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NAS 131

Using ASUSTOR Live to Back Up and Save Live Streams

Understanding the features and operation of ASUSTOR Live.


Upon completion of this course you should be able to:
1. Understand ASUSTOR Live and its features.
2. How to use your computer or mobile device to stream.

Course Prerequisites:


Students are expected to have a working knowledge of:



1. Introducing ASUSTOR Live

ASUSTOR Live is an app for ADM which enables use of streaming apps such as Streamlabs or OBS to stream content to a variety of RTMP-compatible services, including, but not limited to YouTube, Twitch, Facebook, Instagram and Restream while also backing up live streams to your NAS for subsequent editing and/or sharing.

2. Selecting a device to use for streaming: Computer or Mobile

2.1 Requirements

2.1.1 Minimum PC System Requirements

GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 2GB or AMD Radeon HD 7850 2GB

CPU: Intel Core i5 6500 or AMD FX 8350


ASUSTOR recommends the Logitech C920 for better quality broadcasting.

ASUSTOR recommends a directional microphone for better audio quality.

2.1.2 Mobile

ASUSTOR is not able to test all phones. Your experience may vary. Faster phones are more likely to perform better.

2.2 Streaming from a PC: OBS

2.2.1 Click here to download and install OBS and subsequently launch the app.

2.2.2 Copy the NAS RTMP URL from ASUSTOR Live. Please refer to section 4.1 for tips on Installing ASUSTOR Live.https://www.asustor.com/images/kindeditor/image/20191225/20191225145019_42373.png

2.2.3 Paste the NAS RTMP URL in OBS under the stream tab in settings.

a. Launch OBS.

b. Please click Settings at the bottom right corner, then click Stream.

c. Please select Custom from the Service pull down menu.
d . Paste your NAS RTMP URL into your preferred streaming tool. Your stream key may be anything of your choice.
e. Click OK to apply settings.


2.3 Mobile streaming: Streamlabs: Stream Live

2.3.1.Please go to the iOS App Store https: //apps.apple.com/tw/app/streamlabs-stream-live/id1294578643 or Google Play https: //play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.streamlabs&hl=zh_TW

Download and install Streamlabs: Stream_live

2.3.2.Launch Streamlabs: Stream_live

2.3.3 Click Settings on the left, then click Streaming Platform and type in the NAS RTMP URL under Custom RTMP Server. Example address rtmp://NAS IP:31935/live


Your stream key may be anything you choose and press save.

3. Finding your stream key, registering & activating your streaming platform account

3.1 Registering & activating your streaming platform account

A. These steps are unnecessary if already done.

B. Signing up for a YouTube account
https: //support.google.com/accounts/?hl=zh-Hant#topic=3382296

Activating a stream key

https: //support.google.com/youtube/answer/9227509?hl=en

C. Registering on Twitch
https: //help.twitch.tv/s/article/creating-an-account-with-twitch?language=en_US

Activating your stream key
https: //help.twitch.tv/s/article/authy-faq?language=en_US


D. Registering on Facebook

E.Registering on Instagram

F. Registering on Restream

3.2 Finding and copying your stream key


Please go to YouTube to find and copy your stream key.

https: //www.youtube.com/live_dashboard?nv=1



Please go to Twitch to find and copy your stream key.

https: //www.twitch.tv/asustorinc/dashboard/settings



Please go to Facebook to find and copy your stream key. https://www.facebook.com/

1. Click «Live Video»

2.Click «Use the Stream Key» at the top of the page.

3.Copy «Stream Key».

Note: If you didn’t check « Use a Persistent Stream Key», the stream keys are valid for 7 days. Once you start to preview the broadcast you have up to 5 hours to go live.



Please go to Instafeed or Yellow Duck to find and copy your stream key.

1.Log in to your Instagram account from Instafeed or Yellow Duck
2.Copy «Stream key»

Yellow Duck

Please note:

1.    Instagram only supports portrait mode streams - for horizontal streams only middle part will be captured.

2.    Streams can't be longer than an hour. This is Instagram's limitation.

3.    You need to reconfigure your channel before each stream, since each stream key is unique.

        4.    Maximum number of free streams by Instafeed is five.


Please go to Restream to find and copy your stream key.
1. Log in to your Restream.io account.
2. Copy «Stream key»

Note: If you want to stream to other platforms like AfreecaTV, click «Add Channel» at the top of the page.

Select a service

Paste other platform stream key and add channel.

Learn more from here

4. Installing ASUSTOR Live and selecting a platform

4.1 Installing ASUSTOR Live

4.1.1 Install ASUSTOR Live from App Central

4.2 Selecting a platform to stream from and applying settings

4.2.1 Selecting a platform to stream from

A. Add YouTube

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.


Please go to YouTube and copy your stream key
https: //www.youtube.com/live_dashboard?nv=1


Enter your stream key and press OK. A name also may be added.

B. Adding Twitch

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.

Please go to Twitch to find and copy your stream key https://www.twitch.tv/asustorinc/dashboard/settings


After selecting your region, please enter your stream key and press ok. An optional name may also be added.

C. Add Facebook

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.

Find your stream key.


Please enter your stream key and press ok. An optional name may be added.

D. Add Instagram

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.

Please go to Instafeed or Yellow Duck to find and copy your stream key.


Yellow Duck

Please enter your stream key and press ok. An optional name may be added.

E. Add Restream

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.

Find your stream key.


Please enter your stream key and press ok. An optional name may be added.

F. Adding custom RTMP server

Select a platform from the top-right corner drop down menu and click +.

Please enter your RTMP server address, stream key and press ok. An optional name may be added.

4.2.2 Apply settings

Press Apply after adding all necessary servers.

Open App Central, turn Docker Engine and ASUSTOR Live off and on to apply settings.

5. Starting your Stream

1. After restarting the ASUSTOR Live, all other apps can be closed and ASUSTOR Live will run in the background once you start streaming.

2. Open OBS or Streamlabs and start streaming.

Computer streaming:

Launch OBS and click Start Streaming from the bottom-right corner to start streaming.

Mobile streaming:

Launch Streamlabs and click Start Streaming from the bottom-right corner to start streaming.

You can refer to Streamlabs website for how to stream your mobile games.

https: //blog.streamlabs.com/now-you-can-stream-your-mobile-games-aeeb4ec8f742


6. Browsing and managing stored live streams on a NAS

To browse stored ASUSTOR Live videos on a NAS, please open File Explorer, click Video and then click ASUSTOR_live_videos

If you want to watch and manage recorded streams on a NAS from mobile, use AiData. It is possible that video transcoding to MP4 may take time depending on the model of your NAS.Use AiData to watch and manage recorded streams on a NAS from a mobile device. It’s also possible that video transcoding to MP4 may take time depending on the model of your NAS.

* If you use non-default admin account, you have to go to Videos shared folder to set up access right to read and write and applied to the subfolders.

*ASUSTOR Live only available in x86-64 platform models 

FAQ ASUSTOR Live-important notes


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