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About This App

script_server asustor NAS App


  • Send Feedback
  • Developer: Iaroslav Shepilov
  • Maintainer: father_mande
  • Version:
  • Category: Utility
  • Size: 3.62MB
  • Support model: AS70, AS50, AS51, AS10, AS61, AS62, AS31, AS32, AS63, AS64, AS40, AS52, AS53, AS65, AS71, AS66, AS11, AS33, AS67, AS54, AS11TL, AS33v2, AS68, FS67
  • Last Update: 2023-05-05


Script-server APKG : https://forum.asustor.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11667#p38149
Script-server is a Web UI for scripts.
As an administrator (script_admin password asusfr1), you add your existing scripts into Script server and other users would be able to execute them via a web interface. The UI is very straightforward and can be used by non-tech people.
No script modifications are needed - you configure each script in Script server and it creates the corresponding UI with parameters and takes care of validation, execution, etc.

What's new in this version?
... update engine to git f0fc7cf
... add Keycloak OpenID Auth
... add UI separator (so parameters are presented as a form define by you)
... solve bugs (include some when Python is 3.7 (ADM version)
... add interactive (stdin) parameters (from script-server not from bash, Python, etc. language
... update of engine with 2 major news and solved bug
... possibility to add splash screen under menu of a script before running it
... Now sub menu in runners (so more clear to manage script by usage or target)
... rebuild of python virtual env ... in case of update of Python 3 (ex. 3.10)
... ... Python virtual env. is created at install but can be easily rebuild using a simple command (rebuild_venv) BUT this is very rare just now for Python 3.10 update
... add a force restart to scriptserver in case of changing password (need to avoid change done but not reflected in Web)
... add themes (mine) and sample (also themes) from dev.

... change install procedure, python3 virtualenv is now dynamicaly created during APKG install phase.
... ADD python ldap and bcrypt modules for complete authentication methods possible, read the wiki in script-server Github
... solve if link are broken in runners (scripts folder)
... Ready to use WebUIforXXXX APKG generated from public Github https://github.com/father-mande/WebUIfor_APKG
... solve minor bugs.
... update keep your settings

... solve bug when intoduce tar gz scripts
... Add lot of control to have a better view of integration tar gz error
... Add temporary workaround do htpasswd not working in ADM 4.x on Armv7l NAS series.
... solve a (stupid) bug in user management
... don't stay in
... integrate last commit from scriptserver github
... update script for bug with ADM 4 (htpasswd PATH)
... ONLY for ADM 4.x

... integrate commit up to end of March
... add HTML and HTML-Iframe output
... add editable_list type
... fixed bugs
... initial release
... admin is : script_admin with password : asusfr1
... detail : https://forum.asustor.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=11684