T ASUSTOR NAS server is its ability to connect to a TV via the HDMI port to enjoy multimedia content stored on yo ... "

Tutorial asustor NAS

Sky-Future, France



"How to use VirtualBox on a ASUSTOR NAS "

Recomendado N3D Award asustor NAS

Noticias3D, Spain


Recomendado N3D Award

"Still, for professionals or for those who want to centralize all of their devices in an almost magical way, we cannot do anything but give the ASUSTOR 5004T a "Recom ... "

Recommnedado and PREMIO Caracteristicas Award asustor NAS

Islabit, Spain


Recommnedado and PREMIO Caracteristicas Award

"Concerning tests, the AS5002T stands out from its competitors. Its performance is excellent, with very little power consumption, quiet operation and a large number of fun ... "

Review asustor NAS

JusteGeek, France



"To conclude this presentation, I want to say that the Asustor AS5002T is a good product. The possibilities are numerous thanks to its muscular and silent configuration. T ... "

Gold and Silver awards asustor NAS

Hardware Info, Netherlands


Gold and Silver awards

"We are very fond of these two models from Asustor. They provide excellent performance. Consider the connectivity and smart apps. The presence of an HDMI connection makes ... "

PC VIP Sliver Award asustor NAS

PC Professionale, Italy


PC VIP Sliver Award

"Issue: May 2015 The operating system provided by ASUSTOR handles multiple functions and services simultaneously with the utmost simplicity. Pros: Many advanced features& ... "

Tutorial asustor NAS

Autour de Sam, France



"16 settings to get started with ASUSTOR NAS and ADM 2.4 This overview of recommended settings allows you to find out about what ASUSTOR has to offer and a glimpse of othe ... "

High rating 4 out of 5 stars review asustor NAS

Comptoir-Hardware, France


High rating 4 out of 5 stars review

"This model resolutely professional and can turn into a real small multimedia station that will blend into any environment. Whether you are an amateur or simply demanding, ... "

Cool Product Award asustor NAS

Prohardver, Hungary


Cool Product Award

"When the ability to connect to TVs via HDMI is taken into account, the AS-302T from ASUSTOR has no real opposition. And if you want more, ASUSTOR's AS5102T (139 000 H ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

Autour de Sam, France



"In conclusion, both the AS5002T and the AS5102T are excellent devices just waiting to be explored because they are easy to use and seem to have endless opportunities. "

Tutorial  asustor NAS

Sky-Future, France



"SoundsGood: How to listen to music anywhere with ASUSTOR NAS Conclusion: ASUSTOR offers us a very well finished App for remote music playback. Remember to open the 8000 ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

CowcotLand, France


Gold Award

"If you are looking for a scalable product that will allow you to do multimedia, and also storage, the AS5102 T is what you need. "

High rating asustor NAS

HWM, Malaysia


High rating

"The AS5102T is a compelling choice for a NAS, thanks to its power, features, and versatility. Running it all is a 2.0GHz quad-core Intel Celeron 2.0GHz processor that is ... "

Great rating and appreciation in review asustor NAS

Clubic, France


Great rating and appreciation in review

"AS5002T is a product that the manufacturer dedicates to individuals who want to buy a complete NAS. It offers leading performance and a wide range of features. Asustor is ... "

High rating for its performance and multimedia capabilities asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands


High rating for its performance and multimedia capabilities

"ASUSTOR has in the AS5002T an excellent NAS which primarily features multimedia functionality such as XBMC and Kodi. The NAS also has enough scalability because you can u ... "

Recomendation asustor NAS

Guru3D, US



"The ASUSTOR AS5102T with the new updated software definitely is one of the most versatile NAS units we have tested. We like what we saw for hardware, software and functio ... "

ExtraPC TIP Award asustor NAS

ExtraPC, Czech


ExtraPC TIP Award

"AS5002T: Really fast, Multimedia Data Storage A NAS that can do everything. Features include user management, VPN and access right management. It can be mapped via Samba ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Inside Hardware, Italy


Gold Award

"Besides the excellent hardware equipment Asustor provides the user with a comprehensive and user-friendly operating system, the new ADM 2.4 that in addition to all the in ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Editor's Choice Award

"The performance was great in all the benchmarks, and the AS5102T did great on all tests. The web interface and smart apps alike are equally fast and responsive, which is ... "

No. 1 ranking from among 35 2-bay NASes asustor NAS

CHIP, Germany


No. 1 ranking from among 35 2-bay NASes

"TESTED By CHIP Germany,AS5102T achieves No. 1 ranking from among 35 2-bay NASes "

Review asustor NAS

Geekzone, New Zealand



"Network attached storage devices and full on computers aren't much different these days. Take the ASUSTOR AS-7008T 8 bay NAS device for example: you can just add some ... "

Review asustor NAS

Zebulon, France



"It's a very versatile device that we were given to test. The very high level of performance it offers, especially when paired with a disc of the quality of HGST Desks ... "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Best Buy Award

"This is a hallmark of the new advances and continuous innovation by ASUSTOR. ASUSTOR was the first company to adpot Kodi, the next evolution of the XBMC media player and ... "

Best Performance Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Performance Award

"Overall, the Asustor AS5102T is a solid appliance that offers the performance for multi-user environments, and functionality the typical consumer would want. "

Smart Buy Award asustor NAS

ExtraHardware, Czech


Smart Buy Award

"ASUSTOR AS5002T: Multimedia data warehouses that overcomes gigabit. "

Best Buy Award asustor NAS

Computer, Czech


Best Buy Award

"From 8 NAS roundup review by Computer Magazine (#4/15) AS5002T and AS5102T both receive highest rating from comparison with 8 other NASes. AS5002T Rating: 9.3Pros: Perfor ... "

Storage solution for the photographer asustor NAS

CHIP FotoVideo, Indonesia


Storage solution for the photographer

"ASUSTOR AS5002T & AS5004T introduced for the CHIP Foto Video audience. ADM offers great S3 features, data security and ease of access at anytime and from anywhere. "

Gold Award  asustor NAS

BCCHardware, Canada


Gold Award

"The AS5004T is no mere Network Attached Storage box for your home. This isn't built for your average home user. It certainly works in that situation, but this box is ... "

Review asustor NAS

HardwarePortal, Russia



"ASUSTOR's AS302T first of all is a good solution for a good price. In general, we noted a good user interface, easy setup of a network name, and of course the ability ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

GreenTech, Russia


Editor's Choice Award

"ASUSTOR's AS-202TE demonstrated high speed, easy setup and operation, high-quality localization of all interfaces and a large number of adjustable settings. We are ve ... "

Gold Award  asustor NAS

PC Guia, Portugal


Gold Award

"These NAS for small offices have the availability to stream their video, music or photo files for all household appliances. On the other hand, can still connect the Asust ... "

Editor's Choice Award​​ asustor NAS

Cachem, France


Editor's Choice Award​​

"The AS5002T that was tested (along with a NAS initialization test with AiMaster Android version) is a quality product, perfectly designed around an Intel architecture. "

Golden Award asustor NAS

Sky-Future, France


Golden Award

"If you are looking for a high performance NAS oriented to the professional world, the AS7004T is for you. "

3Gameman's Choice Award asustor NAS

3Gameman, Canada


3Gameman's Choice Award

"The ASUSTOR AS5002T NAS is outstanding. This model supports up to 2 drives, has 3 USB3 ports, 2 USB2 ports, 2 eSATA ports, HDMI 1.4a and more. You can get an optimal remo ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Gold Award

"Pros: Metal case well made, very durable and rigid; Build quality worthy of note; Good quality of components; Great operating system. ADM 2.4 Beta - fast and responsive; ... "

Review asustor NAS

Technieuws, Netherlands



"Conclusion: The Asustor AS7004T is a very good NAS which is especially suitable for multimedia functionality. The NAS has enough scalability to upgrade the internal RAM m ... "

Product intro asustor NAS

TechLife, Australia


Product intro

"Affordable NAS boxes:Get more digital storage for the whole house. AS-302T: with real time 1080P video transcoding AS-304T: focused on your media addiction "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR did a great job with the AS7004T as it combines strong hardware with their already mature ADM operating system. The hardware's and software's feature list ... "

Tutorial asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France



"Remote access to the NAS with Cloud Connect ASUSTOR "


Cachem, France



"We have here a complete NAS. It is fast, reliable and efficient. "

Small but extremely powerful server asustor NAS

ElektronikTest, Denmark


Small but extremely powerful server

"I highly recommend a model like this, for people who want a stable environment for their files and other important things. You also get a media player in it. We land on a ... "

Performance Recommended Award asustor NAS

Madshrimps, US


Performance Recommended Award

"The AS5104T NAS from ASUSTOR is built upon the proven chassis solution we have found on their previous generations, with an easy readable LCD display and additional butto ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

DatorMagazin, Denmark


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR offers good performance under high loads, numerous connections and an extensive range of applications. Verdict: Recommended NAS. A reliable, quiet unit with good ... "

Super Award asustor NAS

Xtremesystems, US


Super Award

"In the current era where the number of user of smart phones is booming, the ‘at home’ feeling of an icon based interface is going to be far more welcome than ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

eReviews, Denmark



"Overall, I can recommend the ASUSTOR AS5002T. The hardware is flawless and the software / web interface works. It is one of the things that can be easily changed and I am ... "

Recommande Award asustor NAS

59Hardware, France


Recommande Award

"The AS7004T stands out from the competition thanks to its exclusive features like support for 4K resolution displays and S3 sleep mode that is responsive and fast. Capabl ... "

Test asustor NAS

PC Media, Indonesia



"Issue Feb, 2015 We like the AS-202TE for its great performance and easy operation "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware-TEST, Denmark


Gold Award

"Overall, AS5002T is a NAS that is well built and the quality is pretty good. Performance wise it can easily match its competitors, and it works reasonably responsive when ... "

Renewal Award asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada


Renewal Award

"As a product situated in the company's flagship line, the AS7004T is certain worthy. It packs some serious hardware punch with the powerful Intel Core i3-4330 CPU, an ... "

Power Award asustor NAS

PC3 Magazine, Hong Kong


Power Award

"Issue# 731 Conclusion: Suitable for advanced users The AS7004T is targeted to meet the needs of advanced users. It’s Core i3 processor and RAM that is expandable t ... "

Review asustor NAS

Winmag Pro, Netherlands



"The AS5102T hangs between the two at last. Thus, also the multimedia performance of the NAS pushed forward. With the HDMI port for example, you hang a screen to your NAS ... "

Review of AiMaster asustor NAS

Cachem, France


Review of AiMaster

"Initializing a NAS Asustor with Android I will conclude on a very positive note on the init function NAS via Asustor AiMaster on Android that is simple, complete and powe ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Editor's Choice

"As a storage NAS, this model is the best in its class at this time. The transfer performance that we measured was very good across the board. "

Highly recommendation asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


Highly recommendation

"The ASUSTOR AS-5104T is a powerful NAS solution for advanced home or business users seeking high-capacity storage, a wide array of features and lightning-fast performance ... "

Review asustor NAS

Makeuseof, Australia



"The management interface – called ADM, which Asustor’s customized linux – is easy to navigate and responsive. It’s obvious where each setting can ... "

Review asustor NAS

Smallnetbuilder, US



"For 2-bay NASes, the ASUSTOR AS5102T and AS5002T hold the #1 and #2 (respectively) spots on the charts for Total NAS ranking. AS5104T is the #2 following AS7004T. ASUSTOR ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Platinum Award

"If you need a powerful NAS server with room for up to 10 HDDs and plenty of features and money is not in the way then the AS7010T is an excellent choice and that's why it ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Inside Hardware, Italy


Gold Award

"Besides excellent hardware ASUSTOR provides the user with a comprehensive and user-friendly operating system, the new ADM 2.3 (due out soon also is the new update to 2.4) ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

IT-Connect, France


Gold Award

"AS5002T which offers 3-year warranty, is actually a great product in all respects and is fun to use because the ADM operating system is very complete. "

Recommended for Power User's Choice asustor NAS

HWM, Malaysia


Recommended for Power User's Choice

"The AS5002T has more than enough ports for all your network resource sharing needs. It is a great NAS system in terms of expandability, versatility, and power. "

Reviews with high rating asustor NAS

PC World, Australia


Reviews with high rating

"This is one of the best NAS devices on the market if you're after something that's not only quick, but also capable of being many things. Use it as a media centre ... "

Thumb Up Award  asustor NAS

Computer, Czech


Thumb Up Award

"AS7004T: Hardware without compromise!Multimedia oriented NAS with excellent performance which yet hardly will seek competition.Pro Powerful processor,expandable memory Mu ... "

Strong recommendation for the home asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


Strong recommendation for the home

"Delivering powerful media performance, a comprehensive set of features and a high quality chassis that really looks the business, the ASUSTOR AS-5004 NAS gets a strong re ... "

Best Buy

HW Legend, Italy


Best Buy" and Platinum Award

"ASUSTOR's AS5002T is the subject of our review and then entry level model in the new AS5XXXT series. It represents a new way of understanding what a NAS Server can do for ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

APC Magazine, Australia



"Issue#411 ASUSTOR puts in an amazingly strong showing for its price bracket. Recommended. "

High score rating asustor NAS

ComputerBild, Russia


High score rating

"ASUSTOR's AS-302T is focused on home use and is designed for experienced users. On the back of the device in addition to the USB-port it has an HDMI port, giving the oppo ... "

Review asustor NAS

iXBT, Russia



"In conclusion it should be noted that the network drive ASUSTOR AS-202TE is almost as good as the more expensive models from ASUSTOR's AS-3XXT line. Of course, to achieve ... "

Supreme Value Award  asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia


Supreme Value Award

"Overall the AS5104T is the ultimate NAS, offering users serious performance at a currently unbeatable price. The AS5104T is ideal for business use as well as home multime ... "

High Performance Award asustor NAS

PurePC, Poland


High Performance Award

"A really high performance server with great functionality provided by ADM. The hardware supports solutions related stricty to the data center market (e.g., expandable har ... "

Gold Award in high-end segment asustor NAS

Hardware Info, US


Gold Award in high-end segment

"From among 27 2-bay NAS devices The Asustor AS-602T is an outstanding product in terms of features and performance. It is a state-of-the-art NAS device with lots of mul ... "

Gold Award for its multimedia capabilities asustor NAS

Hardware Info, US


Gold Award for its multimedia capabilities

"Stands out from among 27 2-bay NAS devices The Asustor AS-302T has HDMI, an IR receiver and the Asustor Portal interface including YouTube, Chrome and XBMC. It's an e ... "

Highest 5 stars review  asustor NAS

NextHardware, Italy


Highest 5 stars review

"The new AS7004T has undoubtedly hit all the goals that ASUSTOR has set. The subsidiary of ASUS has produced once again a highly and versatile device that is suited to the ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Platinum Award

"We have the impressively smooth playback of media content via XBMC which is not something we see a lot and the AS7004T could be at the top of our list at least in that sp ... "

Great Product Award asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Great Product Award

"Nothing bad to say about the performance. Playback of a fully self-ripped Blu-ray file was made by the NAS without any lagging, or buffering, and even transcoding of the ... "

Best Choice 2014 asustor NAS

Winmag Pro, Netherlands


Best Choice 2014

"The AS7010T provides all the best functionality offered by a NAS and much more. It offers unlimited potential for enterprise and multimedia applications. "

One of the hottest products for 2011 asustor NAS

ComputerDIY, Taiwan


One of the hottest products for 2011

"ComputerDIY reports ASUSTOR NAS as one of the hottest products for 2014 "

Super Amazingly Great!!! asustor NAS

TeamTechSquad, Philippines


Super Amazingly Great!!!

"We were impressed by the versatility of this device and it somehow influenced us to raise our standards in finding a NAS. It makes a perfect partner for a formidable home ... "

Edtior's Choice Award for Home Server Testing asustor NAS

PC World, Russia


Edtior's Choice Award for Home Server Testing

"Our test trials have shown that all the network drives that are included in the review are useful and functional. They provide a lot of opportunities to significantly ext ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware Heaven, UK


Gold Award

"The AS7004T is an exceptional unit which offers fantastic performance, great features and plenty of future-proofing. A worthy winner of our Gold Award. "

Hands on review asustor NAS

TechDay, New Zealand


Hands on review

"The AS7008T scored well on two fronts. A Haswell processor made a difference performance-wise and its web UI was both intuitive and useful. The AS7008 delivered solid pe ... "

Must Have Award asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia


Must Have Award

"ASUSTOR has shown a strong commitment to keeping their software up to date by adding new features and squashing any bugs. The new ADM 2.3 software is excellent and we rea ... "

2014 Best NAS Brand Award from readers asustor NAS

PCDIY!, Taiwan


2014 Best NAS Brand Award from readers

"ASUSTOR receives PCDIY 2014 Best NAS Brand Award from readers. "

Edtior's Choice asustor NAS

DGL, Russia


Edtior's Choice

"The case of ASUSTOR's AS-202TE is perforated to improve cooling. The front panel is made of plastic, and consists of control buttons combined with indicators. Disk tr ... "

Review asustor NAS

AnandTech, US



"Haswell ensure better performance for many workloads compared to the competition. The ADM OS is very pleasing to use (particularly when compared to other fledgling OSes s ... "

Review asustor NAS

Input Mag, Denmark



"We find good usability, many features and lots of speed in this network storage device. With this NAS ASUSTOR has managed to make a quick and easy NAS for the home or sma ... "

High rating review asustor NAS

BK, Denmark


High rating review

"Excellent network storage device from ASUSTOR: Good for home or small office Good reading speed Easy to use Good selection of apps HDMI port "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

GreenTech, Russia


Editor's Choice

"ASUSTOR's AS-302T showed high speed, ease of setup and operation, high quality localization of the interface and a large number of adjustable parameters. Its price is ... "

Top 1 from 4 bay NAS performance chart asustor NAS

Smallnetbuilder, US


Top 1 from 4 bay NAS performance chart

"In order to help buyers find the right NAS, ASUSTOR breaks its product line into multiple categories. We have already reviewed products from the "Personal to Home&qu ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Platinum Award

"Metal case is well made, very durable and rigid Build quality is worthy of note Excellent quality of components Excellent stability of the network connection Great operat ... "

Platinum Award asustor NAS

Profesional Review, Spain


Platinum Award

"Conclusion: It is increasingly common to have a NAS at home and also to use it as a media center with your TV. This is the first time I have tried an ASUSTOR (AS-302T) an ... "

No. 1 ranking out of 34 2-bay NASes asustor NAS

CHIP, Germany


No. 1 ranking out of 34 2-bay NASes

"The AS-602T features an intuitive operating system with power conversion that greatly exceeds common standards. "

Review asustor NAS

ExtraHardware, Czech



"AS-302T is a quality NAS, which features sufficient power, quiet operation and an HDMI interface. The price is low and you need to add more to the price for two hard driv ... "

A premium NAS for business asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


A premium NAS for business

"The new ASUSTOR AS7010T is a premium NAS for business, offering a compelling combination of features and performance wrapped in a compact, high capacity package. "

Review asustor NAS

UpWeek, Russia



"Overall, a great machine with lots of features. If you are too lazy to build your own server from an old desktop, you will want the convenience and compactness of this tw ... "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

Virtual-IT, Poland


Highly recommended

"ASUSTOR's AS-202TE provides the user with a comprehensive NAS with a rich palette of features out of the box, which can easily be expanded by connecting external devi ... "

Scored 8.5 asustor NAS

WinmagPro, Netherlands


Scored 8.5

"Conclusion The ASUSTOR AS-304T is a highly competitive and complete NAS that offers great value for money. The media player functionality is available and is a welcome ad ... "

Review asustor NAS

TechDay, New Zealand



"There’s a lot to like with the Asustor 604T. It’s a cracking good media centre that is so solid build-wise that it could do double duty as a nuclear fallout s ... "

High-performance network storage asustor NAS

iXBT, Russia


High-performance network storage

"ASUSTOR has done a solid job on the software of their network attached storage servers. Today, their model can be counted among a dense group of leaders in this market se ... "

High Performance Award asustor NAS

IT Systems, Czech


High Performance Award

"The AS-604T was a very pleasant surprise. Our first experience with the ASUSTOR brand was unambiguously positive. ASUSTOR's AS-604T is awell-tuned high performance NA ... "

Safe Buy Award asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Safe Buy Award

"All in all, it's very hard not to recommend Asustor AS-202T for those who are looking for their first NAS server that do not want anything that is too difficult to go ... "

Recomendado N3D

Noticias3D, Spain


Recomendado N3D" Award

"The ADM firmware is full-featured, while distributed in a way that is easily understood by all users, both expert and novice. You are prompted to configure the most impor ... "

Review asustor NAS

Gamoha, Germany



"With the AS-202TE Asustor has developed a multimedia network storage device which convinces with its range of functions, easily understandable user interface and premium ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware Journal, Germany


Gold Award

"Conclusion:The Asustor AS-202TE has produced really good test figures. Quite apart from the excellent processing and optics, Asustor offers with this NAS a multimedia-cap ... "

Editor Choice asustor NAS

PCDIY!, Taiwan


Editor Choice

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T is powered by an Intel Atom processor, supports HDMI multimedia playback and web browsing, and has a high price to performance ratio. PCDIY! enthusias ... "

Impressive asustor NAS

PC Magazine, US



"ASUSTOR's AS-602T ($579.79) is an excellent, albeit expensive, two-bay NAS device. It offers beefier hardware than most dual-bay NASes, as well as a great interface a ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

Virtual-IT, Poland



"If you are looking for a stable NAS with a high level of security for stored data, which offers plenty of configuration options, and is able to act as a personal media ce ... "

Test: Buiness and Multimedia asustor NAS

ComputerBase, Germany


Test: Buiness and Multimedia

"A comprehensive "App Store" to extend the functionality of the NAS, as it provides Asustor with App Central, and more than 100 additional packages can be found ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

ElektronikTest, Denmark


Silver Award

"I have mentioned before that the software at ASUSTOR just is top notch and they always deliver good and well-developed programs is always something new on the way so you ... "

Highest rating and recommendation asustor NAS

NextHardware, Italy


Highest rating and recommendation

"Good hardware and good quality of assembly come together to provide a vast amount of features that, thanks to the policy of the manufacturer, is constantly expanding. The ... "

Review with high score asustor NAS

C.O.D., US


Review with high score

"The AS-204TE is packed with all the features you look for in a small, inexpensive, package, making it hard to pass up. If you are a home user looking for a good NAS at a ... "

Review, 5 stars asustor NAS

News and Review, UK


Review, 5 stars

"Whenever i hear we have an ASUSTOR unit being shipped to us, i know good things await us, The ASUSTOR AS-606T was no big surprise in terms of performance and as always wa ... "

100% Recommendation asustor NAS

Actualidad Hardware, Spain


100% Recommendation

"After testing the AS-202TE from ASUSTOR can say that it is a great NAS. ADM is a great operating system with many configuration options and great Apps with which we can m ... "

Test asustor NAS

HardwareLUXX, Germany



"The software used is a positive aspect. For the AS-204TE is now the ADM surface in version 2.2, which hardly leaves a lot be desired for most users, provides lots of feat ... "

Review asustor NAS

Mreza Magazine, Croatia



"Issue: June Excellent support for additional applications and features such as a very powerful operating system, a large number of USB connectors, support for video surv ... "

High rating review asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK


High rating review

"The ASUSTOR AS-609RS range-topping rackmount offers massive storage capacities and reasonable performance. With attractive features for both business users and prosumers, ... "

Review asustor NAS

ComputerBase, Germany



"The HDMI output on the AS-204TE can be used with the App "Asustor Portal" to output applications on a connected TV or monitor. Besides XBMC for video playback t ... "

ADM 2.1 review asustor NAS

Smallnetbuilder, US


ADM 2.1 review

"In the end, ASUSTOR's ADM 2.1 is a modern NAS OS with an attractive tablet and mobile-friendly user interface supporting a range of features that should satisfy the needs ... "

Review asustor NAS

Speicherguide, Germany



"Conclusion: Good value for money The AS-304T turns out to be good device, both for home users, as well as SoHo and small companies. We are satisfied with the offered per ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Virtual-IT, Poland


Recommended Award

"The AS-602T can easily perform several functions simultanesouly as it acts as a central storage sever and backup solution. It can support cloud environments, backup repos ... "

Best choice for a multimedia storage NAS asustor NAS

Hardware Zone, Thailand


Best choice for a multimedia storage NAS

"ASUSTOR's AS204TE NAS is comprehensive and diverse in storage and multimedia. On an enterprise network or at home, you can count on its data protection to safeguard y ... "

Review asustor NAS

Hardware Magazine, France



"AS-202T and AS-204TE strengths Features / Discrete Ventilation / Hardware / Performance "

Recommendation Award asustor NAS

AltomData, Denmark


Recommendation Award

"NAS with HDMI and overwhelming range of apps A good NAS at a reasonable price, doing very well for storage, backup and playback of movies. The service is good and the fe ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Inside Hardward, Italy


Gold Award

"Thanks to the many possibilities, NAS systems have begun to spread more and more and also into the home. Many users are starting to use these products for the first time. ... "

Best performance Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best performance Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-604RD includes a number of features useful for small business and even small enterprise offices. The performance is very good. "

Gold Award and Best Buy asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Gold Award and Best Buy

"The unit has been shown to have excellent skills in all areas of reactivity, expressing solidity and strength in all usage scenarios. Good operating temperatures, in view ... "

Product Lust o' the Week, 5/5 rating asustor NAS

Network World, US


Product Lust o' the Week, 5/5 rating

"The ASUSTOR 602T network attached storage system, outstanding features and performance What does this amazing collection of features and performance cost? Without drives ... "

Review asustor NAS

Techniewus, Netherlands



"The use of the firmware is very simple and contains most of the features which are also present in the competition. "

Review asustor NAS

News and Review, UK



"The ASUSTOR tagline is ‘Innovation Makes A Difference’ and when it comes to their range of NAS this catchy one liner rings so true. Being one of the first manufacturers t ... "

Recommended award asustor NAS



Recommended award

"A good-value nine-bay rack NAS appliance with decent performance and plenty of features "

Review asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US



"It packs many interesting features, including several multimedia ones that will allow you to get rid of your old media player to replace it with a device that does it all ... "

Review asustor NAS

CDRInfo, Poland



"ASUSTOR did perfectly with regards to performance. Components that are mounted within the housing, and it achieves very good results with typical tasks associated with fi ... "

The NAS that goes with your Mac   asustor NAS

MacityNet, Italy


The NAS that goes with your Mac

"The product is great not only as a backup device and centralized home entertainment server but also for those dedicated to development: there are various apps in the app ... "

That's Cool Award asustor NAS

PCBrain, Italy


That's Cool Award

"The quality is above average, with the benefits that fulfill all expectations. "

Test: 4-bay all-rounder with new ADM 2.1 asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, Germany


Test: 4-bay all-rounder with new ADM 2.1

"The ASUSTOR Portal convinced us that additional features such as video surveillance are possible on your TV. Users who already have a camera surveillance system, can conn ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


Gold Award

"If you are looking for a NAS with good performance, which will allow you to watch your movies on your TV, this product will do the job. "

Review asustor NAS

MacWorld, UK



"For the software Asustor developed its own an app-based interface. It has a rich graphical look, with drop shadows below open windows, all centred on a desktop populated ... "

Recommended  asustor NAS

PC Advisor, UK



"AS-604T is a very well featured and sturdily built NAS drive Pros: Sturdy construction, accessible modern software interface, decent performance under certain conditions ... "

Best Value Award  asustor NAS

MikroPC, Finland


Best Value Award

"The AS-202TE from ASUSTOR is and excellent device that offers great value for the money. Its features and performance are sufficient for most home users. "

Editor's tip PPK

PPK Mag, Czech


Editor's tip PPK" Award

" AS-302T is a powerful and very smart home data storage solution that can be also used as a multimedia player. "

Review asustor NAS

AnandTech, Canada



"From our experience with the unit, we can say without doubt that Asustor is a very effective and welcome addition to the list of SOHO / SMB NAS vendors. We look forward t ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

PC DIY, Taiwan


Editor's Choice

"The ASUSTOR AS-304T is equipped with an Intel Atom dual core processor. It can be used as a home file sharing center and can be used to play multimedia and browse the web ... "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"Overall i think that ASUSTOR has manufactured yet another NAS Server which is more than just enough for its intended use and although performance could had been slightly ... "

Supreme Value Award asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia


Supreme Value Award

"Therefore in terms of performance the AS-204TE is right up there and is arguably better value than the more expensive AS-304T. Moreover it had no trouble wiping the floor ... "

Recommend Award asustor NAS

Hardware Asylum, US


Recommend Award

"However you decide to use the ASUSTOR AS-304T you will not be disappointed. There is a plethora of applications available and the overall form factor and ease of use make ... "

Gold Award along with Top Choice asustor NAS

Andrews Reviews, UK


Gold Award along with Top Choice

"The 2XXTE range of enclosures are well built and strong performing whilst being reasonably priced. The Asustor Portal is the icing on the cake that should see the 2XXTE b ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

GoodGearGuide, Australia


Editor's Choice Award

"The 2-bay ASUSTOR AS-202TE is a feature-packed NAS device, thanks mainly to an app environment that allows many different functions to be added, depending on your needs. ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Editor's Choice Award

"As far as performance is concerned, the dual core Atom SoC is no slouch for a 2-bay system. Topping out at 116MB/s on the write side and 113.3MB/s on the read side of thi ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

BuyCOMs, Thailand


Silver Award

"Excellent NAS with 4 disk bays that supports RAID 0,1,5,6,10 configurations along with the ability to streaming multimedia files. "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

MB Magazine, Finland


Editor's Choice

"Good performance, lots of features, quality housing and excellent cooling solution. "

NAS with

Jagat Review, Indonesia


NAS with "Bonus" Media Player

"In addition to good performance, the NAS is also supported by management tools with a user interface that is easy to learn. It features wizards that make the device easy ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Editor's Choice

"On the hardware side, the AS-204TE very solid and beautifully built. This is also certainly the case when working with the software. 2900kr for a well built 4-disk NAS, s ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

CHIP, Italy



"ASUSTOR NAS is dedicated to consumer applications or SOHO and can be easily expanded with over a hundred apps. The operating system is intuitive and fast. The NAS can be ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

DatorMagazine, Sweden



"A NAS that can be used for home entertainment and can be accessed remotely. Pros: Very user friendly web interface Great apps Lots of relevant functions "

Recommneded Award asustor NAS

Hardware Heaven, UK


Recommneded Award

"The AS-204TE continues the run of excellent products we have seen from Asustor. With the addition of an update OS in ADM 2.1 the AS-204TE is a quality NAS and one that is ... "

Review   asustor NAS

Reviewify, UK



"In short the AS-202TE is a brilliant NAS and a must buy item for those looking for an easy to use, flexible, interface that offers a lot of features. It seems like I’m on ... "

Powerful Hardware Award asustor NAS

TwojePC, Poland


Powerful Hardware Award

"The biggest advantage of the NAS is that it can perform the roles of a system HTPC or media player. It is quiet, consumes little power and with the HDMI port, can be conn ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

HomeTheater, Israel



"Impressive for a company so young, is the wealth of information offered to the customer in the form of discussion forums and ASUSTOR College. The AS-304T can also save ... "

No.1 NAS out of 47 models asustor NAS

CHIP Online, Germany


No.1 NAS out of 47 models

"Test Winner: ASUSTOR AS-602T ASUSTOR's AS-602T is the top placed device in our ranking of network hard drives with two drive bays. It provides very strong overall perfor ... "

Product intro asustor NAS

Charged, UAE


Product intro

"AS-606T introduced as a high capacity NAS with military encryption (January 2014 Issue) "

Recommended as an option for HTPC use asustor NAS

Muropaketti, Finland


Recommended as an option for HTPC use

"ASUSTOR chooses the XMBC media player is definitely a favorite for many exchange for HTPC use and range of the device software on a network server is full of pleasant and ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

TechLife, Australia


Editor's Choice Award

"AS-202TE, the ultimate collection of home cinema NAS features "

Champion Award asustor NAS

ElektronikTEST, Denmark


Champion Award

"The NAS servers from ASUSTOR, which I have had my fingers on, has surprised me a lot, especially their newest AS-202TE, as it is placed at a price where everyone can part ... "

Strong and versatile NAS asustor NAS

Chip Online, Germany


Strong and versatile NAS

"Summary: Features and performance are the strengths of Asustor AS-602T: Two LAN ports, HDMI-out, two drive bays and six USB ports are on board. An Intel Atom CPU (2.13 GH ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

C.O.D., US


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR's AS-302T is a great NAS for those on a budget. It offers tons of features and performance. The multimedia experience is excellent and the NAS is easy to configur ... "

One of the Top 3 NAS brands for 2014 asustor NAS

Cachem, France


One of the Top 3 NAS brands for 2014

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T is undoubtedly the best 2-bay NAS on the market for € 305. The material is of good quality and the embedded system is very comprehensive. Its HDMI out ... "

Price/performance Choice Award asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada


Price/performance Choice Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-202TE delivers commendable performance, lower power consumption, and tons of features for a competitive price. "

Review asustor NAS

We Got Served, UK



"The AS-304T is a well balanced, well built device offering powerful home theatre features on top of a comprehensive NAS specification. Great looks, high quality, strong s ... "

A Remote NAS asustor NAS

Chip Online, Germany


A Remote NAS

"Conclusion: For home users and small businesses Asustor AS-202T is suitable. The NAS works on the basis of an open source operating system with its own Appstore, where cl ... "

Powerful NAS asustor NAS

Chip Online, Germany


Powerful NAS

"Conclusion: The Asustor AS-302T heard at a brisk Intel Atom processor (1.6 GHz), HDMI interface and great features to the upper class of network hard drives. The performa ... "

NAS with TV connections asustor NAS

Chip Online, Germany


NAS with TV connections

"Conclusion: The most interesting features of the NAS ASUSTOR AS-202TE are a big memory (1 GB) and an HDMI port for direct output of multimedia content on the TV. In addit ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, Netherlands


Gold Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T has an infrared receiver and the ASUSTOR Portal platform which includes YouTube, Chrome and XBMC looks very nice. A good choice if you want a media pl ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HardwareTest Portal, Denmark


Gold Award

"This ASUSTOR AS-202TE, works uncomplicatedly and is smooth in daily use. It has a fair speed when transferring files, and you can enjoy the user interface, which is in Da ... "

Review asustor NAS

TBreak, UAE



"It’s clear that ASUSTOR meant business with the AS-304T, as it’s perfectly positioned to cater to the needs of the home media enthusiast or a small office that needs a ro ... "

Review asustor NAS

Expert Reviews, UK



"This enclosure has a great interface and gives you plenty of power for your money. The ASUSTOR AS-604T costs £355 excluding VAT, which is a good price for a powerful NA ... "

Recommended Award  asustor NAS

PC Pro, UK


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR may be a latecomer to the SMB NAS market, but we’ve been hugely impressed by the appliances we’ve tested so far. The ADM software has gone from strength to streng ... "

Awesome Award asustor NAS

XtremeSystems, US


Awesome Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-202TE is a very attractively designed NAS which will appeal to the wide audience of media centric users. Playback is smooth . If you're looking for a N ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Gadget Gear, Netherlands


Gold Award

"ASUSTOR's ADM 2.0 operating system makes managing a NAS easy for the average user. The Intel Atom processor is not the fastest that you will find on a NAS but it is fast ... "

Review asustor NAS

ComputerBase, Germany



"With the AS-202TE, ASUSTOR is offering a very good NAS system. It can be used as a media player via the HDMI output and XBMC. "

Best Buy Award  asustor NAS

PC World, Norway


Best Buy Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T is a NAS that delivers excellent performance and functionality. "

Golden Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Golden Award

"The AS-608T NAS Server by ASUSTOR is certainly not cheap but it's actually roughly 20% cheaper compared to its counterpart from QNAP (TurboNAS TS-869 Pro) and 10% cheaper ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Hardware, Norway


Recommended Award

"Is the ASUSTOR AS-202TE worth keeping? Yes, we recommend it. It is also affordable at a great price. "

Review asustor NAS

PC World, New Zealand



"This 4-bay NAS unit adds great consumer appeal by doubling as a media centre. A few smart additions turn what would otherwise be a regular 4-bay NAS into a great home-th ... "

Review asustor NAS

ExtraHardware, Czech



"ASUSTOR's market offering is definitely a success. Instead of coming in at the lower rungs of the market ASUSTOR has first ventured into the upper middle class segments, ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

GreenTech, Russia


Editor's Choice

"Conclusion ASUSTOR AS-302T showed high speed, ease of setup and operation, total quality localization interface and a large number of adjustable parameters. Its price is ... "

Review from PC World  asustor NAS

PC World, New Zealand


Review from PC World

"This 4-bay NAS unit adds great consumer appeal by doubling as a media centre. A few smart additions turn what would otherwise be a regular 4-bay NAS into a great home-th ... "

Review asustor NAS

ExtraHardware, Czech



"ASUSTOR's market offering is definitely a success. Instead of coming in at the lower rungs of the market ASUSTOR has first ventured into the upper middle class segments, ... "

Performance and Gold Award asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


Performance and Gold Award

"If you have a business are looking for a NAS, keep ASUSTOR in mind and its AS-608T! "

Review, 4.5 out of 5 stars asustor NAS

AltomDATA, Denmark


Review, 4.5 out of 5 stars

"A fast NAS with great multimedia capabilities that is also suitiable for the home office. Easy of use and functionality is great. This is also the NAS with the most Apps ... "

Review asustor NAS

HardwareLUXX, Germany



"ASUSTOR has done right with the AS-302T. Starting with the solid and smart housing over to the appealing software. The hardware might not be the latest, but still offers ... "

Review asustor NAS

GoodGearGuide, Australia



"This 4-bay NAS unit adds great consumer appeal by doubling as a media centre. A few smart additions turn what would otherwise be a regular 4-bay NAS into a great home-th ... "

Recommendation Award asustor NAS

Allround-PC, Germany


Recommendation Award

"Review: Multimedia Storage Center ASUSTOR AS-202TE Overall, for the price of 235 euros (geizhals.de), the buyer gets a quality system that has many useful features and e ... "

Editor’s Choice Award asustor NAS

iTrends, Denmark


Editor’s Choice Award

"ASUSTOR’s AS-202TE has received 100 points on the iTrends grading scale due to its very complete package (with much to offer both casual and hardcore users) and very attr ... "

Review asustor NAS

AfterDawn, Finland



"Pros: Fast and quality-built NAS device Online RAID expansion Expandable functionality with many supplementary programs Good performance Simple user interface "

Review asustor NAS




"Early last summer I did an unboxing of the ASUSTOR AS-604T, a NAS that caught my attention due to its robust housing, excellent design and ADM 1.0 operating system that h ... "

Gold Award and Best Buy recommendation asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Gold Award and Best Buy recommendation

"XBMC turns this product into a perfect complement for HT (Home Theatre) systems in our homes, helping us to enjoy multimedia content while relaxing on our couch or even b ... "

100% KICKASS Award asustor NAS

3Dgameman, Canada


100% KICKASS Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T Multimedia NAS Server is basically a mini computer system that serves as a dedicated storage device for all of your data needs. What really sets this ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

NikkTech, US


Gold Award

"Pro: Excellent Build Quality Very Good Performance (Speed/Temperatures/Power Consumption) Features 1GB DDR3 RAM @ 1600MHz Gigabit Ethernet Port 4 USB Ports (2xUS ... "

Review asustor NAS

Svethardware, Czech



"ASUSTOR AS-202TE is therefore a quality product at an adequate price, which can serve not only as a network server for data storage but also as a media player. "

Recommande Award asustor NAS

59Hardware, France


Recommande Award

"We found the AS-304T to be highly innovative due to the presence of the  ASUSTOR remote. Thanks to video and audio outputs, the AS-304T goes far beyond the TS-421 in ... "

Best Value Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Value Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-202TE offers a plethora of business and backup features in addition to its XBMC media capabilities. Furthering their market position, the 202TE is offered ... "

Best Feature Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Feature Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-304T covers all of the bases, and does so at a good price point. For most of us, the lack of a LCD display and dual Ethernet ports won't be missed. What's ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

InsideHardware, Italy


Gold Award

"During our analysis we immediately appreciated the operating system which was very good in terms of reliability and completeness, and even more so in its ease of use. Thi ... "

PALEC Computeru Award asustor NAS

Computer, Czech


PALEC Computeru Award

"The dual-bay AS-202TE from ASUSTOR is a NAS that should be in high demand by home users. It features multimedia player functionality and is a powerful NAS that offers hig ... "

Review asustor NAS

ComputerIDEE, Netherlands



"Conclusion: Versatile network storage device which can also be used as a media player Plus: Many Apps, HDMI connector and XBMC "

A Grade Recommendation Award asustor NAS

電腦王 PC'ADV, Taiwan


A Grade Recommendation Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T is a high performance NAS featuring an Intel Atom dual-core CPU.With respect to HDMI output, ASUSTOR 3 series products have chosen to use XBMC rathe ... "

Review asustor NAS

Overclockzone, Thailand



"AS-302T and AS-304T It is impressive that ASUSTOR is new to the market and already has such great features. It has great performance and stability and supports many appli ... "

We Recommend Award and Bang for the buck asustor NAS

ElektronikTEST, Denmark


We Recommend Award and Bang for the buck

"The noise level is incredibly low and it can easily be placed in the living room or wherever you want it. I wasn't able to hear it at any time. Now we come to the afforda ... "

Favorite Editor Choice asustor NAS

Cachem, France


Favorite Editor Choice

"ASUSTOR AS-302T: A well-equipped and reasonably priced NAS ... What to say in conclusion? If you are looking for NAS that is high-performing, scalable, feature-packed .. ... "

Value Award asustor NAS

Madshrimps, Netherlands


Value Award

"ASUSTOR have recently developed the second version of their ADM software which is very responsive and quite easy to use. We can install lots of applications in order to e ... "

Supreme Value Award asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia


Supreme Value Award

"What made the ASUSTOR AS-304T such an attractive product for us was the price tag, at $520 it is one of the cheapest Atom powered NAS devices we have tested. Furthermore ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

My Navi News, Japan



"The evaluation of ADM 2.0 has become our focus this time. After about a week of testing the AS-302T, I did not feel any discontent about the hardware. The enhanced versio ... "

Review asustor NAS

News and Reviews, UK



"From the home user looking for a smart network solution for their media, through to the small business looking for a NAS that offers peace of mind security and backup sol ... "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Editor's Choice Award

"On the speed side, AS-302T also comes in very well in the game, and all these things considered, it's a NAS, you should definitely take into consideration if you are look ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

Hardware.Info, Netherlands


Silver Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-302T is a very versatile and capable NAS device. The build quality is solid, it has a nice, metal chassis and lots of features. Even if we leave the HDMI p ... "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

TechPowerUp, US


Highly recommended

"To sum up, the AS-302T comes at a great price, one at which you won't find another branded NAS with an Atom CPU, and has lots of potential because of its capable hardware ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware Heaven, UK


Gold Award

"A great NAS. Simple to set up, very well built and a wide range of great apps add to a very stable main OS. The best media NAS we have tested to date too. "

Gold Award and Best Buy asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Gold Award and Best Buy

"ASUSTOR AS-304T , along with the renowned operating system ADM ( ASUSTOR Data Master ) 2.0 , represents the perfect embodiment of this philosophy by offering a very frien ... "

Bang for Buck recommendation asustor NAS

eTeknix, UK


Bang for Buck recommendation

"Performance is another area where Asustor have got off to a great start. Looking over the performance figures, particularly within the HD Video Record test where the AS-6 ... "

Top Choice

Andrews Reviews, UK


Top Choice" and Gold Award

"The 3 series is thus a fantastic value proposition, combining the power of an Atom chip with a price point matching comparable systems using Marvell chips. Their range of ... "

Review asustor NAS

Zebulon, France



"After testing the ASUSTOR AS-604T, we can conclude that this is a strong entry NAS that is a successful, efficient and powerful device. Also, with good development potent ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Hardware Heaven, UK


Recommended Award

"Overall the AS-604T is a good quality NAS with nice features and a solid easy to use operating system. For anyone looking to invest in a sizeable storage solution, the AS ... "

That's Cool!! Award asustor NAS

PC Brain, Italy


That's Cool!! Award

"ASUSTOR features an array of the most admired new products in the industry. When compared with other leading vendors, the ASUSTOR products have all the necessary features ... "

Review asustor NAS

3DNews, Russia



"Introducing 2U-rack storage from ASUSTOR. The AS-609RD has a 9 disc capacity and is convenient, functional and relatively inexpensive. "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

iCreate, France


Editor's Choice

"We were also impressed by the AS-602T from ASUSTOR, a newcomer to network attached storage. It features comprehensive connectivity, an iOS-like interface, and excellent b ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

T3 Magazine, Italy



"The new AS-602T has a myriad of cutting-edge features and a focus on truly remarkable detail, starting with the choice of materials - rigid plastic and metal -that give ... "

Review asustor NAS

Komputer for Alle, Denmark



"An excellent combination of file server and media. Pros: Easy setup, Smart control system, Serious server software, Good media center "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Gric Taiwan, Taiwan


Blogger's Review

"Combination rackmount NAS and DAS storage solution offers great flexibility ASUSTOR NAS features dual eSATA ports. Combining the AS-604RS with a DR5-WBS3 DAS while using ... "

Gold Award  asustor NAS

Elektronik, Denmark


Gold Award

"We can't avoid that ASUSTOR's 604T is one hell of a nas server. Besides the function for storing your private files, you can also connect an external monitor directly via ... "

Review asustor NAS

IT168, China



"A 4-bay NAS, the AS-604T comes equipped with the latest Intel Atom 2.13GHz dual-core processor and 1GB of DDR3 high-performance memory (expandable up to 3GB) that give i ... "

Review asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland



"ASUSTOR is strong competition for such well-known brands. It offers powerful components and an easy to use interface. Its performance and functionality are also high. "

Recommended for workgroups and small business asustor NAS

TecChannel, Germany


Recommended for workgroups and small business

"The AS-606T from Asustor is very well suited for workgroups and small businesses that need centralized and easily manageable network storage. The functionality of the AS- ... "

Review asustor NAS

APH Networks, Canada



"The ASUSTOR AS-602T is a well-rounded network attached storage device that delivers in performance and in features. "

Trefa Award asustor NAS

Svethardware, Czech


Trefa Award

"The AS-602T is good for home users to use as a data storage center. The strength of the NAS is mainly its software which offers many dozens of applications. Additional st ... "

2013 Computex BC Award asustor NAS

Computex, Taiwan


2013 Computex BC Award

"The AS-602T was chosen for this award because of its easy to use, intuitive graphical user interface and App-based design. The judges noted that ASUSTOR's App Central pla ... "

We want it! Award asustor NAS

ExtraPC, Czech


We want it! Award

"ASUSTOR’s AS-602T brings us great surprises. ASUSTOR has used its wealth of experience to create a high quality and fast NAS featuring multimedia playback with Boxee. O ... "

Editor's Choice Award  asustor NAS

Tweak, Denmark


Editor's Choice Award

"The AS-604T offers great performance among its competitors and provides a simple user interface with the integration of a media player which is a big plus. A really good ... "

Review asustor NAS

PConline, China



"There are an endless variety of movies, games and music available on the web. Due to slow internet speeds in mainland China, people wishing to download this content are ... "

Value for Money  asustor NAS

eRevIews, Denmark


Value for Money

"Asustor AS-604T is very suitable for the required home user or small business that needs a solution with up to 4 internal hard drives, either to expand or simply because ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

PC Pro, UK



"There’s plenty of competition in the four-bay NAS market right now, but we’ve seen no other product that can match the Asustor AS-604T’s all-round appeal. It delivers a f ... "

A good value NAS for business environment asustor NAS

iTHOME Online, Taiwan


A good value NAS for business environment

"This entry-level rackmount device is a 9-bay NAS that offers ample performance in terms of both iSCSI and CIFS transfer protocols. "

Review asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, Germany



"The ASUSTOR AS-604T is a solid NAS device that can convince by good workmanship and high functionality. The firmware can be upgraded individually through downloadable pac ... "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Gric Taiwan, Taiwan


Blogger's Review

"System migration from Home to Business In addition to the unboxing of AS-604RS we would like to share, we also like to test on the painless system migration from AS-604T ... "

Platinum Performance Award asustor NAS

TechStation, Italy


Platinum Performance Award

"We like ASUSTOR AS-604T very much, especially from the perspective of home use.The NAS can be used as a media player in the living room and you are able to control it fro ... "

Good Product Award asustor NAS

Benchmark, Poland


Good Product Award

"coming from an aging D-Link DNS-323, the Asustor AS-606T was like a breath of fresh air. With a sleek, web-based interface, out-of-the-box compatibility and companion app ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Alt om DATA, Denmark


Recommended Award

"New NAS brand jumps directly into the industry's elite. The AS-602T is a NAS at the upper end of the scale for home use. It is high quality device that is easy to use. Th ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Andrews Reviews, UK


Gold Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-602T is a well built product with a clean and fresh interface that is a joy to use. It's fast, fluid and responsive. ASUSTOR have certainly hit the floor ... "

Review asustor NAS

ChinaDIY, China



"The AS-604T features excellent hardware as evidenced by its HDMI interface. Coupled with its powerful ADM operating system and applications, the AS-604T is able to boast ... "

Review asustor NAS

Legion Hardware, Australia



"In terms of hardware and software features the ASUSTOR AS-606T is well equipped. The LCD screen is a nice touch, as is the inclusion of a front and rear mounted USB 3.0 p ... "

Golden Tachometer Award asustor NAS

Benchmark Reviews, US


Golden Tachometer Award

"The ASUSTOR AS-604T is targeted to a growing class of NAS users, I think. The expansion of cloud-based services has really opened the public's eyes to the advantages of c ... "

Excellent rating asustor NAS



Excellent rating

"With a large selection of add-on apps, an intuitive and robust interface, and stellar performance, the Asustor AS-604T NAS server is an excellent network storage device. "

Best Features Award asustor NAS

TweakTown, US


Best Features Award

"ASUSTOR is here and already in their freshman year they are making waves. The software interface is simple to use and the media center capabilities are second to none. ... "

Value Award asustor NAS



Value Award

"ASUSTOR hasn’t fumbled its entry into the NAS market as the AS-606T is an impressive appliance. It offers plenty of useful features including decent backup services and i ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HWM, Singapore


Gold Award

"Overall, the AS-602T is probably one of the more interesting NAS boxes to pass by our labs in quite a while. Despite the relateively high asking price, there aren't many ... "

A perfect union of hardward and software asustor NAS

中关村在线, China


A perfect union of hardward and software

"After extensive hardware and software testing we can see that the AS-609RD offers excellent performance in both of these areas. The AS-609RD meets the storage demands o ... "

The NAS with media player asustor NAS

CHIP, Netherlands


The NAS with media player

"The AS-602T NAS can be seen as a mini-PC. It puts all your files in one place on your network and when you install Boxee, the NAS even acts as a media player. "

Video review asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware, Italy


Video review

"The ASUSTOR AS-604T is a multi-functional 4-bay NAS designed for small business and home use. "

Excellent Hardware Award asustor NAS

Hardwareluxx, Germany


Excellent Hardware Award

"The AS-604T has a good combination of hardware and software with solid HTPC functions. These are the reasons for it receiving the Excellent Hardware Award here. "

Editor's Choice Award asustor NAS

Real World Lab, US


Editor's Choice Award

"Although it's a recently released product, its firmware is functional and upon powering up the device I was greeted with an auto-update for the firmware. I find this feat ... "

Review asustor NAS

中关村在线, China



"A great combination of hardware and software, the AS-604T combines HDMI output and with the rich variety of services and functions provided by ADM. In terms of multimed ... "

Review asustor NAS

AV Magazine, Hong Kong



"A brand new NAS featuring an Intel Atom dual-core processor and multimedia output capabilities. In order to turn the ASUSTOR NAS into a media player, you must first inst ... "

Worth Buying Award asustor NAS

Kitguru, UK


Worth Buying Award

"I can certainly recommend the AS 602T NAS system, it has impressed me, especially for such early stages of development. The price is high, but Asustor are gunning for the ... "

Best Performance Award asustor NAS

PCM, Hong Kong


Best Performance Award

"The high-end ASUSTOR AS-606T: ASUSTOR's AS-606T includes powerful hardware specifications and scalability.Its ADM operating system is easy to use and comes with a wide va ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Gadget Gear, Netherlands


Gold Award

"Asustor makes a great first step into the NAS market with the 6-series. The AS-602T is very powerful. Also the hardware is well put together. The interface is logical and ... "

Recommended Award asustor NAS

Hexus, UK


Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR has proven that it has the wherewithal to create a well-rounded NAS that combines the right hardware and software in order to deliver a fast, reliable and feature ... "

Silver Award asustor NAS

HWM, Malaysia


Silver Award

"With support for Apps like Boxee and Dropbox, the ASUSTOR AS-602T can also be more than just a storage solution, it’s also an entertainment hub. Designed to be eco- frien ... "

Review asustor NAS

ChinaDIY, China



"The AS-604T features a great overall design and workmanship. In contrast with the AS-602T, it features an LCD panel that makes for easy system management. The 4-bay desig ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

BCC Hardware, Canada


Editor's Choice

"At the end of the day the ASUStor AS-604T has no major complaints about it at all. It starts up and shuts down quickly. It's quiet. It's fast. It's powerful. It has ... "

Review, 9.5 out of 10 recommended asustor NAS

Computer On Demand, US


Review, 9.5 out of 10 recommended

"When compared to other similar SOHO/SMB NAS on the market, the AS-608T delivers high capacity storage at a price point that is lower than their competition without sacrif ... "

Review asustor NAS

DigitalHome & PCDIY, Taiwan



"AS-602T is an App based NAS with a great graphical interface. It supports sufficient USB and eSATA ports, and also comes with a HDMI port which can turn the NAS into a me ... "

A perfect union of hardward and software asustor NAS

IT168, China


A perfect union of hardward and software

"ASUSTOR AS-608T is designed specifically for small and medium-sized enterprises. It is a high-capacity, stable and reliable shared storage device with excellent performan ... "

Review asustor NAS

Expreview, ChIna



"ASUSTOR NAS has very powerful hardware and software configurations. For the AS-604T, highlights include features such as Boxee and Download Center support for Xunlei. It ... "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

PC3 Magazine, Hong Kong


Editor's Choice

"If you want to have a media player and also back up all the data from your personal files at home, the AS-602T is the perfect choice. "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

Cachem, France


Editor's Choice

"Do we recommend this NAS? YES. This is a fast, powerful high end NAS and the numerous apps are really amazing. A great surprise… Not well-known yet, ASUSTOR offers a comp ... "

Gold Award asustor NAS

HW Legend, Italy


Gold Award

"During long sessions of daily use the temperature and power consumption have remained low thanks to the implementation (very rare in this type of device) of the Sleep Mod ... "

Review asustor NAS

MacLife, US



"Coming from an aging D-Link DNS-323, the Asustor AS-606T was like a breath of fresh air. With a sleek, web-based interface, out-of-the-box compatibility and companion app ... "

Success on first attempt asustor NAS

3D News, Russia


Success on first attempt

"With ASUSTOR's debut of its network attached storage products, we believe that a new star has risen in the NAS market. ASUSTOR's AS-606T is vivid proof of this. With its ... "

Review asustor NAS

News-and-reviews, UK



"Flipping every feature on it’s head and making them a world first – from the media player options right through to the construction and design. Marketed towards the home ... "

Review asustor NAS

CHIP, Poland



"After purchasing, its users will appreciate the HDMI connector and the Boxee application, which turns the NAS device into a multimedia player.The AS-602T is ready for use ... "

Review asustor NAS

My Navi News, Japan



"A powerful NAS. The AS6 series is largely based on remote access, and its OS "ADM (ASUSTOR Data Master) 1.0" has been developed based on Linux. All icons represent the ca ... "

Review asustor NAS

e-Zone DIY, Hong Kong



"The powerful AS-604T provides the HDMI output turning the NAS into a media player. "

Recommended for HOME, SOHO and SMB users asustor NAS

Xbitlabs.com, US


Recommended for HOME, SOHO and SMB users

"Although it's a recently released product, its firmware is functional and offers all the capabilities you can expect to find a modern NAS. There is a broad choice of extr ... "

High End Recommendation Award  asustor NAS

Madshrimps, Belgium


High End Recommendation Award

"Thanks to the Boxee package, we can transform the NAS into a fully-featured Media Center and for remote we can either use a regular mouse/keyboard or the software meant f ... "

Review asustor NAS

eReviews, Denmark



"ASUSTOR AS-602T is a very excellent product with many good qualities. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

Hardware Test Portal, Denmark


Gold Award

"The quality is at the high end everywhere, from harddisc-locking handles, to the finish, and the noise, thats minimal. There is no hesitation in terms of performance, eve ... "

Review asustor NAS

Hardware.info, Netherlands



"With the AS-604T NAS device, ASUSTOR has created an outstanding first entry. The chassis is solid and attractive, the display is practical, and the firmware is very good ... "

COWCOT D'OR recommendation asustor NAS

Cowcotland, France


COWCOT D'OR recommendation

"His enormous strengths are its interface and its media player, this equipment will delight all those who hesitate between data backup and media player. With HDMI output, ... "

Hands-on test asustor NAS

Speicherguide, Germany


Hands-on test

"ASUSTOR succeeded with his AS-6-series is a good introduction to the NAS area. The AS-604T proves performance system with a good functionality. The unit is well made and ... "

Review asustor NAS

Hardwareportal, Russia



"ASUSTOR's AS-606T demonstrates excellent speed for a mid-level data storage device. We also need to bring to your attention that not only speed, but also the number of ba ... "

Review asustor NAS

ChinaDIY, China



"ASUSTOR’s AS-602T is equipped with all the functions and services that a NAS should have in addition to its intuitive ADM interface and App Central platform which provide ... "

Review asustor NAS

C't Magazine, Germany



"The ASUSTOR AS-604T provides a convincing debut: It scores with sleep mode, a wide range of Apps and a simple operating concept. With the integrated HDMI interface, it i ... "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

Ocaholic, Switzerland


Highly recommended

"If you are looking for an efficient and extremely versatile NAS, with enough power for basically everything a NAS must do, we highly recommend the Asustor AS-604. Further ... "

Review asustor NAS

News-and-reviews, UK



"ASUSTOR literally just shook things up in the world of NAS, tapping in to almost every single niggle we’ve missed from similar competitor units. Quality build combined wi ... "

Review asustor NAS

超能網, China



"As a newcomer to network storage, ASUSTOR has intensified competition in the domestic NAS market. The AS-602T features a high performance CPU and large storage capacity t ... "

A multimedia storage center asustor NAS

Postants, Taiwan


A multimedia storage center

"The NAS can be turned into a multimedia player by installing Boxee from App Central. We recommend this NAS and feel that it is a product worth buying. "

An excellent storage device for all data asustor NAS

中关村在线, China


An excellent storage device for all data

"The AS-604T has an excellent combination of hardware and software. The product fits the current mobile internet trends for ease of use by providing access from anywhere ... "

Recommended asustor NAS

ITMedia PC User, Japan



"Flexible hardware design and power saving features "

Review asustor NAS

iTHOME, Taiwan



"AS-608T provides complete system management and crossing-platform file sharing. In addition, it offers detailed energy-saving features and various applications. "

Highly recommended asustor NAS

Techpowerup, US


Highly recommended

"ADM, Asustor's operating system, managed to impress me with its stability and the features it includes...... "

A Class Recommendation asustor NAS

PC!ADV, Taiwan


A Class Recommendation

"High quality NAS with App add-on: complete and uers friendly interface provided. "

Best Performance asustor NAS

PCM Advance, Hong Kong


Best Performance

"High performance with outstanding hardware and founctionalities. "

Gold Award asustor NAS

XtremeHardware, Italy


Gold Award

"Absolutely perfect. Easy interface and easy to use, clear explanations in each menu and thanks to "Online Help" does not even need to look up on Wikipedia the meaning of ... "

Review asustor NAS

Hartware, Germany



"Overall ASUSTOR made a successful entry into the market of NAS systems. Especially in terms of web interface, operation and hardware the ASUSTOR AS-602T is a great produc ... "

Review asustor NAS

PC World.fr, France



"High performance level: ASUSTOR arrives on the NAS market with excellent products, well supported by a dual-core Intel Atom processor and 1GB of RAM. "

Review asustor NAS

PC World.fr, France



"A very good product that posseses good overall performance, multimedia features and an effective user interface. "

Editor's Choice asustor NAS

TestFreaks, US


Editor's Choice

"If you’re looking for a fully featured NAS box then I think you should really look into this one before you consider any others. The speeds alone I think warrant you poss ... "

High-performance NAS asustor NAS

iXBT, Russia


High-performance NAS

"The AS-604T boasts a very good media player, Boxee. "

Review asustor NAS

ComputerDIY, Taiwan



"On the archived file transfer test, the AS-604T tested with a write speed approaching 100 MB/sec and a read speed of around 90 MB/sec. On the individual file transfer tes ... "

Highly recommneded asustor NAS

AkihabaraNews, US


Highly recommneded

"We would like to rate this unit as very recommended. Pro’s are definitively the sheer quality and usability of the ADM "

Review asustor NAS

Exler.ru, Russia



"In my opinion, this is a very successful model. ASUSTOR's in-house developed operating system ASUSTOR Data Master, left a very good impression with its simplicity and use ... "

Hands-on review asustor NAS

Connected Digital World, US


Hands-on review

"From start to finish, the ASUSTOR took about 20 minutes to install and configure. The hardware is impressive, with a brushed aluminum finish to the outside case and very ... "

Hands-on review asustor NAS

Connected Digital World, US


Hands-on review

"From start to finish, the ASUSTOR took about 20 minutes to install and configure. The hardware is impressive, with a brushed aluminum finish to the outside case and very ... "

Award of Excellence asustor NAS

Xtremesystems.org, US


Award of Excellence

"The Asustor AS-604T is certainly a unit built for the modern business that demands a robust,reliable, feature-rich network storage solution. "

Best Performance Award asustor NAS

ComputerDIY, Taiwan


Best Performance Award

"ASUSTOR makes its highly anticipated debut "

Review asustor NAS

Tom's Hardware Guide, Russia



"As for the network performance of Asustor AS-602T it yields to no one in this respect, even to old-residents of market and even outstrips them. "

Highly Recommended Award asustor NAS

We got served, UK


Highly Recommended Award

"ASUSTOR has delivered a fabulous debut device in the shape of the AS-604T....... "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Kisplay, Taiwan


Blogger's Review

"ASUSTOR’s AS 6 Series lets you use Apps to create your own customized private cloud Although some people may be unfamiliar with what a NAS is, many people are certainly f ... "

Recommendation asustor NAS

59Hardware.net, France



"With the AS-602T NAS, ASUSTOR has established itself among the leaders in the network attached storage industry with a successful product that is close to perfection. "

Blogger's Review asustor NAS

Shadowandy, Singapore


Blogger's Review

"Today, NAS manufacturers understand that users want more control over their devices. Long gone are the days where consumers purchased a device and live with the limited f ... "