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App Central


About This App

domoticz asustor NAS App


  • Send Feedback
  • Developer: Domoticz team
  • Maintainer: father_mande
  • Version: 2020.2.1
  • Category: Home Automation
  • Size: 153.83MB
  • Support model: AS6, AS70, AS50, AS51, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS67, AS54, AS68, FS67
  • Last Update: 2020-07-08



More Information:

What's new in this version?

Domoticz 3.5837 (or a little more (github)

Include OpenZwave libs and MinOZW tool
Include Tellstick support

Update from Forum version available (but in all case, please save your configuration)

Domoticz 2020
... totally rewrite ... use Ubuntu 2004 (focal) for environment
... auto update of Ubuntu include (security and libs)
... auto update of domoticz work as well
... update from previous version is OK but require to read forum