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About This App

droidmote asustor NAS App


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  • Developer: videomap
  • Maintainer: father_mande
  • Version: 3.0.2
  • Category: Utility
  • Size: 34.62KB
  • Support model: AS6, AS70, AS50, AS51, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS67, AS54, AS68, FS67
  • Last Update: 2017-05-11


Droidmote can be used for keyboard and mouse control for following ASUSTOR apps:

hx-engine (Desktop_Engine)
PlexMediaPlayer and OpenPHT (even working in keyboard approach)

Default password: 'asusfr1' and port: 2302. (Needed to input password and port in Mobile Client App).

Instruction: http://forum.asustor.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=7779&p=24469&hilit=droidmote#p24469

Note: the droidmote client and the NAS must be in the same local network.

What's new in this version?

... Name resolution when you search active servers in Lan

3.0.0 ... update
... First attmpt to support distro without X11
... Added some buttons functionalities
... improved multi touch scroll with two fingers

2.1.1 first for asustor