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O této aplikaci

Duplicati asustor NAS App



Duplicati is a backup software that schedules and stores a full or incremental copy of the files to be kept.
===*-*-*= DUPLICATI 2.0 Beta (Most Stable Version) =*-*-*===

This application is sensitive, as it allows indirect access to all user and system files on your server. This means that it is essential to restrict the app access, not only by setting up a strong access password but also by limiting the admin panel to the local IP address of your server or a specific domain that is secure. It is possible to enable the HTTPS protocol to encrypt communication between your device and Duplicati, but Duplicati is only in BETA and the web server is not stable in HTTPS.

Don't forget to save the configuration files of your backup plans, because in case you uninstall the application without these configuration files you will have to reconfigure the whole application as the first time (this does not apply to updates).

You can access the administration panel via : http://your-domain-name:3200, but due to the critical systems that this application has access to we advise to block access to the WAN in the Duplicati settings and to access the application via VPN (recommended) or LAN: http://your-server-ip:3200.

(+) Securing
Go to the panel in Panel => Settings => Access to the user interface, set a strong password and disable remote access to the panel or set a trusted domain (remember to save at the bottom of the page).

(+) Ssl/https
If you want to enable HTTPS, access your server using SFTP/SSH and follow the instructions available here:

Find the Duplicati-adm repository on GitHub by following this link:

Do not hesitate to report any problem or ask for help by following this link:


But why use Duplicati?

Duplicati is a powerful tool, it allows you to backup all your server data in a fast, simple and efficient way! On any cloud! While encrypting your data, making them inviolable, untouchable.

The default cryptographic methods available are : Sans cryptage; Chiffrement AES-256; Chiffrement GNU Privacy Guard.
The default storage methods available are : FTP; OpenStack; S3, SFTP (ssh); WebDAV; Azure blob; B2 Cloud Storage;; Dropbox; Google Cloud Storage; Google Drive; HubiC; Jottacloud;; Microsoft Office 365; Microsoft SharePoint v2; Mocrosoft SharePoint; Microsoft OneDrive v2; Microsoft OneDrive; Rackspace Cloudfiles; Rclone; Sia Decentralized Cloud; Tahoe-LAFS; Tardigrade Decentralized Cloud Storage; Tencent COS...

Co je nového v této verzi?

- Update duplicati to v2.0.7.1
- Remove the use of mozroots, as it is depreciated
- Add the use of cert-sync to update the mono certificate trust store

- Deploy Duplicati

Duplicati asustor NAS App